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What should the White House do? Panic! — Editor's note: James Carville is a Democratic strategist who serves as a political contributor for CNN, appearing frequently on CNN's “The Situation Room” as well as other programs on all CNN networks. Carville remains active in Democratic politics and is a party fundraiser.
Some Democrats Are Balking at Obama's Jobs Bill — WASHINGTON — President Obama anticipated Republican resistance to his jobs program, but he is now meeting increasing pushback from his own party. Many Congressional Democrats, smarting from the fallout over the 2009 stimulus bill …
ThinkProgress, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, The New Republic,, TalkLeft, Las Vegas Sun, Gallup, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Washington Post, The Caucus, Outside the Beltway, Prairie Weather, Balloon Juice, Hot Air, Mother Jones, Shakesville, Business Insider, Oliver Willis, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and The Confluence
Pass the bill, Obama says 90 times — Think the message is getting through to Congress? In five speeches over a week, President Obama has said “pass this bill” or some variant of it 90 times. — That's 18 times in his speech to Congress, 18 times at the University of Richmond …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Indecision Forever
Obama Won't Include Social Security Reform In Recommendations To Super Committee … Obama Social Security , Boehner Deficit Reduction , Obama Boehner , Obama Chained Cpi , Obama Deficit Reduction , Obama Entitlement Reform , Obama Grand Bargain , Obama Social Security Reform …
Washington Monthly, Daily Kos and US Politics
Obama Plan Won't Include Changes to Social Security
The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, Firedoglake, Associated Press, Healthwatch, Business Insider and Taylor Marsh
White House Pressure for a Donor?
Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, and Outside the Beltway
President Obama under attack — from Democrats
Washington Post, The Hill, Verum Serum and Hot Air
W.H. emails reveal media-fixated Solyndra
Weasel Zippers and The Hill
President pauses for beer with future Medal of Honor recipient
The Politico, This Just In, Mediaite and Moe Lane
PERRY BLOSSOMS AS BACHMANN WILTS IN VIRGINIA GOP RACE, QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY POLL FINDS; ROMNEY, PERRY BOTH NECK AND NECK WITH OBAMA — Texas Gov. Rick Perry leads former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the presidential choice of Virginia Republicans 25 - 19 percent, with U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann …
Washington Wire, National Review, Reuters, GOP 12, Politics, Moe Lane, CNN, Outside the Beltway, Washington Post, Business Insider, Hotline On Call, The 1600 Report and The Politico
Perry Supported By Republicans, Views Rejected — Republicans give Rick Perry frontrunner status in their party's presidential primary race even as warning signs flash over his ability to win support in the general election. — The Texas governor is the preferred choice of 26 percent …
New CNN Poll: GOP divided over tea party movement — Washington (CNN) - The Republican Party is split right down the middle between tea party movement supporters and those who do not support the two-and-a-half-year-old movement, according to a new national survey.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Romney gives state GOP convention cold shoulder
GOP 12
Seeing Ripple in Jewish Vote — WASHINGTON — Not since Jimmy Carter in 1980 has a Democrat running for president failed to win a lopsided majority of the Jewish vote. This has been true during times of peace or war, and even when there has been deep acrimony between the White House and the Israeli government.
Pajamas Media, Randy's Roundtable, Betsy's Page, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Los Angeles Times, City Room, Ballot Box and Politics
Behind Turner's Win: Jewish Voters Opposed to Gay Marriage
New York Times, Capital Tonight and Wall Street Journal
Obama Allies: Time to Wake Up
Moe Lane and The Atlantic Online
Obama and the Jews, part 941
The Atlantic Online and Yossi Gestetner
Books of The Times: Joe McGinniss's ‘The Rogue,’ on Sarah Palin - Review — On May 22, 2010, Joe McGinniss moved into a strategically well-situated house in Wasilla, Alaska. It was next door to the home of former Gov. Sarah Palin and her family, but that understates the highly exploitable proximity of the two places.
Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming — The global warming theory left him out in the cold. — Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday …
Moonbattery, The Daily Caller, Vox Popoli and Pirate's Cove
Exclusive: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Who Endorsed Obama Dissents! …
Don Surber, Pajamas Media and Watts Up With That?
Crony Capitalism on Steroids from GE to Solyndra — In my recent speech in Iowa, some eyebrows were raised when I took on our government's enormous economic problems caused by crony capitalism. As if on cue, just days later President Obama selected someone who exemplifies …
Rick Perry Exclusive: The GOP's Fiery Front-Runner on His Rise, Record and Rhetoric — The hard-charging governor commands a Texas-sized lead in the polls. In an interview with TIME's Richard Stengel and Mark Halperin, Perry defends his controversial résumé and explains …
Washington Monthly, Global Public Square, and Campaign 2012
Yes, cancer sucks. But...
KTRK-TV, Bookworm Room, Conservatives4Palin and The Daily Caller
UPDATED: Right-Wing Lip Readers Take Michelle Obama Derangement Syndrome To A Whole New Level — UPDATE: Kristina Schake, communications director for First Lady Michelle Obama, made the following statement about these attacks: … Before today, when the right-wing media made up quotations …
The Jawa Report, Washington Monthly, No More Mister Nice Blog and Shakesville
Should Faking a Name on Facebook Be a Felony? — Congress contemplates draconian punishment for Internet lies. — Imagine that President Obama could order the arrest of anyone who broke a promise on the Internet. So you could be jailed for lying about your age or weight on an Internet dating site.
Althouse, Concurring Opinions and The Volokh Conspiracy
But Black People Govern Like This ... Via Angry Black Lady, I know Michael Moore and Bill Maher think this is a great line: … But it really isn't. In fact, it's racist, and Michael Moore would do well to stop repeating it. It really is no better than the Kenyan anti-colonial bit, and in fact is good deal worse.
Balloon Juice and The Debate Link
Report: ‘Romneycare’ a jobs killer — Study finds Bay State lost thousands of jobs — The Bay State's controversial 2006 universal health-care plan — also known as “Romneycare” — has cost Massachusetts more than 18,000 jobs, according to an exclusive blockbuster study that could provide ammo …
Cato Institute, Michelle Malkin, GOP 12, Weasel Zippers and National Review
FBI Teaches Agents: ‘Mainstream’ Muslims Are ‘Violent, Radical’ — The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that “main stream” [sic] American Muslims are likely to be terrorist sympathizers; that the Prophet Mohammed was a “cult leader”; and that the Islamic practice of giving charity …
ThinkProgress, News Desk, Outside the Beltway, Gawker, The Awl, Washington Monthly and Attackerman
U.S. Jobless Claims Rose to Highest Since June — Applications for U.S. unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week to the highest level since the end of June, underscoring the risk of further weakness in the labor market. — Jobless claims climbed by 11,000 to 428,000 …
Don Surber, Pundit & Pundette, Weasel Zippers, and The Lonely Conservative
Fight of the Living Dead — Like zombie banks that made bad loans, supporters of the Iraq War have dug in their heels on past mistakes. — Japan's “lost decade” of the 1990s gave the world “zombie banks.” A zombie bank is, in effect, bankrupt. It's made loans to companies …