Top Items:

Round One in Appeals of Health Care Law Goes to Obama — The Obama administration on Wednesday prevailed in the first appellate review of the 2010 health care law as a three-judge panel from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that it was constitutional for Congress …

BREAKING: 6th Circuit Upholds Constitutionality of Affordable Care Act — The majority writes: “We find that the minimum coverage provision is a valid exercise of legislative power by Congress under the Commerce Clause and therefore AFFIRM the decision of the district court.” Key passage:
Poliglot, The Moderate Voice, Feministing, Daily Kos and The Debate Link

Sixth Circuit upholds ObamaCare mandate
The Volokh Conspiracy, The Lonely Conservative, and Pajamas Media

Sixth Circuit Breaks Partisan Streak On ACA Rulings
Crooks and Liars, Democracy in America, TPMDC and Washington Monthly

George W. Bush-Appointed States' Rights Crusader Rejects Lawsuit Challenging Affordable Care Act
New York Magazine and Washington Monthly

Obama: It's Kids Versus Corporate Jets on Debt-Ceiling Talks — President Obama speaks during a press conference in the East Room of the White House on June 29, 2011. — Kids versus corporate jets. — If President Obama's news conference accomplished anything on Wednesday afternoon …
The Atlantic Online, RedState and The Lonely Conservative

Obama: Republican Leaders Must Bend on Taxes
Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Politico, TPMDC, The Nation, The Page, Daily Kos and Connecting.the.Dots

Senate Democrats fault Obama for not using presidential bully pulpit
The Note, The Politico, The Moderate Voice, Firedoglake and

How you know the negotiations have truly failed — (SHAWN THEW VIA BLOOMBERG) The best advice I've gotten for assessing the debt-ceiling negotiations was to “watch for the day when the White House goes public.” As long as the Obama administration was refusing to attack Republicans publicly …
A plain blog about politics

Obama picks fight with GOP over tax cuts for the rich — The primary goal of President Obama's presser, which just wrapped up, was obvious: He was clearly out to pick a major public fight with Republicans over tax cuts for the rich. Obama mounted a surprisingly aggressive moral case …
Discussion: US Liberal Politics, Washington Monthly and The Page

Lennon was a closet Republican: Assistant — John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant. — Fred Seaman worked alongside the music legend from 1979 …

Bachmann's Husband Calls Homosexuals ‘Barbarians’ Who ‘Need To Be Educated’ And ‘Disciplined’ — When trying to figure out where presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) gets her stringent, anti-gay views, you only have to look as far as her husband.
Gawker, TPMDC, The Raw Story and Slog

TRENDING: Bachmann: Media wants a ‘mud wrestling fight’ with Palin — Daniel Island, South Carolina (CNN) - Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann claimed Wednesday that the media is rooting for a catfight between her and Sarah Palin. — “They want to see two girls come together …
The Politico

Texas lukewarm on Perry bid — A potential Rick Perry Presidential bid has been getting oodles of attention in the last few weeks. There's one place where voters aren't real into the possibility though- Texas. Only 33% of voters in the state think he should make a bid for the White House compared to 59% opposed to him running.
Hot Air, Pajamas Media, GOP 12 and The Raw Story

Poll: Gov. Perry top pick for GOP nominee among Tea Party
The Caucus, Weasel Zippers, Prairie Weather, FrumForum and Connecting.the.Dots

Has Bachmann Met Her Waterloo? … Like This Story — Follow Slate's Fighting Words … - Do Gay Bars Make a Lot of Money? - Extremely Witty Poems by a Poet Who Was Sure He Was Going to Hell- Shafer: Why Patch and Other Hyperlocal Journalism Is a Complete Waste …
National Review

Michelle Bachmann Supporters Alter Wikipedia To Make John Quincy Adams A Founding Father
Crooks and Liars, Outside the Beltway, and ThinkProgress

Sarah Palin Blasts Hollywood Stars as ‘Full of Hate’ at Movie Premiere (Exclusive Audio) … PELLA, Iowa — Sarah Palin stared a bit uncomfortably at a movie screen Tuesday night watching a montage of Matt Damon, David Letterman, Madonna, Howard Stern, Bill Maher, Louis C.K. and other celebrities malign her …
PoliticusUSA, Big Hollywood, ThinkProgress, Guardian, Big Government, CNN, The Brody File, GOP 12, Fox Nation, Reuters,, Taylor Marsh, Weasel Zippers, Don Surber and Victory Film Group

