Top Items:
Pawlenty Drops Out of Republican Race — Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, left, at Thursday's debate in Ames, Iowa, with Jon M. Huntsman Jr. and Newt Gingrich. — DES MOINES — Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, dropped his bid for the Republican nomination for president …
Blue Mass Group, Truthdig, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, NO QUARTER, Little Green Footballs, Los Angeles Times, Jamie Dupree Washington …, Des Moines Register, Paul Krugman, Balloon Juice, The Monkey Cage, The Reaction, The Other McCain, FiveThirtyEight, New York Magazine, American Power, ThinkProgress, The Daily What, Michelle Malkin, The Daily Caller and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Pawlenty Drops Out of Presidential Race After Disappointing Straw Poll Finish — Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the Republican presidential contest, after a disappointing third-place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll Saturday. — “We needed to get some lift to continue …
Top of the Ticket, Wizbang, Radio Iowa and LGBTQ Nation
Pawlenty Drops Out of Presidential Race After Disappointing Straw Poll Finish — Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the Republican presidential contest, after a disappointing third place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll yesterday. — “We needed to get some lift to continue …
T-Paw dropping out; Update: State GOP chair to ask Pawlenty to run for Senate — News began breaking on Sunday morning before most folks had finished their coffee or had even woken up on the left coast. Some fourteen hours after finishing a relatively distant third place to Michele Bachmann …
So much for Sam's Club — The departure of Tim Pawlenty this morning won't have a major impact on a race that had already taken shape without him — that's why he dropped out. — The move makes clear that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has fully seized the space Pawlenty sought to occupy, of the established conservative alternative.
The Daily Dish
Farewell to Tim Pawlenty — I agree with Scott's comments on Tim Pawlenty's withdrawal from the GOP presidential race. As a Pawlenty supporter, I am disappointed. But the bottom line is that this year, at least, what Pawlenty was selling wasn't what the Republican base wanted to buy.
Hot Air
Tim Pawlenty ends presidential campaign
Firedoglake, Moe_Lane's blog, Towleroad News #gay, The Politico and Conservatives4Palin
Adrift in Iowa: Tired Rituals in Tough Times
National Review, Daily Kos and Washington Post
Bachmann says she can win independents in general election
Washington Monthly
Tim Pawlenty drops out of presidential race
The Atlantic Online, CNN, Runnin' Scared, ABCNEWS, Salon, Outside the Beltway and New York Times
Ames Win Positions Michele Bachmann As Rick Perry's Top Obstacle To Be Anti-Romney (VIDEO)
The Political Carnival
Ex-Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty ends White House bid
Former rivals praise Tim Pawlenty as he exits
CNN and The Caucus
Michele Bachmann wins Iowa Straw Poll
Bloomberg, The Other McCain, The Politico, New York Times, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway and CNN
Michele Bachmann wins the Ames Straw Poll
The Huffington Post, Mother Jones, Hot Air, Scared Monkeys, The Reaction, Prairie Weather, ABCNEWS,, A plain blog about politics, Talking Points Memo, The Politico, Mediaite, The Moderate Voice, Hit & Run,, Ballot Box, The Note, CNN, Blog, Washington Monthly and New York Magazine
Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll
Right Wing News, The Daily Dish, CNN and Connecting.the.Dots
White House Debates Fight on Economy — WASHINGTON — As the economy worsens, President Obama and his senior aides are considering whether to adopt a more combative approach on economic issues, seeking to highlight substantive differences with Republicans in Congress and on the campaign trail rather …
Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, TalkLeft, Clusterstock, The Impolitic, No More Mister Nice Blog and Jared Bernstein
White House Debates Doing Little or Nothing
Suburban Guerrilla, Clusterstock, emptywheel and Grasping Reality …
White House Debates Giving Up on Helping the Economy
Paul Krugman, Don Surber and Grasping Reality …
Gallup: Obama job rating sinks below 40% for first time — President Obama's summer woes have dragged his approval rating to an all-time low, sinking below 40% for the first time in Gallup's daily tracking poll. — New data posted Sunday shows that 39% of Americans approve of Obama's job performance, while 54% disapprove.
Scared Monkeys, Weasel Zippers and HotAirPundit
CNN/ORC Poll: Dem support for Obama's re-election fades — Washington (CNN) - Barack Obama's base is behind another term for the president, according to a new CNN/ORC International poll. — Seven in 10 Democrats say they'd like to see Obama as their party's presidential nominee next year.
Israel Matzav
Virginia school district bans Sherlock Holmes book — That's right, Watson, Sherlock Holmes has been banned. That is, one book featuring the detective has been pulled from the sixth-grade reading list in one Virginia school district. — The Albemarle County School Board …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Outside the Beltway and Roger Ailes
Rick Perry's Crony Capitalism Problem — The presidential candidate's signature economic development initiative has raised questions among conservatives. — Gov. Rick Perry's presidential pitch goes something like this: During one of the worst recessions in American history, he's kept his state “open for business.”
Outside the Beltway, The Reality-Based Community, Betsy's Page and Riehl World View
A Theory of Everything (Sort of) — LONDON burns. The Arab Spring triggers popular rebellions against autocrats across the Arab world. The Israeli Summer brings 250,000 Israelis into the streets, protesting the lack of affordable housing and the way their country is now dominated by an oligopoly of crony capitalists.
Hullabaloo and Balloon Juice
Clyburn hopes to use supercommittee post to tackle wealth gap — A leading House Democrat is hoping to use his prestigious seat on the deficit-cutting supercommittee to close the growing gully that divides the rich and the poor in America. — Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.) …
Michelle Malkin, Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative