Top Items:

TRANSCRIPT: Fox News-Google GOP Debate — This is a rush transcript from the Fox News-Google GOP Presidential debate on September 22, 2011 at the Orlando Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. — BRET BAIER, ANCHOR …
Politics, Wall Street Journal, ThinkProgress, New York Times, The New Republic, Outside the Beltway, Ballot Box, Wake up America, Don Surber, FP Passport, Top of the Ticket, The Atlantic Online, ImmigrationProf Blog, The Daily Caller, Daily Kos, GOP 12,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Rick Perry 2012 Campaign … and CNN

Rick Santorum Owes Gay Soldier an Apology — For Immediate Release — Joint Statement of Christopher R. Barron, Chairman of the Board and Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director — (Washington, D.C.) - “Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill …

TPM2012 — Audience Members At Fox News Debate Boo Gay Soldier (VIDEO) — ORLANDO, FL — Members of the crowd gathered for the Fox News/YouTube debate booed a video of a gay soldier in Iraq who asked if the nine presidential candidates on stage would work to “circumvent” the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Althouse,, Booman Tribune, Business Insider, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Harry's Place

Gay soldier booed at GOP debate, candidates stay mum
NPR, Big Journalism, The Atlantic Online, The Politico and Gay Politics

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Affordable Care Act Edition
Washington Monthly

Audience Members Of GOP Debate Boo Steven Hill, Gay Soldier Serving In Iraq
Opinion L.A., ThinkProgress, Outside the Beltway, Hot Air and No More Mister Nice Blog

Special Editorial: Yikes — THE WEEKLY STANDARD's official reaction to last night's Republican presidential debate: Yikes. — Reading the reactions of thoughtful commentators after the stage emptied, talking with conservative policy types and GOP political operatives later last evening and this morning, we know we're not alone.
JustOneMinute, News Desk, Connecting.the.Dots, Mother Jones, The Page and Hit & Run

Video: Perry's cringe-worthiest debate moment — This is a gimme. Seriously. — I mentioned Rick Perry's DREAM Act debate blunder in my round-up post. — It gets second place. — The cringe-worthiest moment, by a hair, was when Perry botched what should have been his most potent attack on Mitt Romney's chronic flip-flopping.
Weekly Standard, Campaign 2012, Top of the Ticket, National Review, The Huffington Post, Fox News, Hot Air, JustOneMinute, WyBlog, Flower & Thistle, American Spectator, Pundit & Pundette, Conservatives4Palin, The Other McCain, AmSpecBlog, Mediaite, The Daily Dish, Riehl World View, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Right Scoop

Perry: DREAM Act detractors have no heart
Washington Post and Right Wing Watch

Why I doubt Romney would repeal Obamacare
Washington Post, Left Coast Rebel, Cold Fury, National Review and Hot Air

House approves stopgap funding but Reid says Senate will block measure — The House early Friday narrowly approved a stopgap spending measure to keep the federal government running through Nov. 18, as Republican leaders secured the votes of conservatives who had rejected a similar bill a day earlier.
Michelle Malkin, Reuters, Don Surber, Ballot Box, ThinkProgress and

Cram It! Senate Dems And Republicans Reject Holding Disaster Aid Hostage
Indecision Forever and Hullabaloo

Senate likely to reject House-passed spending bill; shutdown still possible
New York Times, Washington Monthly and

House lawmakers to leave town Friday
Washington Monthly and National Review

Tea Party House Republicans Sell Their Principles For Gimmicky $100 Million Cut
Firedoglake, The Politico, The Huffington Post and US Politics

Rush Limbaugh On Gary Johnson Joke: 'Guess I've Become Show Prep For The GOP Debates' … NEW YORK — Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson brought down the house at Thursday night's Fox News/ Google debate when he joked about how his “next-door neighbor's two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration.”

