Top Items:
The Politico:
GOPers chant ‘fire him’ at Paul Teller — House Republicans on Wednesday morning were calling for the firing of the Republican Study Committee top staffer after he was caught sending e-mails to conservative groups urging them to pressure GOP lawmakers to vote against a debt proposal from Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).
The Moderate Voice, New York Times, The Atlantic Online, Roll Call, The Note, Ben Smith's Blog, Southern Beale, TPMDC, RedState, Michelle Malkin, Taegan Goddard's …, The Raw Story, Oliver Willis, Daily Kos,, Harry's Place, Mother Jones, The Gateway Pundit, CNN and Washington Post
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says GOP seeks ‘dictatorship ... spark panic’ — 'This is not leadership. This is almost like dictatorship, said Debbie Wasserman Schultz. AP Photo — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), chair of the Democratic National Committee, said Wednesday …
Weasel Zippers, CNN, The Gateway Pundit and Daily Kos
Boehner quells rebellion on the right — A dust up among a major House conservative bloc and the prospect of tens of billions of dollars in new spending cuts has Republican leadership feeling as if it quelled an uprising on the right after struggling to line up votes for much of the week.
JustOneMinute, Pajamas Media, CNN, PERRspectives, The Daily Caller, Los Angeles Times, Associated Press, The Hill, Hotline On Call, Outside the Beltway, Politics, Gothamist, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, Sky Dancing, The Caucus, Prairie Weather, HotAirPundit, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and New York Times
Carney makes an accusation — Jay Carney took on Fox News's Ed Henry. — John Shinkle/POLITICO — The day after White House press secretary Jay Carney and Fox News reporter Ed Henry tangled over Henry's request for specifics on Obama's plan on debt limit and deficit reduction, Carney and Henry were back at it again on Wednesday.
Discussion:, Weasel Zippers and Pajamas Media
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
It's All Over but the Face-Saving? — It remains unclear whether the House will pass a bill by the speaker, John A. Boehner, to raise the debt ceiling, though prospects appear to be significantly better today than they did yesterday. Still, the math looks to be pretty close.
TPMDC, Washington Post, The New Republic, The Confluence and Hullabaloo
The Clearest Sign Yet That Boehner's Bill Will Pass the House — They talk a big game, but in private, Republicans attack the one person who stands up for what they claim to believe — If you listen to Eric Cantor or any of the self-styled Tea Party Republicans pushing the country to the brink of default …
Taylor Marsh, Prairie Weather and
A Time for Choosing — To govern is to choose. To vote is to choose. To vote against John Boehner on the House floor this week in the biggest showdown of the current Congress is to choose to vote with Nancy Pelosi. To vote against Boehner is to choose to support Barack Obama.
FreedomWorks blogs, National Review, A plain blog about politics, The Right Scoop, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, FrumForum, The Lonely Conservative, Riehl World View, Pundit & Pundette, Lean Left, AmSpecBlog, Taylor Marsh,, Firedoglake, The Sundries Shack, Swampland, The Daily Dish, Erick's blog, The Gateway Pundit, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Caller and Club for Growth
Tea party rally on Capitol Hill draws thin crowd — The only thing missing at the event attended by three senators? A big audience. Jay Westcott/POLITICO — It had all the makings of a big time tea party rally: Presidential candidate Herman Cain, conservative Sens. Jim DeMint of South Carolina …
Hot Air, Mediaite, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos and The Hill
Boehner: ‘A Lot’ Of Republicans Want To Force Default, Create ‘Enough Chaos’ To Pass Balanced Budget Amendment
Balloon Juice, Sky Dancing, and TPMDC
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
Quote of the Day — House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) …
Quote of the Day — House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) …
The Hill, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, The Hill, A plain blog about politics, AMERICAblog News and Daily Kos
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Powerful GOP group backs Boehner plan
Powerful GOP group backs Boehner plan
No More Mister Nice Blog and Talking Points Memo
Alicia M. Cohn / The Hill:
Dem lawmaker: ‘Nobody I know’ has seen Reid plan
Dem lawmaker: ‘Nobody I know’ has seen Reid plan
The Politico, and The Daily Caller
Marin Cogan / The Politico:
Freshmen coalesce around Boehner plan
Freshmen coalesce around Boehner plan
Decide America, The New Republic and Hot Air
CBO's Latest 10 Documents:
Washington Post, Hit & Run,, TPMDC, Opinion L.A., Daily Kos, ThinkProgress and C-SPAN Recent Events
Sam Stein / The Huffington Post:
Ben Affleck Reacts To House GOP Using Clip From ‘The Town’ In Debt Debate … WASHINGTON — Heads turned a bit on Tuesday night when the Washington Post reported that House Republicans were using a scene from the movie “The Town” as a motivational vignette to encourage members to back Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) debt ceiling plan.
The Hill, Talking Points Memo, Weigel, ThinkProgress, CNN, Mediaite, Big Hollywood, TPMDC, USA Today, The Note, National Review and The Caucus
Michael D. Shear / The Caucus:
McCain vs. the Tea Party — Is the old John McCain back? — The fiery, independent version of the Republican senator from Arizona took to the floor of the Senate Wednesday morning. Demanding “straight talk,” Mr. McCain accused conservative opponents of the House Republican leader's plan of abandoning reason in the debt fight.
