Top Items:
Thomas Lifson /
PBS alters transcript to hide Obama gaffe — Barack Obama has gone to Congress asking for more money to spend. The President, in a rambling and tedious exercise mixing blame with demands, made quite a few dubious statements in laying out the case for Congress to vote for the plan which as yet does not exist.
John Hayward / Human Events:
The Abe Lincoln Gaffe — Let's give the smartest president in history a round of applause, folks. — I have to admit that Barack Obama's pathetic attempts to airbrush himself into history alongside legendary figures are just white noise to me at this point.
The Volokh Conspiracy, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Cameron Joseph / The Hill:
Obama dragging down Democratic candidates in House special elections — Dissatisfaction with President Obama is hurting Democrats' chances in two House special elections that will take place on Tuesday. — In a Democratic-leaning New York City seat previously held by Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner …
New York Times:
Fearing Loss of Weiner's Seat, Democrats Make a Late Push — Panicked Democrats are releasing a barrage of negative television advertising, turning to the national party for a cash infusion and pleading with President Obama's network of supporters for help as they confront what seemed impossible …
Wake up America, Scared Monkeys, RedState, Verum Serum and City Room
James Taranto / Wall Street Journal:
Too Soon — Get over 9/11, Baghdad Bob says. Democrats oblige.
Too Soon — Get over 9/11, Baghdad Bob says. Democrats oblige.
Discussion:, Hotline On Call, BizzyBlog, The Atlantic Online, Pajamas Media, National Review, American Power and PolitickerNY
G-A-Y / Good As You:
Mailers: NOM attacks Weprin and his faith; ya know, because they're such ‘religious freedom’ fans
Mailers: NOM attacks Weprin and his faith; ya know, because they're such ‘religious freedom’ fans
ThinkProgress and Joe. My. God.
Colby Hamilton / The Empire:
Turner blows past Weprin, leads by 6 points in latest NY-9 Siena poll
Turner blows past Weprin, leads by 6 points in latest NY-9 Siena poll
DownWithTyranny!, New York Times, The Daily Caller, New York Magazine and Joe. My. God.
Brian Ross / ABCNEWS:
Alleged 9/11 Anniversary Plot: Possible Suspect May Be ID'd — Officials may have the name of one of the suspected bomb plotters after a 24-hour intelligence manhunt, U.S. officials tell ABC News. — The hunt included an analysis of flight logs and other documents following a report …
Maggie's Notebook, Fox News, Hot Air, and Verum Serum
Daily Mail:
Pictured: FBI put American on their Ten Most wanted list as ‘credible’ …
Pictured: FBI put American on their Ten Most wanted list as ‘credible’ …
The Jawa Report, WCTI-TV and Jihad Watch
Judd Legum / ThinkProgress:
On Eve Of 9/11 Anniversary, Cantor Insists On Massive Cuts To First Responders In Exchange For Emergency Disaster Aid — Yesterday, President Obama requested $5.1 billion to provide disaster relief to communities struggling to recover from recent hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and wildfires.
David Rogers / The Politico:
W.H. seeks $5.1B in disaster aid
Washington Post:
Ten years after Sept. 11: The gains outweigh the mistakes — ON THE 10TH anniversary of al-Qaeda's attack on New York and Washington, the conventional wisdom seems to be evolving from “We will be hit again” to “Osama bin Laden won by provoking us into a decade of overreaction.”
TalkLeft and This ain't Hell …
Karl Smith / Modeled Behavior:
Moving the Overton Window: Why is the US Government Still Collecting Taxes — When borrowing is cheaper than free? — So what happens if we simply suspend taxation for a few years and then pay it back later? — I know, I know there are issues about market freak out and the signals that such a move would create.
Outside the Beltway and The Glittering Eye
Ben Goldacre / Guardian:
The statistical error that just keeps on coming | Ben Goldacre — The same statistical errors - namely, ignoring the “difference in differences” - are appearing throughout the most prestigious journals in neuroscience — We all like to laugh at quacks when they misuse basic statistics.
Via Meadia and Modeled Behavior
Jay Cost / Weekly Standard:
He's No Truman . . . And it's not 1948 any more. — A year from now, the presidential election campaign will be in full swing. Obama and the Republican nominee will be touring the country at a feverish pace, trying hard to convince swing voters to go their way.
Rosalind Rossi / Chicago Sun Times:
Teachers union president says Mayor Emanuel ‘exploded’ at her — Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said Friday that Mayor Rahm Emanuel “exploded” at her during a meeting about a longer school day for Chicago Public Schools. — Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis says Mayor Rahm Emanuel …
Discussion:, and Lynn Sweet
Egyptians storm Israeli Embassy building, remove flag — Hundreds of Egyptians partially tear down wall surrounding Israeli Embassy in Cairo, remove flag from building for second time this month. Over 200 Egyptians reportedly injured. Foreign Minister opens emergency situation room
Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, Israpundit and Citizens for Legitimate …
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Want More Jobs? The Low-Hanging Fruit Is Energy — Everyone knows that Obama's jobs program is a joke; but let's assume that you actually do want to help create a million or more jobs, while simultaneously increasing government revenues by many billions of dollars. How would you do it?
Betsy's Page
Jennifer Steinhauer / New York Times:
G.O.P. Is Cautious in Jobs Response — WASHINGTON — Armed with worrisome poll data and seeking to maintain the legislative upper hand, Congressional Republicans who have spent the balance of the year pouring buckets of criticism on the Obama administration are shifting to a more restrained approach …
Daily Kos, Booman Tribune and The Caucus
Justin Wolfers / Freakonomics:
Obama's Jobs Bill: A Reasonable Plan — Here are some quick thoughts on President Obama's jobs plan: — It's reasonably big, at about 3% of GDP. — It's reasonably front-loaded. Goldman Sachs says it will raise 2012 GDP by about 1.5%-before any multiplier effects.
Felix Salmon, more at Mediagazer »