Top Items:

Poll: Romney rocks, Perry pops, Bachmann doesn't bounce — Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney remains in a commanding position in the first-in-the-nation primary state while Texas Gov. Rick Perry makes a strong first showing in the latest NH Journal survey conducted by Magellan Strategies.

Dean: Bush camp will ‘take Perry out’ — Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean predicted that prominent political supporters of former President George W. Bush will deal a critical blow to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's (R) presidential campaign.
NO QUARTER and The Hill

Field of Dashed Dreams — The president was in “Afternoon of a Faun” mode, a rural deity playing on his panpipes in the woods. Then, suddenly, he stood very still as he sensed electoral danger. — After assuring Obama that she was a supporter, an Iowa mother named Emily asked the president …
JOSHUAPUNDIT, Don Surber, Salon, Althouse, No More Mister Nice Blog, Taylor Marsh, The Daily Caller and Connecting.the.Dots

Perry and Romney split on global warming
Power Line,, Washington Monthly and The Politico

Rick Perry Accuses The White House Of Lecturing Him On Bernanke Comments: ‘I Got In Trouble’

Rick Perry: Climate Change Is A Hoax Drummed Up By Scientists Looking To Make Money

CHART OF THE DAY: *Government* Jobs Led To Perry's Economic Boom
Daily Kos

Pondering Perry's Electability
Democracy in America, Washington Post, Top of the Ticket, Salon, The Atlantic Online, Balloon Juice and The Mahablog

Obama Campaign Staffer Sends Out Email Bashing Paul Krugman And ‘Firebagger Lefty Blogosphere’ … WASHINGTON — The Obama campaign's point person in New Mexico recently sent an email to supporters defending the president's position on the debt deal and bashing the “Firebagger Lefty blogosphere …

Score one for the professional left — Greg Sargent has a nice take on the e-mail an Obama campaign official sent mocking Paul Krugman and the “firebaggers.” But whenever I read these periodic eruptions about “the professional left,” my main thought is: if I were a member of the professional left, I would be stoked.
Hullabaloo and Eschaton

Does Obama camp see upside in pissing off the left? — The story exploding on the left right now is that the Obama campaign's state director in New Mexico sent out an email containing a blog post mocking Paul Krugman and the “firebagger liberal blogosphere"for criticizing the debt ceiling deal negotiated by the White House.
Firedoglake and Daily Kos

OFA Director Attacks “Firebagger Lefty Blogosphere,” says “Paul Krugman is a Political Rookie”

New Low of 26% Approve of Obama on the Economy — Ratings on Afghanistan and foreign affairs have also declined — PRINCETON, NJ — A new low of 26% of Americans approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since Gallup last measured it in mid …
Power Line, Hot Air, Reuters, Scared Monkeys, Opinion L.A., Poll Watch Daily, Doug Ross, Red Dog Report, The Political Carnival,, Weasel Zippers, Outside the Beltway, Washington Wire, Fox News, Political Punch, Politics, American Power, The Daily Caller, White House Dossier, AMERICAblog News, Mish's Global Economic … and Daily Kos

Bachmann Staffer Arrested for Terrorism in Uganda in 2006 — The charges were dropped after he spent more than a month in prison. Now he's rallying Bachmann's faith-based support and prepping for a movie about his ordeal. — Updated 6:35 p.m. — The evangelical organizer …
Addicting Info, Jesus' General, The Raw Story, Politics, Mediaite, New York Magazine and Joe. My. God.

Presidential vacations: How does Obama compare? — President Obama and his family will be staying at the 28-acre Blue Heron Farm in Martha's Vineyard. (Ivy Ashe for the Vineyard Gazette) — Following his three-day bus tour to promote his economic agenda — and not to mention …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Political Carnival

Crashing the Tea Party — GIVEN how much sway the Tea Party has among Republicans in Congress and those seeking the Republican presidential nomination, one might think the Tea Party is redefining mainstream American politics. — But in fact the Tea Party is increasingly swimming …
Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, The Daily Dish, The Reality-Based Community, Salon, We are respectable negroes, The Baseline Scenario, Democracy in America, Politics, Religion Dispatches, The Impolitic, Indecision Forever, National Review, ThinkProgress, Riehl World View, AMERICAblog News, driftglass, Balloon Juice, AmSpecBlog, The Awl, blogs, New York Magazine and Prairie Weather

Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes? — A whistleblower claims that over the past two decades, the agency has destroyed records of thousands of investigations, whitewashing the files of some of the nation's worst financial criminals. — Imagine a world in which a man …
New York Times, FT Alphaville, naked capitalism and New York Magazine

Bachmann: I'll get gas under $2 — Americans will save at the pump if Michele Bachmann is elected president, the Minnesota Republican said Tuesday. — “The day that the president became president gasoline was $1.79 a gallon. Look at what it is today,” she said at an event in Greenville …
Outside the Beltway and The Atlantic Online

Karl Rove: It's ‘Offensive’ To Say We Are A Christian Nation — Social conservatives often insist the U.S. was founded to be a “Christian nation,” and they accuse progressives and President Obama of undermining these supposedly core values. But leading conservative strategist Karl Rove called …

GOP attacks Obama bus, but Bush did same — President Barack Obama walks to his bus after visiting the Whiteside County Fair in Morrison, Illinois on Wednesday. Obama has been on a Midwest bus trip through Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois. (Jason Reed, Reuters / August 17, 2011) — Clout Street
The Democratic Daily, blogs, No More Mister Nice Blog and Los Angeles Times

Black caucus: Tired of making excuses for Obama — During a sometimes-raucous session of what's being called the “For the People” Jobs Initiative tour, a key member of the Congressional Black Caucus told an audience in Detroit Tuesday that the CBC doesn't put pressure on President Obama because he is loved by black voters.
theGrio, The Daily Caller, Weasel Zippers, Big Government, Wizbang, Pajamas Media, Mediaite, The Gateway Pundit and Politics

Kasich, fellow Republicans propose SB 5 deal to unions — Gov. John Kasich pleaded with organized labor leaders today to compromise on Senate Bill 5 and cancel a fall referendum on the controversial bill that peels back public employee collective bargaining rights.
Liberty Street, TPMDC and Daily Kos

Metaphorically Deaf — I heard this the other day and wasn't going to say anything because, well, there's no point in jumping on everything. But it turns out that this is part of the stump speech — he said it again today — and that's a problem: … Where to begin.
Crooks and Liars

The Civil War: Kind Of Tragic — Ta-Nehisi Coates has been doing a series of posts arguing that the American Civil War is not a tragedy. And I agree with the spirit of what I take him to be arguing. There's a view out there — an entirely white-centric view — that regrets that the two sides …
The Atlantic Online

The Biden ‘terrorist’ story: How it came together — Vice President Joe Biden's comparison of tea party negotiators to terrorists during the debt limit crisis is still causing headaches for the White House — and on the campaign trail — more than two weeks after POLITICO reported Biden's comments …
Ben Smith's Blog, Associated Press and The Gateway Pundit

Sarah Palin Is a Tease! — Even after Michele Bachmann's win in the Iowa straw poll last weekend, Sarah Palin won't go away. Is she really serious about running for president? As Meghan McCain sees it, not a chance.
The Hill and Weasel Zippers

Christine O'Donnell Memoir's E-Version Called ‘Work Of Fiction’ By E-Publisher … WASHINGTON — Failed U.S. Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is out with her new book “Troublemaker,” which she describes in the introduction as “a political memoir slash campaign diary slash position paper slash rallying cry …
Crooks and Liars

U.S. Inquiry Eyes S.&P. Ratings of Mortgages — The Justice Department is investigating whether the nation's largest credit ratings agency, Standard & Poor's, improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years leading up to the financial crisis, according to two people interviewed …
The Reid Report and Politics

Looking Back At The Bush Administration — I was on the radio yesterday with Drew Westen and something that came up was the surprisingly persistent myth that George W Bush was some kind of legislative steamroller who somehow coerced Congress into doing things it didn't want to do through …
Lawyers, Guns & Money, and A plain blog about politics

‘NUTS!’ — Allen West's Strange, One-Word Response To Being Called Out For Ties To Islamophobes — Earlier this month, a local chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) sent Rep. Allen West (R-FL) a letter asking him to cut off ties with leading anti-Muslim activists …
Riptide 2.0, Wonkette and Post on Politics

Florida Supreme Court rules against Scott, finds he violated separation of powers — Gov. Rick Scott overstepped his authority and violated the separation of powers by freezing state agency rulemaking, the Florida Supreme Court ruled today. — Shortly after he was sworn in as governor on Jan. 4 …
Crooks and Liars and Suburban Guerrilla