Top Items:
Adam C. Smith / St. Petersburg Times:
Michele Bachmann rally draws over 1,000 in Sarasota, but some prefer Rick Perry — SARASOTA — Hurricane Irene bypassed the state and spared Michele Bachmann's first campaign foray in Florida this weekend, but now she has to contend with Hurricane Perry. — Even as the Minnesota congresswoman …
CNN, Washington Monthly, TPMDC, Daniel W. Drezner, SFGate, Campaign 2012, Crooks and Liars, Politics, The American Independent, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite, The Political Carnival, The Rantings & Ravings …, Wonkette, Indecision Forever, New York Magazine, Iowa Caucuses, The Hill, Political Insider, PolitickerNY, Towleroad News #gay, National Review, Daily Kos and This Just In

Bachmann Campaign: Bachmann Spoke ‘In Jest’ When She Said God Was Communicating Via Earthquakes And Hurricanes — Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-MN) presidential campaign says critics are making much ado about nothing when it comes to her viral quote stating last week's East Coast earthquake …
The Atlantic Online, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, CNN and USA Today
Alexander Burns / The Politico:
Michele Bachmann: Natural disasters a warning to D.C.
Michele Bachmann: Natural disasters a warning to D.C.
Mediaite, The Nation, Star Spangled Staggers, TPMDC and Harry's Place

Bachmann: Hurricane Was A Message From God To Washington About Spending (Updated)
The Heritage Foundation, Shakesville, CNN and New York Magazine
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
Bachmann sees Irene as divine message on spending
Bachmann sees Irene as divine message on spending
JustOneMinute, Reuters, Booman Tribune, Politics and Smartypants
Shushannah Walshe / ABCNEWS:
Bachmann: Irene Was God's Warning
Bachmann: Irene Was God's Warning
Hot Air, Outside the Beltway and The Political Carnival

Is Rick Perry dumb? — Another Texas governor who drops his “g's” and scorns elites is running for president and the whispers are the same: Lightweight, incurious, instinctual. — Strip away the euphemisms, and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: is he dumb - or just misunderestimated?
New York Times, Washington Wire, Salon, Power Line, Mediaite, Democracy in America, Washington Post, New York Magazine, Pajamas Media, Pirate's Cove, The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Indecision Forever,, RedState, The Rantings & Ravings …, Pundit & Pundette, Politics,, Campaign 2012, WJLA-TV, blogs, Ben Smith's Blog, The Powers That Be and The Politico
Jack Cashill / American Thinker:
Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write — On November 16, 1990, Barack Obama, then president of the Harvard Law Review, published a letter in the Harvard Law Record, an independent Harvard Law School newspaper, championing affirmative action. — Although a paragraph from this letter …
Power Line
David Wessel / Wall Street Journal:
Labor Economist to Fill Key Post — President Barack Obama on Monday plans to nominate Princeton University's Alan Krueger to be chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, a White House official said. — If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Krueger, a labor economist …
New CNN Poll: Perry sits atop GOP field — Washington (CNN) - A new national survey is further proof that Texas Gov. Rick Perry's entrance earlier this month into the race for the White House has dramatically altered the battle for the Republican presidential nomination.
Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers and Hotline On Call

Three minutes, two teleprompters
Fox News, Weasel Zippers, Michelle Malkin and JammieWearingFool

Cantor: No Disaster Relief Funding For Hurricane Irene Without Budget Cuts — Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene this weekend, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) today stood by his call that no more money be allocated for disaster relief unless it is offset by spending cuts elsewhere.
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Online, TPMDC, ECHIDNE of the snakes and Politics
Brian Patrick / Eric Cantor:
Memo On Upcoming Jobs Agenda — MEMORANDUM — As you know, we released The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators earlier this year. While the debt crisis has demanded much of our attention, our new majority has passed over a dozen pro-growth measures to address …
Washington Post, ThinkProgress, The New Republic, Washington Wire, Pajamas Media and The Daily Caller
Erik Wasson / The Hill:
House GOP announces jobs plan focused on cutting regs, taxes
House GOP announces jobs plan focused on cutting regs, taxes
The Politico and Daily Kos
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Republicans Against Science — Jon Huntsman Jr., a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, isn't a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. And that's too bad, because Mr. Hunstman has been willing to say the unsayable about the G.O.P. — namely, that it is becoming the “anti-science party.”

