Top Items:

Rick Perry calls global warming an unproven, costly theory — The Texas governor says scientists have ‘manipulated data’ to win research dollars. — Reporting from Bedford, N.H.— Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday reaffirmed his view that global warming is an unproven scientific theory …
No More Mister Nice Blog

Perry faces some jeers, pointed questions in NH appearance — Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) faced some jeers and tough questions during a meet-and-greet on Thursday in New Hampshire. — During another day of stumping in the first-in-the-nation primary state, Perry was met by supporters, but also faced some jeers from some in the crowd.
The Note

Bashing E.P.A. Is New Theme in G.O.P. Race
Washington Post, Politics, Des Moines Register, Austin American-Statesman, The Caucus and Daily Kos

Perry and Romney split on global warming
Texas on the Potomac, The Hill,, Power Line, Washington Monthly, The Politico and ThinkProgress

U.S. Inquiry Is Said to Focus on S.&P. Ratings — The Justice Department is investigating whether the nation's largest credit ratings agency, Standard & Poor's, improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years leading up to the financial crisis, according to two people interviewed …

Perry's Public Service — Behold, a hard-money Texas politician. — All the world's right-thinkers are denouncing Rick Perry for suggesting this week that Texans would get “pretty ugly” with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke if he guns the money supply any more between now and the 2012 election.
GOP 12, Betsy's Page, Rhymes With Right, The Daily Dish and New York Post

Subdued Perry Courts Support in New Hampshire After Barb Aimed at Bernanke
Boston Globe, GOP 12, and Washington Post

‘Liberty lovers’ flock to Paul event
Mediaite,, Washington Wire and The Politico

3 attacks target Israelis near Egypt, 6 dead — JERUSALEM (AP) — Assailants armed with heavy weapons, guns and explosives launched three attacks in quick succession in southern Israel near the border with Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Thursday, killing at least six people and wounding about a dozen more, officials said.
The Politico, Online NewsHour and Weasel Zippers

Liveblog: Coordinated terror attacks near Egyptian border — This is a liveblog of the events currently going on near the Egyptian border in the area of Eilat. There are three events. — 1. ‘Palestinian’ terrorists shot at an Egged bus - number 392 - from Beer Sheva to Eilat.
CNN, The Jawa Report, Hot Air and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

“Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?” — An Austin Ron Paul supporter has taken out a full-page ad in the local alt weekly newspaper seeking any “stripper ... escort ... or ‘young hottie’” who has slept with Rick Perry, part of his single-minded jihad against the presidential candidate.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Taegan Goddard's … and Althouse

New Low of 26% Approve of Obama on the Economy — Ratings on Afghanistan and foreign affairs have also declined — PRINCETON, NJ — A new low of 26% of Americans approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since Gallup last measured it in mid …
The Moderate Voice, Don Surber, The Heritage Foundation, UrbanGrounds, Questions and Observations, The Daily Caller, The Hill, Hot Air, The Strata-Sphere, TPMDC, Scared Monkeys, Power Line, Doug Ross, Opinion L.A., Reuters, Outside the Beltway, The Political Carnival, Weasel Zippers, Fox News, Red Dog Report,, Political Punch, American Power, Politics, Pajamas Media, White House Dossier, Firedoglake, AMERICAblog News, Daily Kos and Washington Wire

71% disapprove Obama on economy
Gallup, The Heritage Foundation and Right Wing News

West: I'll lead you off ‘plantation’ — Rep. Allen West says he is a “modern-day Harriet Tubman” who wants to lead black voters away from the “plantation” of the Democratic Party. — There is a “21st century plantation” of African-American voters unwaveringly supporting Democrats …
The Atlantic Online, Romanticpoet's Weblog, The Political Carnival and

S.E.C. Files Were Illegally Destroyed, Lawyer Says — WASHINGTON — An enforcement lawyer at the Securities and Exchange Commission says that the agency illegally destroyed files and documents related to thousands of early-stage investigations over the last 20 years, according …

O'Donnell walks out of CNN interview — (CNN) - Christine O'Donnell, the former Delaware GOP Senate candidate, walked off the set of CNN's “Piers Morgan Tonight” Wednesday when asked about her views on sexual abstinence and gay marriage. — “I'm not talking about policies.
USA Today and The Moderate Voice

Phone hacking: News of the World Hollywood reporter is arrested — James Desborough is arrested by London police investigating UK hacking allegations — James Desborough, an award-winning reporter at the former News of the World newspaper, has been arrested by officers investigating the phone-hacking scandal.
The Raw Story,, New York Magazine, AMERICAblog News and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »

Kasich, fellow Republicans propose SB 5 deal to unions — Gov. John Kasich pleaded with organized labor leaders today to compromise on Senate Bill 5 and cancel a fall referendum on the controversial bill that peels back public employee collective bargaining rights.
Washington Monthly, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Associated Press, Liberty Street, Daily Kos and TPMDC

Coburn: Good thing I can't pack a gun — Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) ripped his colleagues during a tour of northeast Oklahoma, calling them “career elitists,” “cowards” and said, “It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor.” — Coburn's gun-on-the- floor comment comes less …
ThinkProgress and Daily Kos

Presidential vacations: How does Obama compare? — President Obama and his family will be staying at the 28-acre Blue Heron Farm in Martha's Vineyard. (Ivy Ashe for the Vineyard Gazette) — Following his three-day bus tour to promote his economic agenda — and not to mention …

Rush Limbaugh's “Or-Bam-eo” Slur — Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh described a new Oreo that will have both chocolate and vanilla cream as a “biracial” cookie and said that “it isn't going to be long before it's going to be called the Or-Bam-eo or something like this.”
The Atlantic Online, Daily Kos, field negro and Gawker

Malcolm's moment — As I read Paul Rahe's recent Ricochet post “Rioting for fun and profit,” it occurred to me that events in England had made this Malcolm's moment — Malcolm as in Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm. Professor Malcolm is a historian and constitutional scholar specializing …
Wall Street Journal

The Dirty Thirties — Larry J. Sabato, Director, U.Va. Center for Politics — President Obama has found himself in the cellar for the first time since taking office: He fell to 39% in Gallup Poll tracking over the past weekend. Obama may or may not have a month or months when his average is below 40%.

Hispanic Democrats Set Sights on New Texas Seat — DALLAS—A newly drawn Central Texas congressional district is creating tensions about who best can serve its mostly Hispanic residents—one of their own, or a long-time congressman who happens to be white. — As a result of redistricting led …
Rhymes With Right

Chris muscles Mike on 9/11 invite for pol — Hot-headed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie yesterday threw his weight around to get his way for the upcoming 10th-anniver- — sary 9/11 ceremony after blasting Mayor Bloomberg for excluding ex-Jersey Gov. Donald DiFrancesco from the solemn event.
City Room, GOP 12 and New York Magazine, more at Mediagazer »

Erdogan's Big Fat Turkish Idea — With the Middle East in flames and news coming faster than governments can react, nothing is more important than to step back from the fray, take a deep breath and get some perspective. Historical perspective. That is particularly true when looking …