Top Items:

Obama Approval Plummets on Jobs Plan: Poll — A majority of Americans don't believe President Barack Obama's $447 billion jobs plan will help lower the unemployment rate, skepticism he must overcome as he presses Congress for action and positions himself for re- election.

For Democrats, It's 2010 All Over Again — The outcome of any individual election to the United States House, even in a highly partisan era where Congressional elections have a relatively strong correlation with presidential voting and national trends, is going to be determined based on a combination of local and national factors.

Twin defeats spark Democratic fears — HOWARD BEACH, N.Y. — The Democratic Party's rare loss of a congressional seat in its urban heartland Tuesday, accompanied by a blowout defeat in a Nevada special election, marked the latest in a string of demoralizing setbacks that threatened to deepen …

Ridiculous NY-09 spin: “It's a very difficult district for Democrats” — Republicans won two House seats in a special election last night. One, in Nevada, had been a relatively safe district, and Republican Mark Amodei cruised to victory over Democrat Kate Marshall as expected.

Hill Dems pick apart Obama jobs plan — President Barack Obama's new jobs plan is hitting some unexpected turbulence in the halls of Congress: lawmakers from his own party. — As he demands Congress quickly approve his ambitious proposal aimed at reviving the sagging economy …
ThinkProgress, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers

Bob Turner Wins Anthony Weiner's House Seat — A little-known Republican businessman from Queens, channeling voter discontent with President Obama into an upset, won election to Congress on Tuesday from the heavily Democratic district in New York City last represented by Anthony D. Weiner.
City Hall, NY Daily News, NOM Blog, CNN,, The Politico, City Room, Gothamist, Pajamas Media, Indecision Forever, iWatch News, Salon, The Confluence, The Reaction, Politics, Prairie Weather, The Raw Story, The Lonely Conservative, Towleroad News #gay, The BLT, The Agonist, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Balloon Juice

Republican Bob Turner wins New York special election — Businessman Bob Turner (R) defeated state Assemblyman David Weprin (D) in the special election for the House seat held by former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner (D). — Turner's victory is regarded as an upset given the Democratic history …

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress
Washington Monthly, US Politics and Scared Monkeys

A Guide to Cutting Through Special-Election Spin
Swampland, Business Insider, Washington Post, Guardian, City Room, Dr. Melissa Clouthier and Hotline On Call

Poll: Obama is still popular abroad
CNN, Weasel Zippers and Outside the Beltway

Obama's approval rating falls in California: poll
Discussion: and JammieWearingFool

Amodei defeats Marshall for Nevada congressional seat
Washington Monthly

Republicans win Weiner's seat
The Politico, No More Mister Nice Blog, Pajamas Media, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and National Review

Obama Is not the king of Queens …
Firedoglake, Financial Times and Business Insider

The GOP's Genius Plan to Beat Obama in 2012 — If Pennsylvania Republicans and their buddies in other states execute a plan to change election rules, Obama has a one-way ticket to Losertown. — Post Comment — Republican state legislators in Pennsylvania are pushing a scheme that …

Pennsylvania Ponders Bold Democrat-Screwing Electoral Plan — Laura Olson reports on the happenings in Harrisburg, where Republicans now control all of the branches of government: — In other reports, Pileggi sounds awfully sanguine about the effect this would have on PA as a swing state.
ThinkProgress, Mother Jones, Hot Air and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

White House pressed on $500 million loan to solar company now under investigation — The Obama White House tried to rush federal reviewers for a decision on a nearly half-billion-dollar loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra so Vice President Biden could announce the approval …

Revenge of the Jews? — I've never been to a Republican victory party (or any event in Howard Beach!) where black velvet yarmulkes were as plentiful as they were at Bob Turner's event last night, and there are few elections in which the Jewish politics I've always covered with interest are going to get spun quite this hard.
The Atlantic Online and Pajamas Media

Republican wins Democratic New York House seat
Ballot Box, The Politico, Associated Press, Weasel Zippers, NO QUARTER, Datechguy's Blog, TalkLeft, Patterico's Pontifications and Gawker

Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote
Betsy's Page and Shot in the Dark

Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured — At CNN's Tea Party-indulging debate on Monday, Ron Paul, a medical doctor, faced a pointed line of questioning from Wolf Blitzer regarding the case of an uninsured young man who suddenly found himself in dire need of intensive health care.
ThinkProgress, Mediaite, The Moderate Voice, Guardian and New York Magazine

Al Gore calls out Colbert's ‘character’ — He talked about global warming, his television projects and the days when Rick Perry was a Democrat, but the highlight of Al Gore's appearance on Tuesday night's “Colbert Report” was his giggle fit. — After the former VP talked about his new Current TV show …

Huntsman staffer says she is ‘sick and sad’ for the Republican Party after watching presidential debates — The behavior by some members of the audience at the most recent Republican presidential debates has at least one campaign staffer concerned about the future of the GOP.
Shakesville and

With Record Number Of Americans Falling Into Poverty, Rand Paul Says The Poor Are Getting Rich — Census data revealed today that a record 46.2 million Americans were living in poverty in 2010. But in an aptly-timed hearing entitled “Is Poverty A Death Sentence,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) …
Discussion:, Mock, Paper, Scissors, Healthwatch and U.S. Census Bureau News

Underwear bomber shouts 'Osama's alive' as he enters court during jury selection — The 24-year-old Nigerian student who is accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound jetliner on Christmas Day 2009 showed up for jury selection today in a foul mood. — “Osama's alive,” Umar Farouk …
Jihad Watch and Campaign 2012

Iran: U.S. hikers' release not “imminent” … The release of two American hikers held in the Islamic Republic for two years — which seemed imminent on Tuesday - has been cast into doubt just 24 hours later. — Iran's Justice Ministry has denied, via the nation's state television network …
AmSpecBlog,, CBS News, Truthdig and Guardian

WORLD EXCLUSIVE! SARAH PALIN BOMBSHELL BOOK SHOCKING CLAIMS! — In a bombshell NATIONAL ENQUIRER world exclusive, the new issue of The ENQUIRER hitting newsstands today breaks major news on SARAH PALIN and her husband TODD, according to a new book. — Publishing sources familiar …
New York Magazine, Wonkette, Naked Politics and TBogg

U.S. Scrambles to Avert Palestinian Vote at U.N. — WASHINGTON — The United States faced increasing pressure on Tuesday as the Palestinian quest for statehood gained support from Turkey and other countries, even as the Obama administration sought an 11th-hour compromise that would avoid a confrontation at the United Nations next week.
ThinkProgress, Voice of America, Rasmussen Reports, RedState, Guardian and Booman Tribune

Perry courts religious voters, calls for defense of ‘Christian values’ — LYNCHBURG, Va. — Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry used his speech to a packed audience at the conservative evangelical Liberty University to discuss his own faith - and to call for more Christian influence on America.
Weasel Zippers

Testimony: Cain campaign concealed gay aide's role — IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — Facing concerns from supporters in Iowa, Herman Cain's presidential campaign tried to conceal the role of a top adviser who had been ousted as leader of a gay pride group in Wisconsin amid a financial scandal, a former staffer has alleged in legal testimony.
Ballot Box, ThinkProgress and Box Turtle Bulletin