Top Items:

CASE CLOSED! CONGRESSMAN WEINER WAS FRAMED! (An important update to “The Weiner affair: Close to solution (but I need your help!)” — Readers — please pass along the information here, including the all-important update. In that update, you'll find that we have made an important breakthrough.

MSNBC is about to come out with what appears to be a terrific interview. Luke Russert was just asking Rep. Anthony Weiner questions about his controversial Tweet, and Weiner appears to actually be answering. Unfortunately, the live feed kept going out — so we will have to wait for MSNBC to air the full video in a bit.

Rep. Anthony Weiner 'can't say with certitude' photo isn't him — Rep. Anthony Weiner says he “can't say with certitude” that the lewd photo of a man's crotch sent using his Twitter account to one of his followers isn't of him. — “I didn't send that picture out,” Weiner said in an interview with NBC News.

Weiner 'can't say with certitude' that lewd photo isn't of him — UPDATED AT 4:30 PM ET WITH A REPORT FROM ANOTHER WEINER PRESS CONFERENCE. Weiner attempts a joke, saying he regrets being a little “stiff” with reporters yesterday. — From NBC's Luke Russert and Carrie Dann
Washington Post, The Daily Caller, Associated Press, Maggie's Notebook and Towleroad News #gay

Weiner's tweet-hearts — By S.A. MILLER in Washington and PERRY CHIARAMONTE AND CHUCK BENNETT in NY — It takes a certain type of woman to set his heart a-Twitter. — Rep. Anthony Weiner follows only a select 198 of his nearly 49,000 Twitter fans — and a surprising number of them are total babes.
Don Surber, The Other McCain, Fox News, Weasel Zippers, POWIP, New York Times, American Power, NY Daily News, JammieWearingFool, Fox Nation and Althouse

Revealed: The glamorous Twitter girls followed by Congressman Weiner as he denies sending lewd picture — The New York Congressman under fire for allegedly sending a crotch picture to a female student faced fresh controversy today after it emerged he follows a string of glamorous women on Twitter.
The Politico, New York Post and The Political Commentator

WeinerGate: What do Reporters Think? — And the Weiner saga continues.
Pajamas Media and Mediaite

Spinning Weiner: “I can't say with certitude” …
GayPatriot and Founding Bloggers

Oh, My: In NBC Interview, Weiner Won't Deny Authenticity of Lewd Photo UPDATE: Interview Video Added

'I can't say with certitude if it's my crotch': But Congressman Weiner DENIES sending lewd photo …
Discussion:, Taylor Marsh and Pajamas Media

Anthony Weiner “Can't Say With Certitude” Whether Picture Is His
Pajamas Media

Weiner: “Can't say with certitude” that photo wasn't of him
Power Line and Bookworm Room

CNN Poll: Majority gives thumbs down to Ryan plan — Washington (CNN) - A new national poll indicates that a majority of Americans don't like what they've heard so far about congressional Republicans' plans to change Medicare. — According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey …

Wasserman Schultz's bogus claim that the GOP Medicare plan will ‘throw you to the wolves’
Weasel Zippers,, Hot Air and Cato @ Liberty

Paul Ryan: ‘Obamacare Ends Medicare As We Know It’
Crooks and Liars, Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Know Your Care, Washington Post and Democracy in America

‘Paul’ and ‘Barack’ talk Medicare
Washington Monthly, Swampland, ThinkProgress, The New Republic and Hullabaloo

CNN poll: GOP losing the argument over Medicare
The Gavel, TPMDC, Balloon Juice, Daily Kos and Hullabaloo

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, says he won't be ‘lectured to’ by Obama — A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama. — “I have respectfully declined the president's invitation to the White House today …

Obama talks about lower taxes than Reagan; GOP members roll their eyes — Republicans attending a White House meeting on Wednesday didn't take kindly to President Obama telling them tax rates were higher during the Reagan administration. — GOP members engaged in a lot of “eye-rolling,” …
ThinkProgress, Associated Press, Washington Monthly, The Gateway Pundit and Prairie Weather

A “Frosty” and “Frank” Meeting Between President Obama and House GOP — As the dozens of members of the House Republican Conference left the White House where they'd spoken with President Obama about the deficit and job creation, Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., had a one-word review of the mood in the meeting.
The Note and Weasel Zippers

