Top Items:
The Note:
Obama Won't Personally Sign Patriot Act Extension — ABC News' Matthew Jaffe (@jaffematt) and Devin Dwyer (@devindwyer) report: Congress officially passed an extension of the Patriot Act tonight, just hours before key provisions of the national security law were due to lapse at midnight.
Michael D. Shear / The Caucus:
Obama Uses Autopen to Sign Patriot Act Extension Remotely
Obama Uses Autopen to Sign Patriot Act Extension Remotely
Cato @ Liberty, New York Times, Gawker and Danger Room
Daniel Strauss / The Hill:
Rep. Graves questions Obama's autopen signing of Patriot Act extension
Rep. Graves questions Obama's autopen signing of Patriot Act extension
Weasel Zippers
The Hill:
McConnell: Saying Medicare is off the table is ‘silly talk’ and ‘nonsense’ — Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Friday that Medicare reform must be part of an agreement to raise the debt ceiling, despite indications that changing the entitlement will be politically unpopular.
The Politico, The Note and FrumForum
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Medicare and Mediscares — Yes, Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, is a sore loser. Why do you ask? — To be sure, Mr. Ryan had reason to be upset after Tuesday's special election in New York's 26th Congressional District. It's a very conservative district …
Discussion:, The Confluence, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Prairie Weather and Washington Monthly
David Brooks / New York Times:
Medicare Survival Guide — Sometime this summer, the Democrats and the Republicans will go toe-to-toe over whether to raise the debt ceiling. At the height of the confrontation, President Obama may well address the country and say that even though he has offered the Republicans …
Washington Monthly, The New Republic, No More Mister Nice Blog and
Jason Embry / Austin American-Statesman:
Perry says he will consider White House run — Gov. Rick Perry today gave his strongest indication yet that he may run for president. — “I'm going to think about it” after the legislative session ends Monday, Perry said. — For years, Perry has said that he would not run for president and that he had no interest.
CNN, The Politico, Ben Smith's Blog, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media, Wake up America, Hot Air, Big Government, Swampland and The Gateway Pundit
Daniel Strauss / Ballot Box:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he's considering a run for the White House
Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he's considering a run for the White House
Weasel Zippers
Wayne Slater / Trail Blazers Blog:
Rick Perry says he will “think about” running for president
Rick Perry says he will “think about” running for president
Gschwarzcnn / CNN:
CNN Poll: GOP 2012 field still up in the air — Washington (CNN) - Call it a sign of how unsettled the GOP presidential field remains: Two of the three people at the top of new national poll in the battle for the Republican nomination may not even run for the White House.
GOP 12, Taegan Goddard's …, FrumForum, No More Mister Nice Blog, Mediaite and Outside the Beltway
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Palin creates buzz but rivals bet she won't run — Chief Political Correspondent Follow Him @ByronYork — “The bottom line is Sarah Palin is not going to run for president,” says a Republican adviser close to front-runner Mitt Romney. “She's making money, she's moved on, she's kind of an entertainer rather than a politician.
Conservatives4Palin, Althouse, The Note, The Daily Caller and Pundit & Pundette
Jeff Zeleny / New York Times:
State of Uncertainty for Romney Camp as It Looks to Iowa
State of Uncertainty for Romney Camp as It Looks to Iowa
The Politico,, Iowa Caucuses, USA Today, CNN, Daily Kos, TPMDC and Washington Post

