Top Items:

Weiner Faces Calls to Resign and Tries to Make Amends — Representative Anthony D. Weiner of New York, reeling from revelations of salacious online behavior that threaten his political career, moved rapidly on Tuesday to make amends as Republicans called for his resignation and leading members …

A Private Life, Tested — Friends Say Wife Will Stand by Weiner — She is married to one of the most bombastic, sociable and now scandal-tarred politicians in the country. But Huma Abedin is an intensely private person whose quiet commitment to her husband, Rep. Anthony Weiner …
City Room and Patterico's Pontifications

Anthony Weiner, wronged man? Not quite. — I've been a bit amazed at the post-bizzaro press conference insistence by some on the left that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) is a wronged man. Ezra Klein via Twitter professes to be puzzled how this can be a big deal. Richard Cohen writes:
GayPatriot, Datechguy's Blog, Fox Nation and Don Surber

Recap: The Most Ridiculous Leftist Defenses of Anthony Weiner
AMERICAblog News, Pajamas Media, National Review, Weasel Zippers, BuzzMachine, The Daily Caller and The Politico

Reid to Weiner: ‘Call somebody else’
Washington Post, The Note and Wall Street Journal

Democratic leaders ostracize Weiner
Salon, This Just In, Hot Air and The Other McCain

Stars collide: Michele Bachmann vs. Sarah Palin — Michelle Bachmann's top aide dismissed Sarah Palin as — Rep. Michele Bachmann's prospective 2012 campaign appears increasingly set on a collision course with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. — The coming confrontation is being driven …
The Note, GOP 12, The Daily Caller and Ben Smith's Blog

Congressman Launches Inquiry into Cost of Sarah Palin's Tour
Top of the Ticket

Dem asks Park Service about Sarah Palin treatment
Fox Nation and Conservatives4Palin

Top Bachmann aide goes after Palin for not being ‘serious’
MoJo Articles,, MN Progressive Project, CNN, The Daily Caller, Hot Air and Washington Wire

The Light Bulb Police — Americans deserve their choice of illumination. — On January 1, 2012, seven months from this week, Washington will effectively ban the sale of conventional 100 watt incandescent light bulbs that Americans have used nearly since the days of Thomas Edison.
Questions and Observations, Betsy's Page, The Lonely Conservative and Blog

Therapy to change ‘feminine’ boy created a troubled man, family says — Editor's note: Tonight at 10 ET on CNN TV, “AC360º” examines a shocking “experimental therapy” designed to make feminine boys more masculine. See what one family says was the devastating result in a special report, “The Sissy Boy Experiment.”
Little Green Footballs, Box Turtle Bulletin and Towleroad News #gay

What Are Little Boys Made Of? — An original BTB Investigation.
ThinkProgress, Pam's House Blend and Towleroad News #gay

Abortion Billboard Could Land New Mexico Ex-Boyfriend in Jail — A New Mexico man said today he will fight to keep up a controversial billboard that suggested his ex-girlfriend had an abortion. — The billboard has a photo ofGreg Fultz holding the outline of a baby with a playground in the background.
TIME Healthland, The Volokh Conspiracy and HotAirPundit

In Wisconsin, Legislative Urgency as Recall Threat Looms — MADISON, Wis. — The gears of government tend to grind slowly. But in Wisconsin lately they are racing at turbocharged speed. — In just the last few weeks, Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, has signed legislation to require voters …
Prairie Weather

Rep. Weiner's Cyber Sex Chat With Las Vegas Mistress — Word For Word — It's the full monty. — is publishing for the first time the entire transcript of disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner's nine-month cyber sex relationship with a 40-year-old Las Vegas blackjack dealer. — Word for word.

Revisiting Unemployment Predictions — Back in January 2009, Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein produced a report estimating future unemployment rates with and without a stimulus plan. Their estimates, which were widely circulated, projected that unemployment would approach 9% without a stimulus …

The Economy Is Worse Than You Think — Expect more bad news until someone enacts a plan to bring deficits under control without raising taxes. — The policies of the Obama administration have led to the weak condition of the American economy. Growth during the coming year will be subpar at best …
New York Times, BizzyBlog and American Power

The Earth Is Full — You really do have to wonder whether a few years from now we'll look back at the first decade of the 21st century — when food prices spiked, energy prices soared, world population surged, tornados plowed through cities, floods and droughts set records …
National Review

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms — It may not come as surprising news to many of you that the United Nations doesn't approve of our Second Amendment. Not one bit. And they very much hope to do something about it with help from some powerful American friends.
UrbanGrounds and Weasel Zippers

ANALYSIS: Pawlenty's Tax Plan Would Cost $7.8 Trillion Over Ten Years, Triple The Size Of Bush Tax Cuts — Our guest blogger is Michael Linden, Director of Tax and Budget Policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. — Earlier today, presidential candidate and former governor Tim Pawlenty …
The Reaction, The Mahablog and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts
The BRAD BLOG, Daily Kos and PERRspectives

Afghan nation-building programs not sustainable, report says — The hugely expensive U.S. attempt at nation-building in Afghanistan has had only limited success and may not survive an American withdrawal, according to the findings of a two-year congressional investigation to be released Wednesday.
The Foundry and Prairie Weather

Only 24% Say They Share Obama's Political Views — Most voters still believe President Obama is more liberal than they are, while just one-out-of-four say they share the same ideological views as the president. — The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 54% …
Weasel Zippers

Polls Find Huntsman Unacceptable to Many in Republican Base — I frequently cite the political futures market Intrade, where people can place bets on everything ranging from the likelihood that Charlie Sheen will get arrested to the identity of the next president.
Balloon Juice

Psychic's Liberty County mass grave tip misses mark — HULL — A pair of phone calls from a self-professed psychic about a mass grave in the middle of Liberty County led authorities on a wild goose chase Tuesday that ultimately netted nothing but frustration and a lot of needlessly burned gasoline.

EXCLUSIVE: Herman Cain Pledges Not To Sign Any Bill Longer Than Three Pages — ThinkProgress filed this report from the Family Leader Presidential Lecture Series in Pella, Iowa. — GOP presidential contender and former pizza executive Herman Cain roused conservative audience members yesterday at his appearance in Pella, Iowa.

Atlanta court becomes health care battleground — In a key test of President Barack Obama's health care law, the federal appeals court in Atlanta today will hear arguments on whether the government can require Americans to buy health insurance. — The cornerstone of the law …
Law Blog, aca litigation blog and ABCNEWS

U.S. Senators Introduce 6-Month Delay of Debit ‘Swipe’ Rules — A Federal Reserve rule capping debit- card “swipe” fees set by Visa Inc. (V) and MasterCard Inc. (MA) would be delayed at least six months under a plan introduced in the U.S. Senate. — Senators began considering language today …
The Foundry