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5.8-Magnitude Quake Strikes East Coast — A 5.8-magnitude earthquake based in Virginia sent tremors from the nation's capital to New York City and New England Tuesday afternoon, officials said. Buildings throughout major metropolitan centers in the northeast were evacuated after the quake …

Conservatives Can't Decide If Obama Was Too Busy Golfing Or Biking To Stop The Earthquake — Following the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the D.C. region this afternoon, conservative media figures have responded the only way they know how: by twisting it into an attack on Obama's vacation in Martha's Vineyard.
The Moderate Voice, Mediaite and Crooks and Liars

5.9 magnitude quake rocks East Coast — A 5.9 magnitude quake center in Virginia rocks the East Coast, with tremors felt as far south as North Carolina, as far north as Buffalo and Boston, and as far west as Detroit. — Update at 2:30 p.m. ET: The Washington Post quotes a a USGS official as saying …
The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, Ecocentric, Sense of Events, Michelle Malkin and Scared Monkeys

Obama Golfing in Martha's Vineyard When Earthquake Hit — ABC News' Stephanie Smith and David Kerley (@david_kerley) report: — Talk about early warning. The majority of the White House press corps, camped out at a hotel at Martha's Vineyard, was keeping a close eye on our computers and emails.

How Did So Many People Feel a 5.9 Earthquake in Richmond, Virginia? — People from South Carolina to New York to Akron, Ohio felt an earthquake that struck near Richmond, Virginia this afternoon. It was a rare earthquake for the eastern seaboard and a rare kind of earthquake, in general.
The Daily Dish

1 quake, and 2 missed golf shots — OAK BLUFFS, Mass. - President Obama gave the media a rare glimpse Tuesday into his treasured golf game, taking the unusual step of inviting reporters to watch him putt on a public course here. — The visual of a shirt-sleeved president …

Earthquake Rattles Washington DC - Obama Goes Biking
Little Green Footballs and Hullabaloo

Rare Strong Earthquake Hits Colorado
Online NewsHour, Boing Boing, Towleroad News #gay and National Review

Earthquake rocks East Coast
The Huffington Post, NBC Washington, The Project …, The American Mind and AmSpecBlog

East Coast earthquake: 5.9 magnitude epicenter hits Virginia
Taylor Marsh and Instapundit

How to make Sarah Palin disappear — The safe bet remains that Sarah Palin is simply engaged in a long and tiresome tease. Every few weeks comes some new sign of her supposedly imminent entry into the GOP presidential race, but nothing ever seems to happen.
The Monkey Cage, A plain blog about politics and GOP 12

Perry takes the lead in Iowa — Rick Perry is the new leader in Iowa: — The race is pretty close four ways in Iowa but Rick Perry is the new favorite among Republican voters in the state. Among announced candidates he's at 22% to 19% for Mitt Romney, 18% for Michele Bachmann, and 16% for Ron Paul.

Obama tops Perry — Rick Perry is looking increasingly like the Republican favorite for President- he led in the Iowa poll we released this morning and he leads by double digits in the national poll we'll release tomorrow. The biggest beneficiary of Perry's rise? It might be Barack Obama.
Taegan Goddard's …, GOP 12 and Balloon Juice

Could a Palin presidential bid rewrite the campaign rulebook?
Washington Post, The Caucus, Ballot Box, CNN and Booman Tribune

Here's Why Bank Of America's Stock Is Collapsing Again — It's deja vu all over again. — The stock of a humongous American bank, Bank of America (BAC), is collapsing. — This is stoking fears that Bank of America will go bust, taking the whole economy down with it. — Why is Bank of America's stock tanking?
Clusterstock, naked capitalism, Reuters, FT Alphaville, MarketBeat, Deal Journal, Modeled Behavior, New York Magazine and AMERICAblog News

JP Morgan May Take Over Bank Of America — There is a rumor circulated on Wall St. that JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) will take over Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) within the week. The government will support the deal with a $100 billion investment in preferred shares issued by the combined entity.
FT Alphaville, Man Are We Screwed, Clusterstock, Dealbreaker and MarketBeat

CantorQuake: Trembling at the Heart of GOP Claims We Don't Need Government — Back in March, after the Japanese earthquake, Eric Cantor defended Republican plans to cut funding from the USGS and warning systems to help in case of a disaster. — This is the epicenter of the freak 5.9 Richter earthquake that just hit Virginia.
The Impolitic and AMERICAblog News

