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Coincidences don't happen in presidential politics. Ever. — U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about a clean extension of the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization which expires in mid-September in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, August 31, 2011.

Boehner asks Obama to move his jobs joint address to Thursday — House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has asked President Obama to address a joint-session of Congress on Thursday, Sept. 8, when it wouldn't conflict with the Republican presidential debate. — Citing logistical difficulties …
Mediaite, CNN and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Obama schedules jobs address to coincide with GOP 2012 debate — President Obama has requested a joint session of Congress next week to deliver his jobs speech directly to lawmakers. — In a letter to congressional leaders requesting the Sept. 7 slot, the president said he will urge Congress …
The Politico, Fox News, TPMDC, Wonkette, Taylor Marsh, Politics, Ballot Box and

Obama speech request sparks partisan fight — A presidential address to a joint session of Congress is usually one of Washington's more dignified and predictable events — but President Barack Obama's request to deliver a Sept. 7 speech quickly devolved into just another partisan pie fight.
TPMDC, The Hill, CNN, New York Magazine,, Jared Bernstein, The Moderate Voice and

Carney grants NBC permission to reschedule debate — President Obama plans to lay out his long-awaited jobs speech before a joint session of Congress next Wednesday evening — which happens to be the same night of a Republican presidential debate. — “I respectfully request the opportunity …
AmSpecBlog,, Ballot Box and

Obama stomps on GOP debate plans
CBS News, Mediaite, Michelle Malkin and The Moderate Voice

Boehner to Obama: How about giving your speech the day after the GOP debate instead?
Washington Post, Obama Fail Blog, Mediaite, Pajamas Media and National Review

Ron Paul “Weighing his Options” Over Debate-Blocking Presidential Speech
The Daily Caller, Daily Kos and Campaign 2012

Carney: Change time of debate?
Weasel Zippers and The Gateway Pundit

Senate jam: DeMint also vows to block Obama speech
Politics, Weasel Zippers and Marooned In Marin

Obama to go big with jobs agenda
Discussion:, TPMDC, Weasel Zippers, Lemkin and Balloon Juice

Boehner to Obama: How About Thursday?

Boehner Asks Obama to Reschedule Economy Speech
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Gawker and Daily Kos

Obama asks for prime-time joint session of Congress for jobs speech
Politics, Moe_Lane's blog, Pajamas Media, Althouse, RedState, National Review and Fausta's Blog

Sarah Palin Appearance at Tea Party Rally in Iowa ‘No Longer Confirmed’ — This post has been corrected. — Sarah Palin's Saturday appearance at a tea party rally in Indianola, Iowa, is on hold, a person close to the former Alaska governor told The Wall Street Journal.
TPMDC, Politics, delawareonline, Slate, The Huffington Post, CNN, The Politico, The Other McCain, Washington Post, Real Clear Politics, Ballot Box, The Political Carnival, The Iowa Republican, Mock, Paper, Scissors, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, Don Surber, Mediaite, Gawker, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Caller, Conservatives4Palin, Wonkette, Little Green Footballs, The American Independent, Crooks and Liars, The Powers That Be, Iowa Caucuses, The Hill, National Review, Pajamas Media and New York Magazine

Tea Party organizer ‘had to cancel’ Christine O'Donnell to get Palin to attend — DES MOINES — Tea Party of America President Ken Crow told NBC News, “I had to cancel Ms. O'Donnell” after a conversation with Sarah Palin aides — and is now hopeful Palin will attend the Saturday rally in Indianola.

Andre Carson: Tea party wants blacks ‘hanging on a tree’ — A top lawmaker in the Congressional Black Caucus says tea partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see African Americans hanging from trees and accuses the movement of wishing for a return to the Jim Crow era.