His book about Obama is as spurious as the ones he wrote about Bush. — As an editor, you develop a B.S. meter—an internal warning system that signals caution about journalism that doesn't feel trustworthy. Sometimes it's a quote or incident that's too perfect —a feeling I always …
ThinkProgress, Flower & Thistle, Politics, Moe_Lane's blog and Business Insider

Ron Suskind's Larry Summers problem — Jacob Weisberg isn't a big fan of Ron Suskind's new book, nor, for that matter, of Ron Suskind. I've also been reading ‘The Confidence Men,’ and like Weisberg, I'm not impressed, but for a very different reason. Let's call it, as Suskind does, the Larry Summers problem.
Mother Jones

The Social Contract — This week President Obama said the obvious: that wealthy Americans, many of whom pay remarkably little in taxes, should bear part of the cost of reducing the long-run budget deficit. And Republicans like Representative Paul Ryan responded with shrieks of “class warfare.”

Texas toast? Perry worries GOP — ORLANDO - The first line of Rick Perry's campaign obituary may have been drafted Thursday night: He got in too late. — It's not quite time for his camp to panic but in his third debate in a month - nearly as many as he's done in the entire decade he's served …
Washington Post, Washington Wire, New York Magazine, Hair Balls and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Obama Sold Israel Bunker-Buster Bombs — While Obama publicly pressured Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians over settlements, he secretly sold Jerusalem deep-penetrating bombs it had long sought. Eli Lake previews an exclusive story appearing in Monday's Newsweek.
Pajamas Media, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Danger Room, Hot Air, Attackerman, The Politico, ThinkProgress and New York Magazine

Gov. Mitch Daniels: Obama ‘inhabits a different planet’ on economic issues — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) said President Obama “inhabits a different planet” when it comes to the understanding of job creation and the economy. — “I do believe the president, his life has been so far removed …

The ACA would not have killed Cain — Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain continues to make a ridiculous argument about the Affordable Care Act, and it's important the public realize that the candidate is simply lying. — Here was his pitch in last night's debate, explaining why he “would be dead under Obamacare.”
The Incidental Economist, The Maddow Blog and Political Correction RSS

Herman Cain Won the Debate
The Daily Beast, The Daily Dish, The Daily Caller, US Politics and Taegan Goddard's …

Is This the Sanest Man Running for President? — If you're seeking the presidency but no one notices, are you still seeking the presidency? Gary Johnson was governor of New Mexico for eight years, balanced the hell out of his budgets, and climbed Mount Everest with a broken leg.
Hit & Run and The Agitator

Majority in U.S. Continues to Distrust the Media, Perceive Bias — More perceive liberal bias than conservative bias — WASHINGTON, D.C. — The majority of Americans still do not have confidence in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly.
Big Journalism, Questions and Observations, and Weasel Zippers

Fact checking the GOP debate in Orlando — Let's see what the candidates got wrong this time at last night's debate in Orlando, Fla., hosted by Fox News, Google and the Republican party of Florida: … Bachmann, in trying to spin her way out of a political problem, is simply not telling the truth here.
Washington Monthly, Rick Perry 2012 Campaign … and Campaign 2012

The Dueling UN Speeches, Or, This is Getting Tiresome — I'm running around a bit doing some other journalism today (there are apparently other issues in the world besides the demand to create a 23rd Arab state), but I'll try to watch the Abbas speech, and the Netanyahu speech, later on.

Dead federal retirees are paid $120 million annually, report says — The federal government pays out millions of dollars to dead people each year — including deceased retired federal workers, according to a new report. — In the past five years, the Office of Personnel Management …
Outside the Beltway, The Politico, Gretawire and

John Mearsheimer Endorses a Hitler Apologist and Holocaust Revisionist — Gilad Atzmon is a jazz saxophonist who lives in London and who has a side gig disseminating the wildest sort of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. He is an ex-Israeli and a self-proclaimed “self-hater” …
Adam Holland, Via Meadia and Pajamas Media

Solyndra executives repeatedly invoke the Fifth — Solyndra executives repeatedly invoked the Fifth Amendment this morning as House lawmakers pressed them to answer questions about the company's financial collapse and any hopes of repaying their $535 million federal loan guarantee.
New York Times, The Western Experience, Weasel Zippers and JONATHAN TURLEY