Top Items:

Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant — Their marriage has become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny amid an embarrassing online sex scandal. — Now, Representative Anthony D. Weiner and Huma Abedin are about to make news of a different kind: they are expecting their first child.
The Politico, USA Today, The Nation, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, WJLA-TV, YID With LID, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers,, Mediaite, Patterico's Pontifications, Gawker, The Raw Story, Runnin' Scared, Shakesville, Associated Press, National Review, New York Magazine, Lynn Sweet, American Power, NRSC, Capital Tonight and Gothamist

Anthony Weiner's Cock Shot Emerges — Nobody really expected the week to end without Anthony Weiner's penis splashed all over the internet. And here it is: Andrew Breitbart showed a couple of radio DJs a picture of what is likely Anthony Weiner's dick, then they leaked it on Twitter.
The Note, Weigel, The Other McCain, Taylor Marsh, The Raw Story, REPUBLICAN REDEFINED, The Nation, Weasel Zippers, Gothamist, FishbowlDC, TPMDC and American Power

It's Out: Purported X-Rated Weiner Photo on Internet — It only took two days. — After Andrew Breitbart, publisher of the conservative and other sites, claimed Monday he had an X-rated photo of Rep. Anthony Weiner, the purported image has surfaced on the Internet.

Dems start bailing on Weiner — The dam is breaking on Rep. Anthony Weiner as he battles to save his career from a sex scandal made for the Internet age. — Several prominent Democratic officials, including two former chairmen of the Democratic National Committee, have called on him to resign from the House.

Statement on Opie & Anthony's Illicit Capture and Release of Photograph — Earlier today, a photograph resembling one that I had withheld from publication in the Weinergate saga was released without my knowledge or permission. — Prior to the publication of our story on …
Little Green Footballs, Mediaite, The Reid Report, The Jawa Report, The Daily Beast and Doug Ross

Anthony Weiner's Ex: He Lied to Me — THE DAILY BEAST ON: — Anthony Weiner's former girlfriend, Kirsten Powers, defended him on TV to millions of people after he insisted to her that he didn't send lewd photos on Twitter. Now she takes him to task for his rampant misogyny—and says he must resign immediately.
Althouse, Mediaite, Fox Nation, The Daily Beast, Datechguy's Blog, CNN and The Daily Caller

Final Weiner pic leaks onto the Internet; Update: DCCC official calls for Weiner's resignation
The Atlantic Wire, Pajamas Media and Althouse

Purported X-rated Weiner image released
Little Green Footballs and No More Mister Nice Blog

Weiner Faces Calls to Resign and Tries to Make Amends
ABCNEWS, CNN, Politisite, The Politico, Reuters, The Daily Caller, Washington Post, Marist Poll, The Note, New York Magazine, JammieWearingFool, Outside the Beltway, JustOneMinute, Capital Tonight, Taylor Marsh, Scared Monkeys, The Other McCain, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Beast and The BLT

It Gets Worse: Opie And Anthony Post Alleged Raw Picture Of Weiner's Penis
CBS New York and Runnin' Scared

A Private Life, Tested
New York Post, New York Times, ABCNEWS, Patterico's Pontifications, The Politico, New York Magazine, The Moderate Voice and City Room

If scandal doesn't get Weiner, New York legislators might

Anthony Weiner explained self to Bill Clinton
CNN, Weasel Zippers, The Reid Report and Indecision Forever

Education officials break down Stockton man's door — “I look out of my window and I see 15 police officers,” Wright said. — Wright came downstairs in his boxer shorts as a S.W.A.T team barged through his front door. Wright said an officer grabbed him by the neck and led him outside on his front lawn.

No Really: SWAT Team Raids House at 6 AM and Handcuffs Father of Three Young Kids to Execute a Dept. of Education Search Warrant for Estranged Wife's Defaulted Student Loans — I know Mike Riggs just mentioned it in the morning links, but if this story isn't a wake-up call about the militarization …
American Times and Above the Law

Dept. of Education SWAT Raid Update: Not for a Student Loan, DoE Says — Just received an e-mail from Department of Education Deputy Press Secretary Daren Briscoe in regards to this morning's news that a SWAT team was sent to execute a warrant on the estranged husband of a student-loan defaulter.
ABA Journal Daily News

