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Santorum condemns boos; Romney and Perry don't — It was one of the more jarring moments in Thursday night's debate. Stephen Hill, a U.S. Army soldier serving in Iraq, asked whether he, as a gay American, would be able to continue serving if one of these Republican candidates won.
ThinkProgress and Gawker

GOP Candidates React to Booed Gay Soldier
xpostfactoid and Washington Monthly

TPM2012 — Santorum: ‘I Condemn The People Who Booed That Gay Soldier’ (VIDEO)

TPM2012 — ‘Unfortunate’: Condemnation Of Gay Soldier Boos In Post-Debate Spin Room
Box Turtle Bulletin, The Washington Independent and Booman Tribune

As Perry sags, Christie in spotlight — With the party's frontrunner sagging, Chris Christie is reconsidering pleas from Republican elites and donors to run for president in 2012, two Republican sources told POLITICO. — The New Jersey governor has indicated he is listening to big-money backers …
New York Post and The Page

Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days — More ways to share... Mixx — Stumbled — LinkedIn — Vine — Buzzflash — Newstrust — Technocrati — Forward Article — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reconsidering his decision not to enter …

Problems For The President: Americans Give Him Lowest Approval Rating Ever — This week's Economist/YouGov Poll is full of bad news for President Barack Obama. The frontrunners for the GOP nomination in the 2012 contest are pulling very close to him in head-to-head matchups …
Outside the Beltway, The Strata-Sphere and Weasel Zippers

Elizabeth Warren's campaign revises pay from TARP panel — The campaign for Democratic Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren said Friday she had been paid $192,722 for serving as chairman of a congressional committee that monitored the 2008 federal bank bailout, three times as much as had originally been acknowledged.
RedState, naked capitalism, and JammieWearingFool

Warren's TARP panel under scrutiny
Robert Kuttner, Daily Kos and Firedoglake

Five myths about millionaires — This past week, President Obama tried to sell his new “millionaires' tax” to the Rust Belt. “What's great about this country is our belief that anyone can make it,” he said in Cincinnati on Thursday, praising “the idea that any one of us can open a business …

Web verdict on Perry: Brutal — The conservative commentariat spoke with near-unanimity Friday on Rick Perry's debate performance: The Texas governor didn't just lose, he bombed. — There was no election-ending gaffe or singularly disqualifying remark. But his second consecutive weak …
CNN, FiveThirtyEight, American Power, Iowa Caucuses, American Thinker, Hot Air and Outside the Beltway

Romney Wins In Orlando
The Huffington Post, AlterNet, New York Post, Washington Monthly, Marbury, Daily Kos and The Daily Dish

Perry is blowing it — Mitt Romney is an incredibly vulnerable …
Washington Post, The Huffington Post, AmSpecBlog, The Daily Caller, New York Magazine, National Review and Washington Wire

Debates Appear To Be Hurting Rick Perry
A plain blog about politics

President Solyndra — And his mean green wealth-wasting machine. — The spectacular collapse of Solyndra has all of the trappings of an epic Washington scandal, with serial revelations of embarrassing and potentially improper White House machinations to secure a $535 million federal loan guarantee …
Power Line

Obama Administration to Ban Asthma Inhalers Over Environmental Concerns — Remember how Obama recently waived new ozone regulations at the EPA because they were too costly? Well, it seems that the Obama administration is would rather make people with Asthma cough up money …
Discussion:, Right Wing News, Watts Up With That?, Hot Air, Oliver Willis, Associated Press and Gawker

WisPolitics: Guv's spokesman, two others granted immunity in ongoing John Doe probe — Gov. Scott Walker's spokesman is one of three witnesses who have been granted immunity in an ongoing John Doe investigation that includes allegations of campaign law violations, according to records obtained by .
Crooks and Liars and The Political Carnival

Teacher calls local Tea Party president a Nazi — SAN ANTONIO - Tempers flared during a town hall meeting on the Dream Act Tuesday night. During the meeting a high school government teacher from John F. Kennedy called the local Tea Party president a Nazi. — The exchange was recorded and posted on You tube.
theblogprof and The Jawa Report

Snobby Illiterati to Protest Wall St. ‘Hippies’ With Champagne Toast — As the first week of the #occupywallstreet protest against corporate stuff draws to a close, some classy capitalists have decided to dust off their favorite Nixon-era jargon and hold a champagne-soaked counter-protest of their own.
Firedoglake and Gothamist