Top Items:
What should the White House do? Panic! — Editor's note: James Carville is a Democratic strategist who serves as a political contributor for CNN, appearing frequently on CNN's “The Situation Room” as well as other programs on all CNN networks. Carville remains active in Democratic politics and is a party fundraiser.
Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, The Politico, Via Meadia, Salon, Don Surber, Guardian, YID With LID, Pajamas Media, Outside the Beltway, NO QUARTER, Mediaite, Flower & Thistle, US Politics, AMERICAN DIGEST, Naked Politics, The Moderate Voice, Randy's Roundtable, Hot Air, Ricochet Conversation Feed,, The Other McCain, Taylor Marsh, Datechguy's Blog and The Crawdad Hole
White House Pressure for a Donor? — The Pentagon has worried for months that a project backed by a prominent Democratic donor might interfere with military GPS. Now Congress wants to know if the White House pressured a general to change his testimony.
Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Ricochet Conversation Feed, Ben Smith's Blog, The Right Scoop and The Daily Caller
Obama to highlight ‘urgent’ bridge repair in Boehner's home state — President Obama will promote his jobs bill at a bridge important to House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) district next week, the White House announced Thursday. — The White House said that Obama would visit …
The Politico, Washington Monthly and Daily Kos
White House initially denies rep.'s request to attend Medal of Honor event
Weasel Zippers
New Gallup: Obama slips with Jews
New York Times, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers
Rick Perry Exclusive: The GOP's Fiery Front-Runner on His Rise, Record and Rhetoric — The hard-charging governor commands a Texas-sized lead in the polls. In an interview with TIME's Richard Stengel and Mark Halperin, Perry defends his controversial résumé and explains …
Perry Is Failing The First Test(s) — Had Texas Governor Rick Perry performed better in the two most recent GOP presidential candidates' debates, he'd be well on his way to the 2012 nomination. — Yesterday, tellingly, he was in Virginia at the late Jerry Falwell's Liberty College shoring …
National Review, The Page, Prairie Weather and
Perry Supported By Republicans, Views Rejected — Republicans give Rick Perry frontrunner status in their party's presidential primary race even as warning signs flash over his ability to win support in the general election. — The Texas governor is the preferred choice of 26 percent …
Yes, cancer sucks. But...
Politics, KTRK-TV, Bookworm Room and Conservatives4Palin
Idiot Box: And the Winner of the Fox News Primary Is... It was a self-inflicted, eye-glazing marathon—50 hours in late August spent watching a full sampling of the Fox News lineup. Looking back, it seems like a nine-day hallucination of strident voices, blonde hair, and more pitchmen hawking gold coins …
Florida Times Union, National Review, Politics, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Washington Wire, Moe Lane, CNN, GOP 12, Reuters, Hotline On Call, Washington Post, The Hill and The 1600 Report
Books of The Times: Joe McGinniss's ‘The Rogue,’ on Sarah Palin - Review — On May 22, 2010, Joe McGinniss moved into a strategically well-situated house in Wasilla, Alaska. It was next door to the home of former Gov. Sarah Palin and her family, but that understates the highly exploitable proximity of the two places.
New congressman jumps the gun on first floor speech — The newly elected Rep. Bob Turner (R-N.Y.) jumped the gun slightly on his first floor speech after being introduced in the House on Thursday. — Turner started to thank his colleagues without first being recognized to speak by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).
City Room, Gothamist and New York Magazine
Boehner slams Obama jobs plan as ‘poor substitute’ for growth, calls for tax reform
The Hill
Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming — The global warming theory left him out in the cold. — Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday …
Climate Depot, Human Events, Don Surber, Pajamas Media, Watts Up With That?, Moonbattery, Michelle Malkin, The Daily Caller, Pirate's Cove and Vox Popoli
But Black People Govern Like This ... Via Angry Black Lady, I know Michael Moore and Bill Maher think this is a great line: … But it really isn't. In fact, it's racist, and Michael Moore would do well to stop repeating it. It really is no better than the Kenyan anti-colonial bit, and in fact is good deal worse.
The Crawdad Hole, Balloon Juice and The Debate Link
UPDATED: Right-Wing Lip Readers Take Michelle Obama Derangement Syndrome To A Whole New Level — UPDATE: Kristina Schake, communications director for First Lady Michelle Obama, made the following statement about these attacks: … Before today, when the right-wing media made up quotations …
Barry Manilow on Ron Paul: ‘I agree with just about everything he says’ — Grammy award-winning musician Barry Manilow told The Daily Caller that he agrees with “just about everything” 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul says, calling him a “solid” contender for the highest office in the land.
Real Clear Politics and Mediaite
The Libertarian Three-Step Program
Does the Euro Have a Future? — German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, Berlin, September 1, 2011 — The euro crisis is a direct consequence of the crash of 2008. When Lehman Brothers failed, the entire financial system started to collapse and had to be put on artificial life support.
