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Karl Rove Created Rick Perry — Now Can He Stop Him? … WASHINGTON — Karl Rove won't say it aloud, but he is afraid of Rick Perry: afraid that the smack-talking Texas governor will wreck the GOP's chances of winning the White House and the Senate in 2012. — The Perry-Rove story is shaping …
The Mahablog, The Moderate Voice and Washington Monthly

The left's labeling of conservatives as biased is flat-out wrong — The other day, Ed Schultz, host of MSNBC's “The Ed Show,” had a bit of fun at the expense of Rick Perry, the governor of Texas and newly minted Republican presidential candidate. He played a carefully edited clip …
ThinkProgress, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Grasping Reality … and The New Republic

Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Immigration is a ‘federal responsibility’ — Columbia, South Carolina (CNN) - GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry may not think Washington should help create jobs but when it comes to illegal immigration, he doesn't think the federal government is doing enough.
The Politico, Hot Air, PERRspectives and Daily Kos

Bank of America official promises to help Perry
Washington Monthly, The Impolitic, The Atlantic Online and Gawker

Bank of America's Dead Drop To Rick Perry: “We Will Help You Out”
Crooks and Liars, Don Surber, MarketBeat, Hullabaloo, New York Magazine,, Raw Replay, Gawker and The Impolitic

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Bank Of America's Director Of Public Policy Tells Rick Perry 'We'll Help You Out'
Wonkette, Associated Press, The Atlantic Online, Firedoglake and Wall Street Journal

Gov. Rick Perry says Texas public schools teach evolution and creationism
Wonkette, Firedoglake,, and The Note

Arpaio clarifies stand on Obama birth certificate — PHOENIX — Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has denied that he “promised” Tea Party leaders in Arizona to investigate the validity of Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate to determine the president's eligibility for the 2012 election ballot.
Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Arizona sheriff promises Obama-eligibility probe — Lawman responds to request from local tea-party leaders — MARICOPA COUNTY, Ariz. - At the request of tea-party leaders in Arizona, famed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has agreed to examine evidence challenging the validity …
Salon, Raw Replay and Wonkette

Republicans at home face Tea Party-style protests from liberal, labor groups — House Republicans are facing angry protests at home this month as liberal activists and labor organizers try to replicate the Tea-Party backlash that bit Democrats in August of 2009. — Liberal groups have been planning these protests for months.
Connecting.the.Dots and The Gateway Pundit

Paul Ryan's Office Calls Cops On Jobless Protesters … Staffers for Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) called police on Thursday evening to disperse unemployed protesters staging a sit-in at his Kenosha, Wis., office, according to the protesters and police. — Two protesters told HuffPost they're unhappy …
Dane101, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, Booman Tribune and Wisconsin Jobs Now!

Darrell Issa Sticks It to the Times — Darrell Issa is a brilliant businessman who made a lot of money the old-fashioned way: he earned it, rather than marrying or inheriting it as so many Democratic politicians do. Which is another way of saying that he is just the kind of man we need in Washington.
Hot Air, Congressman Issa and blogs

US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024 — America and Afghanistan are close to signing a strategic pact which would allow thousands of United States troops to remain in the country until at least 2024, The Daily Telegraph can disclose. — The agreement would allow not only military trainers …
Mudville Gazette and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

U.S. forces to stay in Iraq into 2012, says Leon Panetta
Stars & Stripes, Hot Air, English, The Political Carnival and ThinkProgress

O'Donnell's reaction to Piers Morgan was ‘downright bizarre’ — Editor's note: L. Brent Bozell is the president of the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog organization, and the founder of, an online news service with an emphasis on investigative journalism.

Relaxing Obama hits bookstore with Malia and Sasha — PLAY CBS NEWS VIDEO — (AP) VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. — President Barack Obama began the first full day of his Martha's Vineyard vacation on Friday by dropping into a bookstore with daughters Malia and Sasha, emerging to shouts of “2012!” and “Four More Years.”
Los Angeles Times and Althouse

Michelle's Separate Travel Costs Taxpayers Thousands
Daily Mail, Scared Monkeys, Atlas Shrugs, Weasel Zippers, The Lonely Conservative and

Barton: Gay Rights Are “Impossible,” People Are Poor Because They're Not Religious — Today on WallBuilders Live, David Barton and co-host Rick Green trumpeted their opposition to gay rights and reproductive rights, as Barton previously argued that God will hold you accountable if you vote for a pro-equality or pro-choice candidate.

A Study in Judicial Dysfunction — Harsh state judicial campaigns financed by ever larger amounts of special interest money are eating away at public faith in judicial impartiality. There are few places where the spectacle is more shameful than Wisconsin, where over-the-top campaigning …
Prairie Weather

President Obama tells lawmakers in Washington to put country before party — President Obama said that lawmakers in Washington need to set aside their partisan differences and come together to boost the struggling economy. — In his weekly radio address Saturday, Obama …

Funder For Travel To Glenn Beck's Jerusalem Rally Criticized For Speaking To Anti-Semitic Groups — Glenn Beck's upcoming rally to “Restore Courage” has run into a snag after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and the House Ethics Committee rejected the request by a number of House members …
The Politico

Lieberman, Cantor will not be at Beck's Jerusalem rally
Slate, The Wire, TPMDC, ThinkProgress, Israel Matzav and Mediaite

Obama's Base Problem — There's been plenty of bad news for Barack Obama this month in the form of his approval numbers, but our polling finds that his problems go deeper than that. Democratic enthusiasm about voting in next year's election has hit a record low this month.
Don Surber, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Taegan Goddard's … and Campaign 2012

Iowa Politics Insider: Palin event switches site to handle crowd — Sarah Palin's Sept. 3 event has been relocated from Waukee to Indianola to better accommodate a larger crowd, organizers said. — Palin is the keynote speaker at the Tea Party of America's “Restoring America” event, which is free and open to the public.

Thank You, Iowa! — A week later we are still remembering …
The Note, The Gateway Pundit, The Other McCain and Conservatives4Palin