Palin chief blasts Rollins, expects ‘retraction’ — Sarah Palin's chief of staff blasted Michele Bachmann strategist Ed Rollins today after Rollins criticized the former Alaska governor and suggested to POLITICO that his candidate would benefit by comparison to her
Hot Air, Firedoglake, Weigel, Top of the Ticket, The Page, The Note, Daily Kos and The Daily Dish

Bachmann adviser: ‘My misstep’ on Palin — Michele Bachmann adviser Ed Rollins' response to the sharp criticisms from Sarah Palin's world just now was to “let it go.” — But he didn't go quietly, telling me, “I haven't lived in Washington D.C. in 15 years, and I've been taken to the woodshed by the big boys.”
National Review, CNN, Pajamas Media, Washington Post, Swampland, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Little Green Footballs

Stars collide: Michele Bachmann vs. Sarah Palin — Michelle Bachmann's top aide dismissed Sarah Palin as — Rep. Michele Bachmann's prospective 2012 campaign appears increasingly set on a collision course with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. — The coming confrontation is being driven …
CNN, MoJo Articles, Washington Post, Mediaite,, Guardian, TPMDC, The Political Carnival, Salon, USA Today, Lisa Graas, The Note, The Daily Caller, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Magazine and Daily Kos

Rudy's Running — I'm told by two reliable sources that Rudy Giuliani intends to run for the GOP nomination for president in 2012. He may throw his hat in the ring soon. — Rudy's theory of the race: In the fall of 2007, he decided he couldn't compete with both Mitt Romney and John McCain …
GOP 12, ThinkProgress, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media and New York Magazine

Judges sharply challenge healthcare law — Skeptical questions from three federal judges in Atlanta suggest they may be ready to declare unconstitutional all or part of the healthcare law promoted by the Obama administration and passed last year by Congress.

Baldwin sees Weiner's implosion as opportunity for him in 2013 — Alec Baldwin is mulling a run for mayor of New York City now that kinky Congressman Anthony Weiner appears to have sexted himself out of the 2013 race. — The “30 Rock” star, who has long talked about running for political office …

Military Travel: Baggage Policies & Our Thoughts — Update: — Thank you to everyone who has participated in the recent conversations on baggage allowances for active duty U.S. military personnel. We appreciate all of your thoughts and insight, and want to share an update on the soldiers involved …

Senate Rejects Delay of Debit Card Swipe Fee Rules — In a highly anticipated vote, the Senate rejected by 54 to 45 an amendment from Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Bob Corker, R-Tenn., on Wednesday that would have delayed a swipe fee regulation from Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.
The Hill, Sunlight Foundation Blog and Oliver Willis

Debit Card ‘Swipe’ Fee Debate Gets a Vote Today
The Politico, CNN and Deal Journal

Asked If Homosexuality Is A Sin, Mitt Romney Responds, ‘Nice Try’ — GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a veritable library of flip-flops. As such, it is not his positions but the fact that he has reversed on so many that is quickly defining his campaign.
CNN,, Lisa Graas, Washington Wire, Good As You and EnviroKnow

A Twitter Group Warned About Weiner — Three months before Representative Anthony D. Weiner sent a photo from his Twitter account to a 21-year-old Washington State college student named Gennette Cordova, a small group of determined, self-described conservatives were warning young women on Twitter …
Pajamas Media, Wonkette and Althouse

Billionaire Israeli donor: Obama is not anti-Israel — When billionaire Israeli American Haim Saban, one of the DNC's top contributors, was recently reported to have vowed not to give money to Obama's reelection campaign over his Israel stance, conservatives pounced.
ThinkProgress, The Debate Link and Ben Smith's Blog

CNN Poll: Obama approval rating drops as fears of depression rise — (CNN) - President Barack Obama's overall approval rating has dropped below 50 percent as a growing number of Americans worry that the U.S. is likely to slip into another Great Depression within the next 12 months, according to a new national poll.
Washington Post, Taegan Goddard's …, Outside the Beltway, Don Surber, Hot Air and Weigel

Why Do Lefties Hate Tax Cuts on the Rich? — Reading Tim Pawlenty's paean to double plus supply-side-ism yesterday made me wonder, once again, why conservatives think we liberals are opposed to it. I mean, if it actually worked, why would we be? It's politically popular …
ThinkProgress, Washington Monthly and The New Republic

The Obamacare Lawsuit: From the Courtroom in Atlanta — ATLANTA — In the most important appeal of the Obamacare constitutional saga, today was the best day yet for individual freedom. The government's lawyer, Neal Katyal, spent most of the hearing on the ropes, with the judicial panel extremely cautious …