Top Items:
Appeals court rules against Obama healthcare law — (Reuters) - An appeals court ruled on Friday that President Barack Obama's healthcare law requiring Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty was unconstitutional, a blow to the White House. — The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit …
John Roberts Is No Fool — The White House tries to put one over on the Supreme Court. — “The White House . . . has quietly altered its website to remove the references to Jerusalem being in ‘Israel,’ ” the New York Sun reports. It sounds like another make-work Keynesian stimulus: dig a hole, fill it up.
Appeals Court Rules Against Health Law Mandate — ATLANTA (AP) — A federal appeals court panel on Friday struck down the requirement in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul package that virtually all Americans must carry health insurance or face penalties.
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly and Prairie Weather
11th Circuit says mandate unconstitutional — The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday ruled that the health care reform law's requirement that nearly all Americans buy insurance is unconstitutional, a striking blow to the legislation that increases the odds that the Supreme Court will have to review the law.
Appeals court rules against Obama healthcare mandate — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law suffered a setback on Friday when an appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Daily Caller, Sky Dancing, JammieWearingFool, Wizbang, Pajamas Media and blogs
Health-Law Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional — A divided U.S. appeals court in Atlanta ruled Friday that a key provision of last year's federal health-care overhaul is unconstitutional, siding with a group of 26 states that challenged the law. — The 2-1 ruling marks the Obama administration's biggest defeat …
Law Blog, SCOTUSblog, New York Magazine and No Left Turns
Anti-gay marriage group loses appeal of R.I. court ruling
Discussion:, Law Blog and Good As You
8 From G.O.P. Trade Attacks at Iowa Debate — AMES, Iowa — A withering critique of President Obama's handling of the economy was overshadowed by a burst of incivility among the Republican presidential candidates who, in a debate here Thursday night, fought to stay alive in the party's increasingly competitive nominating race.
The Politico, CNN, The Note, NPR, The Caucus, New York Magazine, The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, Gothamist, AmSpecBlog, News Desk, Outside the Beltway, The Reaction, Left Coast Rebel, Mediaite, Iowa Caucuses, Ballot Box, Patterico's Pontifications, Prairie Weather, Shakesville, JustOneMinute and American Power
Cruel thoughts on a weak field — On last night's Republican presidential candidates debate in Iowa, as William Buckley used to say, a few observations. — Mitt Romney: He has the frontrunner role nailed, and his canned responses on Romneycare and Bain were enough to deflect attention last night.
No Left Turns
Palin, asked if she'll endorse while in Iowa: 'I haven't even decided yet' whether to run — Photo by fairgoer Rose Driscoll, a Republican from Williamsburg — Will tea party rock star Sarah Palin endorse anyone while she's in Iowa - maybe Texas Gov. Rick Perry?
Ben Smith's Blog, The Note, Washington Wire, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway and The Politico
Rand Paul Rushes To Romney's Defense: ‘All Of Us Are Corporations’ — ThinkProgress filed this report from the Republican presidential debate in Ames, Iowa. — Mitt Romney & Rand Paul Think These Are People — During a campaign stop at the Iowa State Fair yesterday …
Detroit News, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Under The Golden Dome, Rebuild the Dream, Daily Kos and Washington Post
Ten-to-one isn't good enough for the GOP
Discussion:*, PERRspectives, The Maddow Blog and Daily Kos
VIDEO: Sarah Palin Tells ThinkProgress ‘Mitt Romney Was Right’ That Corporations Are People
The Politico, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos and CBS News
Pawlenty: Poor straw poll showing would force him to ‘reassess’
Ballot Box, The Moderate Voice, Outside the Beltway and HotAirPundit
Rick Perry on the Record — From scrapping Social Security and Medicare to immigration to Constitutional amendments, Texas Governor Rick Perry spoke openly last fall with Andrew Romano. — In Fed Up!, you criticize the progressive era and the changes it produced: the 16th and 17th Amendments, Social Security, Medicare, and so on.
Rick Perry Says Social Security And Medicare Are Unconstitutional
The Agitator and Daily Kos
Perry's Entitlement Problem
Ben Smith's Blog, The New Republic, The Politico and 2012 Campaign Trail Report
Fact checking the GOP debate in Iowa
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Email rendezvous entangles state Rep. Phillip Hinkle — Lawmaker calls encounter set up with young man on Craigslist a ‘shakedown’ — State Rep. Phillip Hinkle, shown speaking on a motion during the recent session, said he is “aware of a shakedown taking place.” / Charlie Nye / 2011 Star file photo
Anti-Gay Marriage State Rep. Accused Of Offering Young Male Money ‘For A Really Good Time’
ThinkProgress, The Politico, Holy Bullies … and Little Green Footballs
Indiana Anti-Gay Lawmaker Offers Teen Boy $80 for Sex
DownWithTyranny!, Box Turtle Bulletin, Wonkette, The Raw Story, Joe. My. God., Washington Blade, ThinkProgress and AMERICAblog Gay
The Case for Calling Them Nitwits — They blow each other up by mistake. They bungle even simple schemes. They get intimate with cows and donkeys. Our terrorist enemies trade on the perception that they're well trained and religiously devout, but in fact, many are fools and perverts …
Pornography and National Security
Hullabaloo and alicublog
Democrats Enjoy Slight Edge on 2012 Congressional Ballot — Twice as many voters say Tea Party endorsements are a negative rather than a positive — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup's first measure of the 2012 congressional elections shows Democrats leading Republicans, 51% to 44% …
TAPPED, ThinkProgress, The New Republic, Ross Douthat, The Hill, Firedoglake, TPMDC, The Daily Caller, Hotline On Call, The Political Carnival, Daily Kos and The Daily Dish
G.O.P. on Defensive as Analysts Question Party's Fiscal Policy — WASHINGTON — The boasts of Congressional Republicans about their cost-cutting victories are ringing hollow to some well-known economists, financial analysts and corporate leaders, including some Republicans …
The New Republic, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather and New York Times
Debate Showcases Pandering That Repels Voters — If you really want to know why voters keep dumping incumbents of both parties and registering an alarming disdain for Washington generally, then go back and watch a scene from Thursday night's Republican debate in Iowa.
The New Republic and A plain blog about politics
The Defining Moments of the GOP Debate
Mediaite, Eunomia, Washington Post and Indecision Forever
The Mystery of Herman Cain and the Donna Summer Lyrics — One of the weirdest moments of last night's Republican debate probably slipped completely under the radar for most viewers. This moment occurred in Herman Cain's closing statement, when the former pizza-chain CEO recited a favorite inspirational quote:
Mediaite and The Daily Caller
The Hijacked Crisis — Has market turmoil left you feeling afraid? Well, it should. Clearly, the economic crisis that began in 2008 is by no means over. — But there's another emotion you should feel: anger. For what we're seeing now is what happens when influential people exploit a crisis rather than try to solve it.
Daily Kos, Balloon Juice, AMERICAN FUTURE, Truthdig and Prairie Weather