Top Items:

Conservatives Can't Decide If Obama Was Too Busy Golfing Or Biking To Stop The Earthquake — Following the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the D.C. region this afternoon, conservative media figures have responded the only way they know how: by twisting it into an attack on Obama's vacation in Martha's Vineyard.
Mediaite, The Impolitic, Crooks and Liars and The Mahablog

Above All Else, Eastern Quake Rattles Nerves — Of all the things there are to worry about, earthquakes are fairly low on the list for those on the East Coast. So it was startling, just as the lunch hour was ending Tuesday and workers in a broad area of North America were settling back into their cubicles …

All Shook Up? Barack Obama missed golf putts after earthquake struck — The earthquake that originated here in Virginia was felt across the east coast of the United States, including the Massachusetts island of Martha's Vineyard, where Barack Obama is holidaying.
IMAO, Ricochet Conversation Feed, The Obama Report, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Lonely Conservative

D.C. earthquake: Powerful tremor shakes region
Mountain Beltway, Reuters, Truthdig, Nation Now, New York Times, Wake up America and National Review

How Did So Many People Feel a 5.9 Earthquake in Richmond, Virginia?
The Daily Dish

Earthquake Rattles Washington DC - Obama Goes Biking
Little Green Footballs, Hullabaloo, Mediaite and Sense of Events

Jeb Bush warns 2012ers on hitting Obama — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush warned the Republican presidential hopefuls against ideological intransigence and knee-jerk opposition to President Barack Obama on Tuesday, saying they risk turning off middle-of-the-road voters.
The Moderate Voice, Weasel Zippers, Ricochet Conversation Feed and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Guy Benson — BREAKING: Obama Administratrion Clarifies Biden Remarks, “Strongly Opposes” China's One-Child Policy — As I mentioned in my previous post, I contacted the White House this afternoon for an explanation of Vice President Biden's stunning remarks regarding China's odious one-child policy.
National Review, Hot Air, Flopping Aces, Pundit & Pundette and Patterico's Pontifications

Obama tops Perry — Rick Perry is looking increasingly like the Republican favorite for President- he led in the Iowa poll we released this morning and he leads by double digits in the national poll we'll release tomorrow. The biggest beneficiary of Perry's rise? It might be Barack Obama.
The Gateway Pundit, RedState, Taegan Goddard's …, GOP 12, Juanita Jean's, Outside the Beltway and Balloon Juice

People on twitter might be joking, but in all seriousness, we would see a bigger boost in spending and hence economic growth if the earthquake had done more damage.
Hot Air, Campaign 2012, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media, William K. Wolfrum Chronicles and Hit & Run

Michelle Obama shows up her husband in tiny purple bike shorts as the President lags behind in jeans — Michelle Obama showed off her enviably toned thighs as she powered past the President in tiny purple cycling shorts on the first family's bike ride on Martha's Vineyard today.
Weasel Zippers, and JammieWearingFool

How to make Sarah Palin disappear — The safe bet remains that Sarah Palin is simply engaged in a long and tiresome tease. Every few weeks comes some new sign of her supposedly imminent entry into the GOP presidential race, but nothing ever seems to happen.
Hot Air, The Monkey Cage, Reuters, A plain blog about politics, Public Policy Polling and GOP 12

Defiant Gaddafi ‘vows to fight’ — The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tripoli: “The city erupted in gunfire” — Col Muammar Gaddafi has vowed death or victory in the fight against “aggression”, reports say, after Libyan rebels seized his Tripoli compound.
Reuters, The Atlantic Wire, The Moderate Voice, New York Magazine and New York Times

Anger In The Arab World
The Heritage Foundation, The Gateway Pundit, Truthdig and Guardian

CNN Reports: Some Stones Loose At Washington Monument After Quake — The U.S. Capitol Police reports that the Washington Monument has been damaged after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck near the nation's capital. There are also reports that the Washington Monument is “tilting” from ABC News affiliate WABC.

CantorQuake: Trembling at the Heart of GOP Claims We Don't Need Government — Back in March, after the Japanese earthquake, Eric Cantor defended Republican plans to cut funding from the USGS and warning systems to help in case of a disaster. — This is the epicenter of the freak 5.9 Richter earthquake that just hit Virginia.
Guardian, ABCNEWS, Connecting.the.Dots, iWatch News, The Impolitic, The Project … and AMERICAblog News

JP Morgan May Take Over Bank Of America — There is a rumor circulated on Wall St. that JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) will take over Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) within the week. The government will support the deal with a $100 billion investment in preferred shares issued by the combined entity.
Clusterstock, Dealbreaker, FT Alphaville, Man Are We Screwed and MarketBeat

Bank Nationalization Proposals Are Back
Politics, Clusterstock and TalkLeft

Marco Rubio courts establishment Republicans — SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — It might look like tea party hero Marco Rubio waded into enemy territory with stops in San Francisco and Beverly Hills this week. But rubbing shoulders with a different crowd is the point of the freshman senator's three-day swing through the Golden State.
CNN and Taegan Goddard's …

Rick Perry: The God-Fearing, Know-Nothing, Pistol-Packing Embodiment of Liberals' Worst Nightmares — What Rick Perry has achieved in his inaugural strut on the political stage is unprecedented in the annals of modern conservative history from Barry Goldwater to Sarah Palin.
Betsy's Page

Money doesn't grow on trees: Federal grant of $500,000 to boost Nevada economy by planting trees creates 1.72 jobs — A federal stimulus grant of nearly $500,000 to grow trees and stimulate the economy in Nevada yielded just 1.72 jobs, according to government statistics.
Betsy's Page

Sprint to Get iPhone 5 — Sprint Nextel Corp. will begin selling the new version of the Apple iPhone in mid-October, people familiar with the matter said, filling a huge hole in the No. 3 U.S. carrier's lineup and giving Apple Inc. another sales channel for its popular gadget.
New York Magazine, TechCrunch and Engadget, more at Techmeme »

Top politically themed earthquake tweets — After Washington DC realized that the earthquake was nothing to worry about, they took to Twitter to joke about the cause. Some of the best ones below: — @TPCarney: Krugman says it wasn't big enough. — @comradescott: Evidently the quake occurred …
Wizbang and The Business Insider

Energy Obamanomics: No green jobs and plenty of red ink — It's time to end all forms of corporate welfare — It wasn't enough to preside over the first-ever downgrade of America's credit rating. Now the Obama administration is downgrading America's energy supply as well.

The reluctant war president — Once again, there will be no flight suit photo-op or “Mission Accomplished” banner for Barack Obama. — The ouster of Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi represents yet another military victory for a president long cast as a gun-shy liberal uncomfortable with the use of force.
The Politico, Washington Monthly, ThinkProgress, Los Angeles Times, American Glob and Right Wing News

Kucinich: Haul generals to court
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich, Weasel Zippers and Bluegrass Pundit