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The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality — (updated below) — It was first reported in January of last year that the Obama administration had compiled a hit list of American citizens whom the President had ordered assassinated without any due process, and one of those Americans was Anwar al-Awlaki.
Washington Monthly, The Atlantic Online, Lawfare, Danger Room, The Daily Dish, Don Surber, RedState, Right Wing Nut House, The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers, Politics, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Swampland, Liberal Values, New York Magazine, RealClearWorld, ThinkProgress, Jihad Watch, Booman Tribune, Right Wing News, The Other McCain, The Hill, Pajamas Media, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Agonist

U.S.-Born Qaeda Leader Killed in Yemen — SANA, Yemen — A missile fired from an American drone aircraft in Yemen on Friday killed Anwar al-Awlaki, the radical American-born cleric who was a leading figure in Al Qaeda's affiliate there, according to an official in Washington.
Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice, Aljazeera, JustOneMinute, ThinkProgress, Washington Post, Little Green Footballs, The Politico, Guardian, The Hill, The Lede, CNN, Obsidian Wings, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, The Long War Journal,, AlterNet, Jihad Watch, Weasel Zippers, The Atlantic Online, Ricochet Conversation Feed, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Gothamist, The Daily Dish, The BLT and Boston Globe

Paul condemns ‘assassinating’ al-Awlaki — MANCHESTER NH — Ron Paul aggressively criticized President Obama today for al-Awlaki's death. — “No I don't think that's a good way to deal with our problems,” Paul said in a media avail after his remarks at the Politics + Eggs event here.
Politics, Danger Room, Examiner, New York Times, Business Insider, Weasel Zippers, Guardian, The Page, and The Daily Caller

Peter King praises Obama for al-Awlaki killing
CNN, The Atlantic Online and National Review

American Citizen Anwar al-Awlaki Assassinated in Yemen
The Volokh Conspiracy, National Review, Politics and Guardian

Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen
Washington Post, The Atlantic Online, CNN, The Jawa Report, The Crawdad Hole, Lawfare, American Spectator, Mediaite, CBS New York, Pajamas Media, emptywheel and Gawker

Ron Paul Condemns Killing of al Qaeda's Awlaki
The Atlantic Online, Hit & Run and Mediaite

American Jihadi Samir Khan Killed With Awlaki
Michelle Malkin, Danger Room, ABCNEWS and Jihad Watch

A quiet record of foreign policy successes
Politics and The Crawdad Hole

Officials Thought They Might Kill Awlaki on 9/11 Anniversary
ABCNEWS, Hot Air, Mediaite and New York Magazine

Dempsey replaces Mullen as CJCS ... Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen ... U.S. looks to Uzbekistan …
Wall Street Journal and ThinkProgress

Requiem for a Governor Before He's in the Ring — Look, I'm sorry, but New Jersey Governor Chris Christie cannot be president: He is just too fat. Maybe, if he runs for president and we get to know him, we will overlook this awkward issue because we are so impressed with the way he stands up to teachers' unions.
GOP 12, Power Line, Ricochet Conversation Feed, Outside the Beltway, Swampland and The Monkey Cage

Chris Christie's big problem — Whether or not he lets himself be persuaded to run for president, Chris Christie needs to find some way to lose weight. Like everyone else, elected officials perform best when they are in optimal health. Christie obviously is not.
Discussion: and National Review

Chris Christie Is Fat. So What?
The Atlantic Online and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Huckabee looks again at Republican presidential bid — (Reuters) - Mike Huckabee has been approached by Republican and conservative activists unhappy with the current crop of presidential hopefuls and he is considering entering the fray, two sources who have spoken with Huckabee told Reuters.
GOP 12, Business Insider, The Enterprise Blog, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Mediaite, TVNewser, Daily Kos, Campaign 2012,, RedState, New York Magazine and The Caucus

Warren Buffett sparks firestorm over millionaires' tax-rate hike — Investment guru Warren Buffett set off a political firestorm Friday with a series of interviews in which he appeared to distance himself from the tax policy proposal President Obama introduced under the billionaire's name.
Washington Monthly, Michelle Malkin, Reuters, Politics, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Mediaite, Daily Kos and TPMDC

Note To GOP And The Media: Buffett Did Not Disagree With The Buffett Rule
TPMDC, Examiner, Yahoo! News, Verum Serum, Pajamas Media and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Did Congress Kill the Debit Card? — Some Americans are outraged that Bank of America intends to charge its customers a $5 fee for using their debit card. And simply switching banks might not help: others are expected to follow. While frustration over yet another bank fee is understandable, this one should surprise no one.
A Chequer-Board of Nights …, RedState and American Spectator

A Thin Line on Skirts — Note to women in the South Park Slope and surrounding Brooklyn: You might want to think twice before wearing shorts or skirts when you walk home alone at night. — That's the message some women say police officers are spreading as they step up patrols in the area …
ThinkProgress, Runnin' Scared, The Raw Story, Feministing, New York Magazine, Althouse and The Awl

90 percent of Americans say economy stinks — New York (CNNMoney) - Three years after a financial crisis pushed the country deep into recession, an overwhelming number of Americans - 90% - say that economic conditions remain poor. — The number, reported Friday in a new CNN/ORC International Poll …
Firedoglake, The Politico, Weasel Zippers, Questions and Observations, and CBS News

Radiohead Is Playing for Wall Street Protesters Today — The Occupy Wall Street protesters camped out in Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park are buzzing over a big secret musical guest scheduled to play this afternoon at around 4pm. We hear that it's Radiohead, who are in New York for a couple concerts.
Gothamist, City Room,, Business Insider, Mediaite and New York Magazine

Mayor Bloomberg: “We'll See” If The City Will Let Occupy Wall Street Continue
Wonkette, more at Mediagazer »

Connecticut a Toss Up? — Connecticut isn't a place that would go on anybody's list of swing states but Barack Obama is in a statistical tie with Mitt Romney there, leading only 47-45. — Obama's poor showing in Connecticut is mostly a function of his own unpopularity.
Taegan Goddard's … and US Politics

The Limits of Empathy — We are surrounded by people trying to make the world a better place. Peace activists bring enemies together so they can get to know one another and feel each other's pain. School leaders try to attract a diverse set of students so each can understand what it's like to walk in the others' shoes.
The Mahablog, Connecting.the.Dots, Booman Tribune and driftglass

U.S. Economy Tipping into Recession — Early last week, ECRI notified clients that the U.S. economy is indeed tipping into a new recession. And there's nothing that policy makers can do to head it off. — ECRI's recession call isn't based on just one or two leading indexes …
Business Insider, Real Time Economics, Questions and Observations and MarketBeat

NEIN, NEIN, NEIN, and the death of EU Fiscal Union — Judging by the commentary, there has been a colossal misunderstanding around the world of what has just has happened in Germany. The significance of yesterday's vote by the Bundestag to make the EU's €440bn rescue fund (EFSF) more flexible is not that the outcome was a “Yes”.
MarketBeat and

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City — As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

Time to think the unthinkable and start printing again — It is the policy that dare not speak its name: the printing press. The time has come to employ this nuclear option on a grand scale. The alternative is likely to be a lost decade. The waste is more than unnecessary; it is cruel.
Firedoglake, Paul Krugman and AMERICAN FUTURE

What you don't know about oxygen in water might harm you — Folks may possibly not consider how critical their feet are. Employing them continuously day in and day out and frequently take for granted. You might believe they are what transports me about, but believe about that declaration.
Live Healthy Network, Disneyland Souvenirs and Tahoe Fares