McConnell: I Won't Agree To Raise The Debt Limit Without Medicare Cuts — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says substantial Medicare cuts must be part of a spending and deficit cut package to get his support to raise the debt limit. — In a Capitol briefing with reporters Friday …
Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story and Balloon Juice
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
McConnell puts Medicare in the ransom note — The Republican debt-ceiling strategy hasn't been subtle: GOP officials are threatening to cause a recession, on purpose, unless Democrats give them the spending cuts they want. It's Hostage Taking 101. — The trick has been identifying the ransom.
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
A swing and a miss from Boehner on Medicare
A swing and a miss from Boehner on Medicare
Daily Kos, Political Correction RSS and Balloon Juice
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Exclusive: Interview with House Speaker John Boehner (Part 1)
Exclusive: Interview with House Speaker John Boehner (Part 1)
ThinkProgress, Washington Examiner, Booman Tribune and Wall Street Journal
Kenneth P. Vogel / The Politico:
Judge strikes down corporate donations ban — A federal court in Alexandria, Va. on Thursday struck down a federal ban on corporate campaign contributions, in a case with potentially dramatic ramifications for a campaign finance regulatory system under siege by legal and regulatory attacks.
Aaron Gould Sheinin / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Federal judge strikes down ban on corporate giving to candidates
Federal judge strikes down ban on corporate giving to candidates
Outside the Beltway
Stogie / Saberpoint:
Soquel High School Students Suspended for Wearing White T Shirts (They're Signs of “White Supremacy") — Soquel, California — on the Central Coast: — Several high school seniors wore white t shirts to their class's group picture last Wednesday and were suspended for doing so.
Five Feet of Fury
Azenith Smith /
Soquel Students Suspended for White Supremacy Claims
Soquel Students Suspended for White Supremacy Claims
Moonbattery and The Daily Caller

Bachmann's Debacle — “This is a disaster,” said one prominent Polk County Republican. An elected official called it “an embarrassment”. The embarrassing disaster was the result of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann's last minute cancellation of her appearance at the Polk County GOP's Robb Kelley Dinner.
Taegan Goddard's …
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
When a party declares intellectual bankruptcy — The good news is, House Republicans unveiled a plan yesterday that's intended to create jobs. The bad news is, the plan can charitably be described as a bad joke. — As we discussed yesterday, the jobs agenda, such as it is …
Balloon Juice, Mother Jones, Daily Kos and Wall Street Journal
Charles Krauthammer / Washington Post:
What Obama did to Israel — Every Arab-Israeli negotiation contains a fundamental asymmetry: Israel gives up land, which is tangible; the Arabs make promises, which are ephemeral. The long-standing American solution has been to nonetheless urge Israel to take risks for peace …
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Pawlenty was ‘open to’ mandate, a ‘worthy goal,’ in '06 speech — Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty said in a 2006 speech that mandated health insurance was a “potentially helpful” — but incomplete — solution to the problem of the uninsured. — Pawlenty described a Massachusetts-style mandate …
GOP 12 and The New Republic

Tyler Cowen, America's Hottest Economist — The George Mason University professor has written a bestseller, The Great Stagnation, keeps an influential blog, and reads way too many books — Tyler Cowen sits with a cranberry juice and a pile of books he no longer intends to read.
Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway and The Moderate Voice

Tim Pawlenty's Doing It Wrong — Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty continues to be the paper candidate who just can't catch fire. This is often attributed to him being “boring” but Allen McDuffie's reporting on the reaction to his big speech at the libertarian Cato Institute makes …
Washington Post, Grasping Reality … and Cato @ Liberty
Aharding / CNN:
Pawlenty spins low poll numbers
Pawlenty spins low poll numbers
The Moderate Voice, The Other McCain and The Last Tradition
Associated Press:
Herman Cain: Federal Reserve Chairman, Tea Party Champion — The businessman's tenure with the Kansas City Fed should make for interesting debates with anti-Fed stalwart Ron Paul — There's no question that Herman Cain is the big winner in the the latest national Gallup poll …
AmSpecBlog, The Atlantic Online and Outside the Beltway

America's Forgotten Liberal — JANUARY was the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth, and the planet nearly stopped turning on its axis to recognize the occasion. Today is the 100th anniversary of Hubert H. Humphrey's birth, and no one besides me seems to have noticed.
Hullabaloo and Daily Kos
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Questions about Ratko Mladic — The individual whom The New York Times describes as Europe's “most wanted war crimes suspect” was captured yesterday in Serbia and will likely be extradited to be tried before an international war crimes tribunal at the Hague: … I have two questions about this:
Unqualified Offerings, FP Passport, The Lede and Global Public Square
Ed Treleven /
Marshfield man charged with coming to Madison to kill abortion provider — IMAGE (2) — The Marshfield man who drove to Madison to kill an abortion doctor will appear in federal court Friday around 10:30 a.m. — Ralph Lang, 63, faces federal charges after he was arrested Wednesday night …
Shakesville, Pharyngula, Feministing and Althouse