Top Items:
Pawlenty Drops Out of Republican Race — Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, left, at Thursday's debate in Ames, Iowa, with Jon M. Huntsman Jr. and Newt Gingrich. — DES MOINES — Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, dropped his bid for the Republican nomination for president …
The Moderate Voice, Los Angeles Times, Jamie Dupree Washington …, Des Moines Register, Washington Post, The Reaction, NO QUARTER, The Monkey Cage, Paul Krugman, The Other McCain, FiveThirtyEight, Balloon Juice, New York Magazine, ThinkProgress, American Power, The Daily What and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Pawlenty Drops Out of Presidential Race After Disappointing Straw Poll Finish — Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the Republican presidential contest, after a disappointing third place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll yesterday. — “We needed to get some lift to continue …
So much for Sam's Club — The departure of Tim Pawlenty this morning won't have a major impact on a race that had already taken shape without him — that's why he dropped out. — The move makes clear that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has fully seized the space Pawlenty sought to occupy, of the established conservative alternative.
The Daily Dish
Tim Pawlenty ends presidential campaign — Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty said today he will end his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination. — Pawlenty informed his supporters in a conference call and then announced his decision on ABC's This Week.
Firedoglake, Moe_Lane's blog, The Politico, Towleroad News #gay and Conservatives4Palin
Former rivals praise Tim Pawlenty as he exits — The Republican presidential candidates responded to Tim Pawlenty's decision to drop out after his distant third finish at Ames with kind words for the former Minnesota governor. — “I wish Governor Pawlenty the best.
CNN and The Caucus
Bachmann says she can win independents in general election
Washington Monthly
T-Paw dropping out — News began breaking on Sunday morning …
Power Line, Ballot Box, The Strata-Sphere, Outside the Beltway and Instapundit
Tim Pawlenty drops out of presidential race
CNN, ABCNEWS, Runnin' Scared, Salon, Outside the Beltway and New York Times
Ex-Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty ends White House bid
Reuters, Hot Air, Betsy's Page, Guardian and Michelle Malkin
Michele Bachmann wins Iowa Straw Poll
Bloomberg, The Other McCain, New York Times, Washington Post, The Politico, CNN and Outside the Beltway
Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll
The Daily Dish, Right Wing News, CNN and Connecting.the.Dots
Bachmann Wins Iowa, For Now: The Ticker
Patterico's Pontifications, The Other McCain, Don Surber and GOP 12
Bachmann wins Ames straw poll; Ron Paul takes second, Pawlenty distant third
The Note, The Hill, CNN, The Huffington Post, Weasel Zippers,, GOP 12, Talking Points Memo and The Moderate Voice
White House Debates Fight on Economy — WASHINGTON — As the economy worsens, President Obama and his senior aides are considering whether to adopt a more combative approach on economic issues, seeking to highlight substantive differences with Republicans in Congress and on the campaign trail rather …
Washington Monthly, TalkLeft, Clusterstock, Booman Tribune, No More Mister Nice Blog and The Impolitic
White House Debates Doing Little or Nothing — This is depressing ...from the NY Times: White House Debates Fight on Economy … Tax incentives are the “bigger idea”? It sounds like the debate is between doing nothing and doing very little. — If I arrived on the scene today …
Suburban Guerrilla, Clusterstock, emptywheel and Grasping Reality …
White House Debates Giving Up on Helping the Economy — The administration hasn't figured out that it's supposed to lead — that sometimes it's supposed to move public opinion instead of following it: … Apparently one of the things holding up a push to put people back to work is worries …
Paul Krugman, Don Surber and Grasping Reality …
A Theory of Everything (Sort of) — LONDON burns. The Arab Spring triggers popular rebellions against autocrats across the Arab world. The Israeli Summer brings 250,000 Israelis into the streets, protesting the lack of affordable housing and the way their country is now dominated by an oligopoly of crony capitalists.
Rick Perry's Crony Capitalism Problem — The presidential candidate's signature economic development initiative has raised questions among conservatives. — Gov. Rick Perry's presidential pitch goes something like this: During one of the worst recessions in American history, he's kept his state “open for business.”
Riehl World View
Clyburn hopes to use supercommittee post to tackle wealth gap — A leading House Democrat is hoping to use his prestigious seat on the deficit-cutting supercommittee to close the growing gully that divides the rich and the poor in America. — Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.) …
Michelle Malkin, Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative
California Democratic Party May Dump Its Progressive Caucus for Proposing a Primary Challenge to Obama — On July 30th the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party passed a resolution proposing that a primary challenge be offered to Obama next year.
naked capitalism and Corrente
Rick Perry's presidential run reorders 2012 landscape — CHARLESTON, S.C. - It sounds like a political fairy tale: Months of campaigning by nearly a dozen candidates have left Republicans restless and worried. No one quite fits the bill. Less than six months remain before the primaries.
Booman Tribune, New York Magazine and Wake up America
Rick Perry announces he will join 2012 presidential field to challenge President Obama
The Nation, Balloon Juice and Rick Perry for President