Top Items:

Why S&P's Downgrade is No Joke — The real impact of S&P's downgrade is political, not economic. — It's tempting to dismiss Standard & Poor's downgrade of U.S. long-term Treasury bonds as no big deal in the real world. It's also tempting to describe it as a broad criticism …

S&P warns of a second downgrade — One day after lowering the nation's platinum triple-A credit rating, Standard & Poor's analysts warned Saturday that the U.S. government could face a second downgrade if the economy continues to struggle and the government fails to make the cuts outlined in the debt ceiling agreement.
Outside the Beltway, Firedoglake, PERRspectives, Towleroad News #gay and AMERICAN FUTURE

Just the Facts: S&P's $2 Trillion Mistake — In a document provided to Treasury on Friday afternoon, Standard and Poor's (S&P) presented a judgment about the credit rating of the U.S. that was based on a $2 trillion mistake. After Treasury pointed out this error - a basic math error …
Guardian, Economics One, Ben Smith's Blog, Politics,, Corrente and Wall Street Journal

Standard and Poors versus Mitch McConnell — Putting aside the question of whether we should accord any credibility to Standard and Poors' downgrade, it's hard to see how conservatives can claim S & P's report as a political victory when it says this:
The Political Carnival, Daily Kos and Outside the Beltway

The credibility and integrity of S&P's ratings action — Treasury's official response to the S&P downgrade has arrived, and it makes for pretty depressing reading. Treasury's taking a shoot-the-messenger approach: S&P made a mistake in its debt-sustainability calculations, they say …
New York Times, The Curious Capitalist and Fortune

After historic downgrade, U.S. must address its chronic debt problems
Discussion:, BBC, The Moderate Voice, Poynter, and CNN

White House: S&P downgrade is why Obama ‘pushed for grand bargain’
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit, Liberal Values and CNN

Protesters Travel From Across Texas to Picket Hate-Based Event — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Michael Diviesti, GetEQUAL Texas State Lead Organizer, (512) 694-3394, — HOUSTON, TX — On August 6th, Governor Perry spoke at an event inside Reliant Stadium in Houston …
Firedoglake and Towleroad News #gay

Perry Leads Prayer Rally for ‘Nation in Crisis’
Gawker, New York Magazine and Towleroad News #gay

Perry prays for the U.S.
CNN, Runnin' Scared, The Note, JammieWearingFool and Ballot Box

Obama's soft response to Tea Party draws liberal criticism — Liberals are growing frustrated with President Obama's soft response to the Tea Party after fractious negotiations over the debt limit led to the loss of nation's AAA credit rating on Friday. — Republicans and Democrats …
The Democratic Daily and Weasel Zippers

The Madman Theory — I had breakfast this week with one of Hollywood's most ferocious, self-confident and successful doers of deals. He was still steamed about what an unforgivably lousy negotiator his president had been on the debt ceiling agreement. — One particular Obama move he found appalling above all the rest.

Obama won't escape blame for credit downgrade — Standard and Poor's explanation for why it downgraded U.S. debt is written in such a way that it can be seized upon by all ideological stripes. The statement cites the unwillingness of Republicans to raise taxes and of Democrats to agree to entitlement cuts.
The Impolitic

WRAPUP 9-World leaders confer on debt crises this weekend — * ECB to hold rare emergency meeting on Sunday - sources — * Sarkozy, Cameron confer on US debt downgrade, euro zone — * Obama urges lawmakers to work together on fiscal plans — * China chides United States for debt addiction

Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan Kills Members of SEAL Team 6 — WASHINGTON — The Associated Press has learned that more than 20 Navy SEALs from the unit that killed Osama bin Laden were among those lost in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. — The operators from SEAL Team Six were flown …

Former Obama Economic Adviser on Downgrade: We're ‘Pretty Darn F—ked’ — Christina Romer, the former chair of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers on Friday offered a rather strong opinion concerning the announcement by Standard & Poor's that the credit rating agency downgraded America's debt to AA+.
Scared Monkeys, The Gateway Pundit, The Lonely Conservative and Weasel Zippers

67% Say Economy Causing Family Stress — With the Rasmussen Consumer and Investor Indexes hovering near two-year lows and unemployment rates still in the nine percent (9%) range, it's perhaps no surprise to find that a majority of Americans say the economy is adding stress to their family.
Weasel Zippers

Huckabee: Trump should replace Geithner — Washington (CNN) - Amid calls by the GOP for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's resignation, one Republican is offering an unorthodox choice for a potential replacement. — “Ask Donald Trump to be Treasury secretary,” Mike Huckabee said on Fox News Channel.
Hot Air and The Political Carnival

Mystery Romney supporter reveals himself after calls for investigation — Edward Conrad, a former executive at Bain Capital, has revealed himself as the mystery donor who gave a $1 million corporate contribution to a special political action committee supporting Mitt Romney.
The Political Carnival

Mystery Mitt Romney donor comes forward
The Raw Story, and TPMDC