Christie Loses Support for Second Term as Residents Oppose Cuts — More than half of New Jersey residents say they wouldn't back Governor Chris Christie for a second term, disapproving of his choices on a range of policy and personal issues, from killing a commuter tunnel to using …

What Does Newt Gingrich Know? — Let's consult the literature — all 21 books by the self-proclaimed ideas man of politics. (Gingrich cites 23 books on his Web site. We are not counting the Contract With America or the coffee-table book “Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous With Destiny.") — Multimedia
Hit & Run, Prairie Weather and GOP 12

North Korea to Chair UN Disarmament Conference — Despite numerous breaches of arms embargoes and continued threats to expand its nuclear weapons program, North Korea has assumed the presidency of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament. In a speech to the 65-nation arms control forum in Geneva …
The Jawa Report and Pajamas Media

North Korea assumes presidency of U.N. arms control conference
Outside the Beltway and Weasel Zippers

Rudy breaks vows — The gay car dealer who opened his home to Rudy Giuliani in 2001 during his humiliating divorce battle says the former mayor offered to preside at his wedding if same-sex marriage were ever legalized — but is now ducking his calls to make good on the offer.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, New York Magazine, Salon, Mediaite, Runnin' Scared, Wonkette, TPMDC, Towleroad News #gay, Gawker and Joe. My. God.

Jewish Dems losing faith in Obama — David Ainsman really began to get worried about President Barack Obama's standing with his fellow Jewish Democrats when a recent dinner with his wife and two other couples — all Obama voters in 2008 — nearly turned into a screaming match.

Emanuel hopes Illinois will follow New York in same-sex marriage legislation — (CNN)- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel showed his support for the recently passed New York same-sex marriage law telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer in an interview Wednesday he would support similar legislation in Illinois.

Obama Breaks Silence About Boeing v. NLRB Labor Dispute — ABC News' Amy Bingham reports: — President Obama broke his silence today about the dispute between Boeing and the National Labor Relations Board over a proposed plant in South Carolina. — The move by the NLRB to block Boeing's plan …
CNN and

Nerves Show on Team Obama — Recent scrambling by the president's political advisers indicates they're very worried about his reelection chances. — Fretful: President on defense. — It's been a rough June for the White House. Instead of being able to run a campaign taking credit …
Swampland, Politics, Ben Smith's Blog and Betsy's Page

Report: ‘Neo-Taliban’ are most dangerous terror group — Violent Islamist groups in Pakistan have coalesced under the Taliban umbrella to become the world's most significant terrorist threat and are the most capable of obtaining nuclear weapons, according to a report released Wednesday.

Taking Action Matters — Something I like to ask people who are disgruntled with the performance of the political system is what have you, personally, done about it? When was the last time you wrote or called your member of Congress? Can you even name the people who represent …
The Monkey Cage, Balloon Juice, A plain blog about politics and Eschaton

Exclusive: Myspace to Be Sold to Specific Media for $35 Million — Closing another chapter on one of the Internet's most iconic properties, Myspace has been sold to Specific Media, an advertising network, for $35 million. — Sources close to the situation said the deal is being completed today …

DCCC raising off Boehner's tears — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is circulating a fundraising pitch asking donors to “Make John Boehner Cry.” — “We all know it doesn't take much to make Speaker Boehner get teary-eyed. But let's give him something to really cry about …
Weasel Zippers and New York Magazine

Greece Passes Austerity Budget. Did they Make a Mistake? — This morning, Greece passed another austerity budget. This has been, to put it mildly, unpopular. The country has been beset by days of riots in protest of the spending cuts, apparently led by self-proclaimed anarchists who seem …

Obama needs to create jobs, not fight for them — (Mark Wilson - Bloomberg) Ron Klain, former chief of staff to both Al Gore and Joe Biden, thinks President Obama needs to make more of a show of fighting for job-creating policies. “The greatest risk to the president will be if the American people believe …
Washington Monthly, TPMDC, Bloomberg, Economist's View, Angry Bear, Jared Bernstein, Eschaton and Lawyers, Guns & Money

'That's why they're called leaders' — One of the more common Republican criticisms of President Obama, at least in the context of the debt-reduction talks, is that he hasn't shown enough “leadership.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) took to the floor late last week to cry …

Exclusive: S&P to deeply cut U.S. ratings if debt payment missed — (Reuters) - The United States would immediately have its top-notch credit rating slashed to “selective default” if it misses a debt payment on August 4, Standard & Poor's managing director John Chambers told Reuters.
Politics, Gawker, Outside the Beltway and Calculated Risk