Reid, Pelosi silent on ‘Jim Crow’ accusations — Democratic Congressional leadership remains silent about a Democratic congressman's claim that Tea Party members of Congress would “like to see [black Americans] hanging on a tree.” — The top-ranking Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House …
Hot Air, theblogprof, The Daily Caller and Sister Toldjah

UPDATED: Iowa tea party made three changes at Palin's staff's request
CNN, Radio Iowa and Daily Kos

It's been over a week since Rep. Carson made his explosive comments …
Doug Ross, blogs, Washington Post, Big Journalism, Pirate's Cove, Weasel Zippers, Verum Serum, Politics and Raw Replay

Rep. Allen West considers quitting CBC
Campaign 2012 and CNN

Solyndra Filing a Disaster for Obama — U.S. President Barack Obama heads inside to deliver a speech after meeting with construction workers building a new Solyndra solar panel factory May 26, 2010 in Fremont, California. President Obama toured Solyndra Inc., a growing solar power equipment facility …

Solyndra to Declare Bankruptcy — President Obama touted the facility only a year ago. — Solyndra — recently touted as an innovator by President Obama — is reportedly shutting its doors. Employees are being turned away this morning. … Solyndra, a major manufacturer of solar technology in Fremont …
ABCNEWS, Verum Serum, Pajamas Media,, Wizbang and Clayton Cramer's Blog

Solar company that received Obama administration backing closes its doors
Bloomberg,, The Politico, Reuters, Swampland, blogs and Michelle Malkin

Huntsman Proposes New Taxes On Seniors And Veterans To Pay For Tax Cut For The Richest 0.1 Percent — Our guest blogger is Seth Hanlon, director of Fiscal Reform for the Doing What Works project at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. — 2012 GOP presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman …
Healthwatch, The Hill, TPMDC and Daily Kos

Time To Compete - An American Jobs Plan
Washington Wire and James Pethokoukis

Huntsman tax plan goes big and bold
ThinkProgress and National Review

Michele Bachmann maintains her stance on drilling for oil in the Everglades, upsetting Floridians and fellow Tea Party members. … However, geologists believe there's not much oil under the Everglades anyway. Collier County's Sunniland Field, the only significant oil field nearby …
ThinkProgress, Gawker, Wonkette, Palm Beach Post and Dependable Renegade

Former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel: Republican Party Has ‘An Astounding Lack Of Responsible Leadership’ — Former GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel (NE) can't muster any praise for his Republican colleagues' behavior in Congress over the past few months. In an interview with the Financial Times …
Financial Times, Weasel Zippers and The Political Carnival

Cantor finds himself in a tricky spot on hurricane disaster aid — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's insistence that federal disaster aid be offset elsewhere in the budget runs directly counter to his position in the past when the money went to help his Virginia district.

Did Stimulus Dollars Hire the Unemployed? — Answers to Questions about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — In an effort to boost hiring and job creation and to invest in a variety of domestic infrastructure programs, Congress passed and the president signed the American Recovery …

Why didn't the stimulus create more jobs?
Mother Jones, Mercatus Site Feed and ThinkProgress

Choi Trial Put on Hold After Judge Allows “Vindictive Prosecution” Defense — With reporting from court by John Riley. — The third day of the U.S. government's trial of former Lt. Dan Choi ended with a 10-day delay for the government to seek an order from a higher court stopping the decision …
AMERICAblog News, Daily Kos, ThinkProgress, The Raw Story, Balloon Juice and Firedoglake

The GOP War on Voting — In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year — As the nation gears up for the 2012 presidential election, Republican officials have launched an unprecedented, centrally coordinated campaign …
Hullabaloo and The BRAD BLOG

Obama Labor Boss Buys Canadian-Built Car — Says purchase was to show support for American workers — To show her support for American workers, President Obama's labor secretary, Hilda Solis, has junked the standard black limo and purchased a new Chevrolet Equinox to ride around Washington in.
Washington Post, Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative

Iran's Wet Blankets Put a Damper on Water-Park Fun — Fearful of Facebook and Frolicking Youths, Regime Cracks Down on Squirt-Gun Fights — Authorities in authoritarian Iran have determined the latest threat to the Islamic Republic: squirt guns. — Agents of the regime fanned …
Althouse and Via Meadia