Virginia Nuclear Plant Loses Power After Quake — A nuclear power plant in central Virginia has lost offsite power in the wake of a 5.8 earthquake centered northwest of Richmond, Va., U.S. nuclear officials said. — The North Anna Power Station, which has two nuclear reactors …
Crooks and Liars, ThinkProgress, The Raw Story and The Daily Caller

Perry campaign distances him from book's call for repeal of 16th Amendment — Rick Perry's campaign is now distancing him from another controversial claim in his book: That we should repeal the 16th Amendment and replace it with a “Fair Tax,” a radical idea that's still rattling around in some precincts on the right.
Politics, ThinkProgress, Ben Smith's Blog, Indecision Forever, Wonkette, TPMDC and The Washington Independent

Why Rick Perry's War On The 16th Amendment Is The Third Prong Of His War On Seniors
No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Post and The New Republic

Perry Backs Radical National Sales Tax Plan To Starve Federal Government
FrumForum, Los Angeles Times, Washington Monthly, Right Wing Watch and Mother Jones

Guy Benson — BREAKING: Obama Administratrion Clarifies Biden Remarks, “Strongly Opposes” China's One-Child Policy — As I mentioned in my previous post, I contacted the White House this afternoon for an explanation of Vice President Biden's stunning remarks regarding China's odious one-child policy.
Patterico's Pontifications, Hot Air, theblogprof, Weasel Zippers and

Study: 8 in 10 lawmakers lack education in economics — Almost 80 percent of lawmakers might need to crack open an economics textbook before the congressional recess ends, a new study on Tuesday suggests. — The vast majority of members lack an academic background in business or economics …
Weasel Zippers

Conservative elites pine for 2012 hero — It's a tough time to be a conservative intellectual. — From the Weekly Standard to the Wall Street Journal, on the pages of policy periodicals and opinion sections, the egghead right's longing for a presidential candidate of ideas …

Kucinich: Haul generals to court — NATO commanders who authorized the Libya bombing campaign should be “held accountable” to international law and hauled before the world court for civilian deaths, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said Tuesday. — “NATO's top commanders may have acted under color …
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich, Weasel Zippers and Bluegrass Pundit

Waters to Obama aide: Say ‘black’ — Rep. Maxine Waters and other black leaders lobbed heated questions at one of President Barack Obama's top jobs advisers Monday, pressing him to confirm the White House is focusing on creating jobs in struggling African-American communities — and to say the word “black.”
Sky Dancing, Big Government, Moe Lane and Pajamas Media

Beware the tea party, Jesse Jackson, Frederica Wilson and black Democrats say at jobs meeting
YID With LID, Big Government, Hot Air, and Chicago Boyz

New Jersey School District Yanks Lesbian Sex Book From Required Summer Reading List — A New Jersey school district has apologized to parents after requiring high school students to read books that include graphic depictions of lesbian sex and a homosexual orgy.
CNSNews, ThinkProgress, Don Surber and The Lonely Conservative

KBR Requests That Losing Rape Claimant Pay Company's Legal Fees — The skirmishing has not yet subsided in the high-profile suit brought by Jamie Leigh Jones, the Houston woman who claimed that she was raped while working in Iraq for defense contractor KBR.
The Raw Story, Man Are We Screwed and Feministe

Dean of Columbia College Resigns After Two Years — The dean of Columbia College has abruptly resigned over what she called administrative changes that would diminish or eliminate her authority, leaving the undergraduate division of Columbia University without a leader two weeks before the start of classes.
Gothamist, New York Magazine and Associated Press

Rick Perry holds the record on executions — Darren McCollester/GETTY IMAGES - PEMBROKE, NH - AUGUST 18: Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry speaks to workers at Epoch Homes August 18, 2011 in Pembroke, New Hampshire. Perry has been campaigning since he declared …
The Raw Story, Politics, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Little Green Footballs and Hot Air

How Democrats Hurt Jobs — The airplane's aft section arrived early Monday morning. That's what they'd been waiting for at the final assembly plant in North Charleston, S.C. They already had the wings, the nose, the tail — all the other major sections of Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner.

Combet accuses Abbott of climate change racism — Federal Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of having a racist climate change policy. — Mr Abbott has warned that Australian businesses buying carbon permits under an emissions trading scheme …
Weasel Zippers