Glass Ceiling — Why Obama can't assume Republicans will ever …
PERRspectives, The Politico, The Daily Dish, The Nation, Booman Tribune, The Moderate Voice and

Romney leads in Iowa, Cain surging — Mitt Romney has the lead in PPP's first Iowa poll since Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump exited the race, but with six different candidates polling in double digits it's clear this thing is wide open. — Romney polls at 21%. Sarah Palin and Herman Cain are tied for second at 15%.
Outside the Beltway, Top of the Ticket, National Review, Swampland, Towleroad News #gay, Mediaite, Eunomia, Iowa Caucuses,, GOP 12 and Pajamas Media

Minnesota Miscellaneous
Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times and The Political Carnival

Palin meets with Fox News officials — New York (CNN) - Sarah Palin met with officials at Fox News in midtown Manhattan for over an hour on Wednesday. — After checking out of her Jersey City hotel earlier in the day for the fourth day of her “One Nation” bus tour, Palin told a gaggle …

Gov. Christie arrives at son's high school baseball game in State Police helicopter — TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie arrived at his son's baseball game this afternoon aboard a State Police helicopter. — Right before the lineup cards were being exchanged on the field …
Metropolis, Associated Press, Crooks and Liars, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice,, Ben Smith's Blog, Iowa Caucuses, The Political Carnival, Mediaite, The Blaze, Firedoglake, Indecision Forever, The Raw Story, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, No More Mister Nice Blog, AmSpecBlog, City Room, Salon, TBogg, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, Wonkette, The Note and

APNewsBreak: HHS rejects Indiana Medicaid plan — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Health and Human Services Department is telling the state of Indiana that its Medicaid plan, which bans funding to Planned Parenthood, is illegal and must be changed. — In a letter sent to Indiana's Medicaid director …
ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, TPMDC, Feministing and The Washington Independent

Wall Street Baffled by Slowing Economy, Low Yields: Trader — Wall Street is having a hard time figuring out what to do now that the U.S. economy appears to be sputtering and yields are so low, Peter Yastrow, market strategist for Yastrow Origer, told CNBC.

A Venture Capitalist Makes The Case Against Software Patents — Here's a great little post from venture capitalist Fred Wilson venting his rage at America's growing empire of software patents. Key sentence: “these ‘developers in a garage’ can't afford lawyers to represent themselves in a fight with a patent troll.”

From New York Democrats, ‘schadenfreude’ — Anthony Weiner, who spent most of his career as a media-friendly center-right (by local standards) outer borough Democrat in the Chuck Schumer model, rocketed to national attention in the health care debate with a daring, if fruitless, gambit in support of single-payer health care.
Pajamas Media, Hotline On Call and New York Magazine

Some Immigrants Turn to Tea Party — Lolita Mancheno-Smoak, an immigrant from Ecuador who once dreamed of becoming her country's president, has found an unlikely home in the tea party movement. — When she launched her campaign for county school board last week at Brion's Grille in Fairfax …
Left Coast Rebel

Matt Drudge's disgusting race war awareness campaign — Matt Drudge's non-political obsessions used to be harmless things like “extreme weather” and “pictures of Olympic wrestlers.” Since the election of Barack Obama, though, Drudge — the proto-blogger and reclusive creator of the noted Courier …
Confederate Yankee,, The Jawa Report and Gawker

Sen. DeMint mulls White House bid — Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) says he is considering running for president after frustrated conservative activists have pleaded with him to run. — DeMint told The Hill that he has discussed a White House bid with his wife and will pray on the question …
New York Times, Washington Post, A plain blog about politics, GOP 12, Maggie's Notebook, Randy's Roundtable, Salon, CNN, TPMDC, Mother Jones, Barefoot and Progressive, Weasel Zippers, Adrienne's Corner, p m carpenter's commentary,, The New Republic, New York Magazine, The Daily Caller and The Note

150 Economists Back US Republicans in Debt Fight — More than 150 economists back U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner's call to match any increase in the debt limit with spending cuts of equal size, according to a letter released by the Republican leader's office Wednesday.
Don Surber

Kapanke hopes public employees “are sleeping” during recall vote — By Daniel Bice of the Journal Sentinel — State Sen. Dan Kapanke, a Republican facing a possible recall election, says he's got one huge obstacle that he must overcome to keep his seat. — All the government workers in his district.
The Political Carnival, Taegan Goddard's … and TPMDC