Top Items:
Bachmann involved in unusual campaign moment — Des Moines, Iowa (CNN) - Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was at the center of an unusual campaign moment on Friday that involved reporters trying to ask her questions - and the Republican presidential candidate essentially being cocooned by a ring of protectors.
Right Wing News, Towleroad News #gay, The Note, The Other McCain, The Politico and The Moderate Voice
Ames straw poll forecast: Cloudy with chance of Pawlenty — DES MOINES - The winner of Saturday's Iowa GOP straw poll won't be known until sometime after 6 p.m. But you'll be able to hazard a good guess hours earlier simply by eye-balling the crowd gathered in and around the Hilton Coliseum at Iowa State University.
CNN and Iowa Caucuses
Ames Straw Poll: A viewers guide — The task of interpreting straw poll results seems straightforward enough: Whoever gets the most votes wins; whoever gets the fewest loses. — But that's not how the campaigns, and the media horde closely covering them, look at things.
New York Times
Joe Scarborough's Brutally Honest Take on Michele Bachmann: “She Is A Joke” — The morning after a big political event is always a good day for morning news programs such as MSNBC's Morning Joe. Events like last night's debate of GOP presidential candidates, hosted by Fox News …
The Political Carnival and Outside the Beltway
Santorum: Poor results Saturday could doom prez bid — Des Moines, Iowa (CNN) - On Friday, Rick Santorum suggested he could become the first political casualty of the 2012 presidential race. — Just over two months after his official presidential campaign began, the Republican candidate intimated …
Hot Air and Outside the Beltway
TRENDING: Palin swarmed at Iowa State Fair
Riehl World View, Wonkette, The Note, The Politico and Outside the Beltway
Rand Paul Rushes To Romney's Defense: ‘All Of Us Are Corporations’
Detroit News, Daily Kos, Rebuild the Dream and Washington Post
The Great Deflation — Like a leaky balloon, Barack Obama keeps getting smaller. — (Best of the tube this weekend: Watch us on a Lou Dobbs special, “Global Market Chaos,” Sunday 8-9 p.m. ET on Fox Business. We'll be on the political panel toward the end of the program.)
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Pajamas Media, The Note and Campaign 2012
11th Circuit strikes down Obamacare mandate
Outside the Beltway, CNBC, The Volokh Conspiracy and Pajamas Media
The Latest Health Care Court Case
Associated Press, Washington Post, Online NewsHour, Weasel Zippers and ThinkProgress
The Eleventh Circuit's Affordable Care Act Decision Cannot Be Squared With The Constitution
Campaign 2012, The New Republic and Washington Monthly
Appeals Court strikes down Obamacare mandate
The Heritage Foundation,, Hot Air, Doug Ross, Left Coast Rebel, Fox News, Politics, Reuters and Wake up America
Part of ‘Obamacare’ Ruled Unconstitutional
Ben Smith's Blog, Firedoglake and Don Surber
Sarah Palin and The Brody File One-On-One at Iowa State Fair — Sarah Palin came over and agreed to do a one-on-one interview with me at the Iowa State Fair Friday afternoon. Just her and me. This took place during her private lunch reception. I asked her to come over and talk with me and she did.
The Hill
Palin leaves her options open, jabs her employer, at the fair
Slate, Trail Blazers Blog, Hot Air, Daily Kos, Iowa Caucuses, The Daily Caller and Washington Post
Palin weighs in on GOP debate, candidates
Top of the Ticket and Campaign 2012
To defuse ‘flash’ protest, BART cuts riders' cell service. Is that legal? — To forestall a planned protest, Bay Area Rapid Transit turned off cellphone service, angering passengers and raising questions about First Amendment rights in an age of social media protests. — Atlanta
Daily Kos and DownWithTyranny!
Attack on Althouse at the Wisconsin Capitol singalong. — As discussed in an earlier post, a man attacked me today at the Capitol. We captured the assault on 2 different cameras, and I'm not editing the material together (at least not at this point). First, here's what Meade got on the Flip camera.
JSOnline and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Shepard Fairey beaten up after spat over controversial Danish mural — Artist best known for the posters that helped elect Barack Obama is accused of peddling pro-government propaganda — When graffiti artist Shepard Fairey turned his talents to US politics, his reward was international acclaim …
Don Surber, The Raw Story and The Informer
Standard and Poors punctures Michele Bachmann's blissful fantasy — Wow, what colossally bad timing. Here's Michele Bachmann at the debate last night, insisting that the Standard and Poors downgrade proved that she was right to oppose raising the debt ceiling:
FULL TRANSCRIPT: Complete Text of the Iowa Republican Debate on Fox News Channel
Cokie's Law vs. Social Security — Dean Baker at Beat the Press: … This is exactly right. All this nonsense about S&P's downgrade “causing” movement in the US stock market (which, as far as the MSM is concerned, is entirely comprised of the Dow Jones index) is wrong. Foolish, even.
Blue Gal
David Axelrod: Rick Perry Has a ‘Record of Decimation’ — That's what the Obama campaign's top political strategist told me this morning when I asked him about the latest 2012 candidate, Rick Perry. The Texas Governor made it clear his campaign will focus on his state's record of job growth …
Connecting.the.Dots, New York Times,, Pajamas Media, Political Punch, Trail Blazers Blog and The Note
Music teacher caught having sex with doll outside school — SPRING HILL, Tenn. - Police in Spring Hill arrested a local music teacher Thursday morning after he was caught engaging in a sex act with a doll outside a local elementary school. — Officers were called to Allendale Elementary School …
Raw Replay and
Matt Bai's Mystical Powers — Average political reporters observe what politicians say and write it down. Better ones ask discerning questions and write the answer down. But Matt Bai has political super-powers and just knows the answers to questions that he hasn't even asked: … Could you have?
Debate Showcases Pandering That Repels Voters
Daily Kos, Hot Air, Ross Douthat, The New Republic and A plain blog about politics
The Case for Calling Them Nitwits — They blow each other up by mistake. They bungle even simple schemes. They get intimate with cows and donkeys. Our terrorist enemies trade on the perception that they're well trained and religiously devout, but in fact, many are fools and perverts …
Pornography and National Security
Hullabaloo and alicublog
G.O.P. on Defensive as Analysts Question Party's Fiscal Policy — WASHINGTON — The boasts of Congressional Republicans about their cost-cutting victories are ringing hollow to some well-known economists, financial analysts and corporate leaders, including some Republicans …
Economist's View, ThinkProgress, The New Republic, Daily Kos, Jared Bernstein, Prairie Weather and
Michelle Obama Spent 42 Days on Vacation this Past Year — First Lady Michelle Obama over the last year has spent a total of 42 days on vacation, or a little more than one out of every nine days, according to a White House Dossier analysis of her travel. — Her vacations, the cost …
Outside the Beltway and Weasel Zippers
Romney wealth valued up to $250 million — (CNN) - The turbulent financial climate of recent years has not had a noticeable impact on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's own wallet, according to personal financial information released Friday by his campaign.
Mitt Romney worth up to $250 million
The Note and New York Magazine