GOP Leaders Bring Some Bad Blood to Race
The Note and Political Insider
Joseph W. McQuaid /
Joe McQuaid's Publisher's Notes — The waitresses at the Red Arrow Diner in Manchester weren't happy with the Mitt Romney picture they have on their wall of fame. It's out of focus, they told him the other morning. — As he was about to leave, one of them grabbed him by the arm.
The Politico, Washington Monthly, GOP 12, The Political Carnival, Politics, Daily Kos, Taegan Goddard's …, TPMDC and Gawker
Patricia A. Turner / New York Times:
Dangerous White Stereotypes — ONE of the most noteworthy movies of the summer is “The Help.” Set in Jackson, Miss., in the early 1960s, it focuses on the relationships between white upper-middle-class women and the black domestics who took care of them and their children.
The Atlantic Online,, Shakesville, Alas, a Blog and The Daily Dish
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
American Theocracy Revisited — During George W. Bush's presidency, many liberal and secular Americans came to regard religious conservatives not merely as their political opponents, but as a kind of existential threat. The religious right, they decided, wasn't a normal political movement.
Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Ben Smith's Blog, Outside the Beltway, Balloon Juice, The Daily Caller and Sadly, No!
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Santorum: Gay community on ‘jihad’ against me for stance on marriage — Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said the gay community has “gone out on a jihad” against him for his stance against gay marriage. — “So the gay community said, 'He's comparing gay sex to incest and polygamy …
Indecision Forever, The Daily Caller, Wonkette, Gawker, TPMDC and GOP 12

Ugly? You May Have a Case — Daniel S. Hamermesh, a professor of economics at the University of Texas, Austin, is the author of “Beauty Pays,” published this month. — BEING good-looking is useful in so many ways. — In addition to whatever personal pleasure it gives you …
The Other McCain, The Powers That Be, PointOfLaw Forum, Weasel Zippers,, Althouse and JammieWearingFool

When the cost of victory is too high — Dick Cheney and Colin Powell are debating the run-up to the Iraq war in a messy public spat. While the former vice president's memoir, “In My Time,” may be causing “heads to explode” all over Washington, most would probably agree that the world is a safer place with Saddam Hussein out of power.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — August 2011 — The August tracking poll examines the views of Americans without health insurance, with a particular focus on how they think the health reform law will affect them. Findings from the poll include: — Although estimates are that 32 million …
The Politico and Daily Kos

New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom — Lord of the Rings aficionados know that the evil lord Sauron paid little attention to the danger posed by two hobbits slowly struggling across the mountains and deserts of Mordor until he suddenly realized that the ring …
Discussion: and National Review

Editorials: Dance of the duds — Miss him yet? The candidates for his seat might make you. — The two candidates seeking to fill the Brooklyn-Queens congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner sat for interviews with the Daily News Editorial Board last week. “Horribly dispiriting” is the capsule review of the sessions.
Discussion:, Capital Tonight and PolitickerNY
Frank Newport / Gallup:
Americans Rate Computer Industry Best, Federal Gov't Worst — Image of federal government is at an all-time low — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans view the computer industry the most positively and the federal government the least positively when asked to rate 25 business and industry sectors.
The Hill, Weasel Zippers, National Review and Don Surber

The City: Beijing — Ai Weiwei finds China's capital is a prison where people go mad. — Beijing is two cities. One is of power and of money. People don't care who their neighbors are; they don't trust you. The other city is one of desperation. I see people on public buses, and I see their eyes, and I see they hold no hope.
Guardian, Hit & Run, The Lede, Telegraph and China Real Time Report