Washington Post, Guardian, Felix Salmon and News Desk
Central Banks Act in Concert to Ease Fears on Europe Debt
Balloon Juice
Should Faking a Name on Facebook Be a Felony? — Congress contemplates draconian punishment for Internet lies. — Imagine that President Obama could order the arrest of anyone who broke a promise on the Internet. So you could be jailed for lying about your age or weight on an Internet dating site.
The Moderate Voice, The Volokh Conspiracy, Outside the Beltway, Althouse and Concurring Opinions
LA Porn Studio Begins Construction On ‘Post-Apocalyptic’ Underground Bunker … San Fernando Valley-based porn studio Pink Visual said the bunker is envisioned as “far more than a mere bomb shelter or subterranean survivalist enclave”, complete with a digital studio, gun racks and a rotating hydraulic stage.
AMERICAN DIGEST, Pajamas Media, The Jawa Report and
Bam's terrible risk — Do President Obama's advisers realize they've got him frittering away the last political asset he has left? — As unpopular as the president's policies — and especially his results — have proved, a majority of Americans still like and, somehow, even trust him personally.
National Review and Cold Fury
College Prank … Like This Story — Follow Slate's Politics … - Is Being Poor Today Better or Worse Than Being Poor in 1959? - A Brief History of Maternal Indignation in American Politics- 3-D Is Dead: Four Theories About What Killed It- Hitchens: The Way Waiters Pour Wine …
Washington Wire, Balkinization, Washington Monthly, The Politico and Balloon Juice
A Blue-State Bailout in Disguise — Our new study shows that under the Obama jobs bill, debt-ridden states will get another big handout. — Last Thursday, the president urged Congress to pony up roughly $200 billion in taxpayer money to “provide more jobs for teachers [and] …
Via Meadia, Salon, Pajamas Media, Betsy's Page and Maggie's Farm
Professors offer more than $10,000 for proof that Bachmann's story about HPV is true — Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann's story about a woman who claimed that her daughter suffered “mental retardation” after receiving a vaccine against HPV could fetch the woman's family thousands of dollars.
Minneapolis Star Tribune, Hot Air, The Political Carnival and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
VIDEO: Liberty University Students Call It ‘Un-Christian’ To Allow People To Die Because They Lack Health Insurance — ThinkProgress filed this report from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. — The most distasteful moment in Monday's Republican presidential debate …
National Review, AmSpecBlog, The American Conservative and Hit & Run
Obama sticker led cops to shooting suspect — A paroled killer's “Obama” bumper sticker was the break that helped cops nab the man accused of the cold-blooded murder of a Tedeschi's convenience store clerk, jurors in Edward Corliss' murder trial learned yesterday.
Dakota Meyer, Marine Medal of Honor Recipient, Says He's No Hero — At a White House ceremony later today, Dakota Meyer will become the first living Marine to receive the Medal of Honor for heroism in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Meyer becomes the tenth recipient of the nation's highest award …
News Desk, CNN, Hot Air, Guardian and National Review
Skeptical Dems get W.H. jobs pitch — Top White House advisers took their sales pitch of President Barack Obama's jobs plan to a skeptical audience Thursday afternoon: Senate Democrats, many of whom have already been openly critical of the $447 billion plan.
Pass the bill, Obama says 90 times — Think the message is getting through to Congress? In five speeches over a week, President Obama has said “pass this bill” or some variant of it 90 times. — That's 18 times in his speech to Congress, 18 times at the University of Richmond …
Liberal Sorcery — I want to double (or triple) down on these three posts by Yglesias. They're all somewhat themed around the president's job plan. As Matt rightly notes, this obsession with the president's want of liberalism really needs to confront the hard facts of Senators and congressmen who say things like this:
Discussion:, theblogprof and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Senate Resoundingly Defeats Rand Paul Plan, Passes Disaster Relief Package — In a surprising show of bipartisanship, 78 Senators voted against Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) plan to offset disaster aid relief and FEMA funding with cuts to foreign aid. Only 20 senators voted for it.
Why Speeches Don't Work — As of a month ago, people calling on the president to propose a bold new jobs plan and advocate for it loudly were “Obama critics” and those of us saying this wouldn't work were “Obama apologists.” Well, last week he gave the big speech, the White House comms shop keeps pushing …
The Politico and Eschaton
How I was the subject of anti-Semitic abuse in Cairo — Protests against Egypt's slow pace of reform continue to take place in Tahrir Square — Relations between Israel and Egypt have become increasingly strained in recent weeks, and in the Egyptian capital there is a mounting sense of tension, including incidents of anti-Semitism.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Biased BBC and Datechguy's Blog