The Gateway Pundit, The Hill, Washington Post, Mediaite, Washington Monthly, Don Surber,, Hit & Run, ThinkProgress, The Moderate Voice, Outside the Beltway, Gawker, Nice Deb, Fox News Insider, Connecting.the.Dots, Marbury, Balloon Juice, Taylor Marsh, National Review and Wall Street Journal
The Note:
McCain Blasts Tea Party for ‘Foolish’ Demands in Debt Debate — ABC News' Sunlen Miller (@sunlenmiller) reports: — As Speaker of the House John Boehner is looking for votes on his House debt bill, one Senate Republican sent a strong message to the Tea Party block in the House and Senate …
CNN, The Politico, The Hill, Politics, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and TPMDC
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
WSJ: Tea Party “hobbits” need to go back to Middle Earth, or something
WSJ: Tea Party “hobbits” need to go back to Middle Earth, or something
John Boehner and The Other McCain
Palin to Keynote Tea Party Rally in Iowa — In the latest indication that her sights are still set on a presidential run, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has accepted an invitation to keynote a Tea Party rally in Waukee, Iowa, on Sept. 3, RealClearPolitics has learned.
The Note, GOP 12, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air and Conservatives4Palin
Tanya Somanader / ThinkProgress:
Palin: American Ideals Are ‘Foreign To Our President’ Because Of ‘His Background’ — Adding her heft to the GOP's debt ceiling debacle, the “undefeated” Sarah Palin graced Fox News Business last night to slam President Obama for suggesting that the wealthy should return to a higher tax rate.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Top of the Ticket and Arizona Republic
Noel Sheppard /
George Lopez: If Sarah Palin Becomes President ‘I Will Move to Canada’
George Lopez: If Sarah Palin Becomes President ‘I Will Move to Canada’
Discussion:, Mediaite, The Daily Caller and Moonbattery
Megan McArdle / The Atlantic Online:
What Does Wall Street Want? — I've been having some disturbing conversations with both finance people and Washington people over the last few days, that have only confirmed the disconnect I wrote about a few weeks ago. Each side is sending signals that the other side is not reading correctly.
The Volokh Conspiracy and Vox Popoli
Standard and Poor's Should Not Be Able to Play Kingmaker in the 2012 Election
Bloomberg, Dow Jones Newswires and naked capitalism
Franken's SNL moment on the Senate floor — For a moment Wednesday, Al Franken looked like he was back on the set of Saturday Night Live and not on the floor of the U.S. Senate. In a speech explaining that there would be no money to pay for military and security personnel if Congress …
The Radio Equalizer, Pajamas Media and AmSpecBlog
50 Most Beautiful People for 2011 — It's no accident that Amy Cheng exhibits model-like poise in front of a camera. Growing up, her family would spend time outside their Chinese restaurant taking photos of one another in a park, and later on, Cheng would pose for her younger sister …
Wonkette, FishbowlDC, Gawker, and The Daily Caller
Barbarossa / The Jawa Report:
Norway mass murderer an equal opportunity plagiarist? So-called “manifesto” a cut-and-paste job — The 1500+ page “manifesto” that is alleged to have been written by Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has the Left and their establishment media allies doing circle jerks and kept …
Danger Room, The Heathen Hub and
Report: Obama And Boehner Agreed To Raise Medicare Eligibilty Age Before Debt Talks Broke Down — In what may be one of the most under-reported stories of the debt ceiling talks, Politico's Jen Haberkorn notes that before negotiations broke down on Friday evening, President Obama and Speaker …
Red Dog Report, Hullabaloo and Daily Kos
Danny Gallagher /
Planned Parenthood clinic attacked with Molotov cocktail — MCKINNEY - Officials with Planned Parenthood confirmed that their McKinney clinic was the target of violence sometime last night. — Holly Morgan, director of media relations and communications for Planned Parenthood in Dallas …
Stinger: James O'Keefe's Greatest Hits — The temperature was hovering near 90 degrees on the afternoon of Memorial Day when James O'Keefe III emerged from the woods and ambled over to my car. He was tall and thin, with pale skin and matted reddish hair. When his mug shot ran in the papers …
Mediaite, Big Journalism, The Awl and Althouse, more at Mediagazer »
G.D. Spradlin, Prolific Character Actor, Dies at 90 — G. D. Spradlin, whose experience as a corporate lawyer, independent oilman and rancher influenced his nuanced portrayals of authority figures in more than 70 films and television shows, including “The Godfather: Part II” and “Apocalypse Now …
Herman Cain Apologizes To Muslims — Herman Cain had his much-ballyhooed meeting with Muslims Wednesday, and he emerged, he said in a campaign statement “humble and contrite for any statements I have made that might have caused offense to Muslim Americans and their friends.”
ThinkProgress, Booman Tribune and Daily Kos
Mike Lillis / The Hill:
House Democrats urge Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment in debt fight — House Democratic leaders are calling on President Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment and raise the debt ceiling without congressional input. — Addressing the House Democratic Caucus on Wednesday morning …
The Politico, Big Government, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Hurricane and Firedoglake
Bradlee Dean's Press Conference Statement Regarding Lawsuit Against MSNBC, Rachel Maddow — Sons Of Liberty — Good Morning. My name is Bradlee Dean and I am the founder of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, a Christian ministry whose mission it is to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ …
ThinkProgress, Mother Jones, The Blotter, Towleroad News #gay and The Washington Independent