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Six dead as Hurricane Irene edges on Virginia — Boy killed when tree slams into home; surfer dies in huge waves off Florida — Below: — NBC News and — updated 2011-08-27T20:42:50 — Top developments: — Six people, including an 11-year-old boy and a surfer …
Associated Press, PhotoBlog, Guardian, Crooks and Liars, Scared Monkeys and New York Times

Hurricane Irene Pushes North With Deadly Force — WILMINGTON, N.C. — After several anxious days of dire forecasts that forced much of the East Coast into unprecedented levels of lockdown, a weakened but still ferocious Hurricane Irene made landfall on Saturday morning along the southern coast …
Metropolis, New York Magazine, Nation Now, Runnin' Scared, Guardian, Gothamist and The Daily Dish, more at Mediagazer »

Ron Paul: We don't need FEMA — (CNN) - As Hurricane Irene barrels along the U.S. East Coast, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said the nation would be much better off without the Federal Emergency Management Agency. — “I live on the Gulf Coast. We put up with hurricanes all the time,” …
The Politico, The Moderate Voice and No More Mister Nice Blog

Locked Up and Left Behind: Hurricane Irene and the Prisoners on New York's Rikers Island — “We are not evacuating Rikers Island,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a news conference this afternoon. Bloomberg annouced a host of extreme measures being taken by New York City in preparation …
Gawker, Runnin' Scared, Focal Point and TalkLeft

Live blog: Falling tree kills man in car; storm's death toll now 5 — Are you there? Share your story with iReport and be a part of CNN's coverage. — Hurricane Irene continues to crawl north after making landfall Saturday morning in North Carolina. The storm is expected to head …

Louisiana Congressman: GOP ‘Sinful’ To Tie Disaster Aid To Spending Cuts
theblogprof, The Confluence, Washington Monthly, The Gateway Pundit and ThinkProgress

Gaddafi 'seen in Zimbabwe on Mugabe's private jet' as Libya rebels march on dictator's home town — Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has fled Libya to Zimbabwe on a jet provided by Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, it was claimed today, as rebels began the march on his home town.
Outside the Beltway, The Heritage Foundation and The Gateway Pundit

Obama's Enablers — Meet the mainstream media. — As a rule, the press is the scourge of presidents. They're expected to endure unending scrutiny, mistrust, and badgering—plus hostility if they're Republicans—by a hectoring herd of reporters and commentators in the mainstream media.

State Department: Don't Invade Privacy of Cleric on CIA Kill List — While the New Mexico-born cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, is the first American on the CIA's kill or capture list, the U.S. State Department refuses to release documents about al-Awlaki citing his right to privacy.
Atlas Shrugs, Weasel Zippers,, Jihad Watch and Right Wing News

Man Accused of Stalking via Twitter Claims Free Speech — Even the Buddha of compassion might have been distressed to be on the receiving end of the diatribes that William Lawrence Cassidy is accused of posting on Twitter. — They certainly rattled Alyce Zeoli, a Buddhist leader based in Maryland.
The Volokh Conspiracy and Outside the Beltway

Al Gore to Rick Perry: Climate scientists aren't motivated by money — Al Gore on Friday bashed the notion that climate scientists are manipulating data for financial gain, a charge levied by global warming skeptics, including GOP White House hopeful Rick Perry.
Don Surber

Left And Right Going Nuclear On Rick Perry
Washington Post, Campaign 2012, Patterico's Pontifications and New York Times

Gore: Eat less meat to fight warming
Michelle Malkin, theblogprof, Sister Toldjah, Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative

US official: Al-Qaida's No. 2 killed in Pakistan — WASHINGTON (AP) — Al-Qaida's second-in-command, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, has been killed in Pakistan, delivering another big blow to a terrorist group that the U.S. believes to be on the verge of defeat, U.S. officials said Saturday.
CBS News, New York Times, The Hill, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers

Defeating Darwin in four steps - so easy a caveman could do it — Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at “Focal Point” — Governor Perry's observation on the campaign trail that evolution is a theory with “gaps” has generated a tremendous amount of conversation and controversy.
Little Green Footballs, Pharyngula, Liberal Values and The Mahablog

HRC's Solmonese to Step Down, Sources Say No Replacement Has Been Selected — On Friday night, Aug. 26, Pam Spaulding at Pam's House Blend reported that Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese will be stepping down in the coming months from his leadership role at the nation's largest …
Pam's House Blend and AMERICAblog Gay

BREAKING: Joe Solmonese to leave HRC in December; official announcement on Tuesday
Washington Blade, Firedoglake, Poliglot and Towleroad News #gay

Harvey: “There's No Proof” LGBT People Exist — Mission America's Linda Harvey dedicated her weekend broadcast to criticizing the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, one of her favorite targets. Harvey was particularly perturbed by the GLSEN Sports Project, which works towards …
Holy Bullies … and Alan Colmes' Liberaland