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Why Perry went there — The Texas governor went into Tuesday night's debate looking for a reaction — and he got one.

Washington Post-Pew Research Center Poll — This poll was conducted for The Washington Post and the Pew Research Center by telephone October 13 to 16, 2011, among a random national sample of 1,007 adults, including users of both conventional and cellular phones.
GOP 12, Indecision Forever, Wonkette, Taegan Goddard's …, Business Insider, Outside the Beltway, Althouse and The Political Carnival

The dangers of accidental candor — After five debates in six weeks, these get-togethers for the Republican presidential candidates were quickly becoming sleep-inducing. Last night in Las Vegas, though, was at least lively — with time running out, someone lit a fire under the candidates' feet.

The Republican Bickersons — That was fun tonight. Attack, defend, attack and attack some more. Texas Gov. Rick Perry had some problems in tonight's Republican presidential debate, as he's had before — do we really want to “defund the United Nations”? — but he was a real presence this time …
p m carpenter's commentary, National Review and Northern Reflections

Bickering — Newt Gingrich had the line of the night toward the end of the debate when he complained that the moderator encouraged a level of bickering that could only make it harder for the GOP to get the White House. — I don't think Anderson Cooper was really trying to sink the Republican nominee for president in this debate.
The Politico and CNN

Rick Perry vs. Mitt Romney: Now it's personal — LAS VEGAS - After months of diversions — sideshow candidates, Hamlet acts and straw polls — Tuesday night's sizzling Republican presidential showdown boiled the nomination fight down to its essentials: a deeply personal …
CNN, The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, ABCNEWS, GOP 12, National Review, The Other McCain and Pajamas Media

Perry Commits to Flat Tax, Reforming Entitlements — In a brief speech this morning at the Western Republican Conference, Texas governor Rick Perry announced that in six days he would reveal an “economic pro-growth package that will create growth” and encourage investment in America.
National Review

Republican Presidential Candidates Debate in Las Vegas — LAS VEGAS — Mitt Romney came under withering attack from his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination at a debate here Tuesday night, with Gov. Rick Perry leading an intense and sometimes personal barrage …
The Caucus, Pajamas Media, FiveThirtyEight, Gothamist, The Page, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Ballot Box, The Politico, Sister Toldjah, The Atlantic Online, Wall Street Journal, Telegraph, Don Surber,, RedState, the first casualty, ABCNEWS, Outside the Beltway, p m carpenter's commentary, AlterNet, Los Angeles Times, The Daily Beast, Prairie Weather, The Daily Dish, The Huffington Post and The Moderate Voice

Romney still the best at this, Perry not as bad, and the loser? Anderson Cooper
The Huffington Post, A plain blog about politics, Political Mojo and Daily Kos

Real World: Occupy Wall Street? MTV Issues Casting Call for Protesters — Is Occupy Wall Street ready to start being real? Bunim/Murray Productions, the agency casting for MTV's Real World 27, appears to think the show Real World needs some real world drama: an ad appeared …
Guardian, City Room, The Impolitic, Business Insider, New York Magazine, Danger Room, Shakesville,, Vox Tablet, Gothamist, Althouse, Runnin' Scared and The Informer

Naomi Wolf arrested while defending Occupy Wall Street protesters
Discussion: Blog and JammieWearingFool

The Demographics Of Occupy Wall Street
The Atlantic Online, New York Times and Guardian

how I was arrested at Occupy Wall Street
AlterNet, The Atlantic Online and New York Magazine

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Condemn Zionists for Economic Crisis in US
The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers and The Gateway Pundit

GOP rips Dems for anti-Semitism in Occupy Wall Street protests
Weasel Zippers

Reid says government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday said Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first responders.

GOP senators angry about Reid claim they're rooting for failure
Washington Monthly and Weasel Zippers

Ohio SB 5 Headed For Rejection
Taegan Goddard's … and The Political Carnival

Obama pledges to keep fighting for jobs bill, veterans
The Politico

U.S. Capital Now Richer Than Silicon Valley — Federal employees whose compensation averages more than $126,000 and the nation's greatest concentration of lawyers helped Washington edge out San Jose as the wealthiest U.S. metropolitan area, government data show.
The Atlantic Online, Mediaite, Campaign 2012, Gawker, and Pajamas Media

Census: D.C. is country's wealthiest area
Outside the Beltway and Marginal Revolution

Animals Loose in Ohio: Town Under Lockdown — An Ohio town is under lockdown as dozens of wild animals including bears, wolves and tigers have escaped from a private preserve are and are on the loose after the owner of the preserve has been found dead. — Terry Thompson of Zanesville …
Pat Dollard, New York Magazine and CBS Cleveland

Feds investigating break-in at county courthouse — — metro - An RV used by the suspects in the alleged break-in at the Bexar County Courthouse remains parked outside the courthouse moments before it was towed away by authorities in San Antonio on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2011.
CBS News, Associated Press, Reuters and Hot Air

Terror Link Downplayed in Courthouse Break-In
Pajamas Media, Jihad Watch and BLACKFIVE

Bexar County Courthouse Break-In May Have Been Prank
KENS, Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs

Student loan debt hits record levels — Students and workers seeking retraining are borrowing extraordinary amounts of money through federal loan programs, potentially putting a huge burden on the backs of young people looking for jobs and trying to start careers.
ThinkProgress, The Politico, Washington Post, Moneyland, Need to Know | PBS, Gawker, Outside the Beltway, Blog and Shakesville

What Percent Are You? — To get the full experience of this page, please upgrade your Flash Plugin — The Occupy Wall Street movement seeks to speak for the bottom 99% of the population by income, which includes pretty much everyone who makes less than $500,000 a year.
ThinkProgress, The Atlantic Online, Metropolis, Mogulite, Weasel Zippers and Gawker

GOP Rep. Asked Paper To Keep Town Hall Secret, Selected Residents Who Were Invited — Freshman Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) told a town hall gathering Monday that “the whole purpose” of the meeting “is to hear from you.” But apparently Herrera Beutler isn't interested in hearing from everyone.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Protest mob is enjoying rich diet — They may sleep in the park, but they eat like kings. — Hundreds of grimy protesters laying siege to Wall Street and stuffed into the now-smelly Zuccotti Park dine each night on gourmet meals prepared by a former hotel chef using only the finest organic ingredients.
MyFox Boston, New York Magazine, Pajamas Media and JammieWearingFool

9-9-9 in One (Really Long) Graph — In my previous post decrying the extreme redistribution of the tax burden from the wealthy to everyone else, I had to use two graphs to tell the story. I couldn't fit the increase in tax liabilities for the bottom 80% on the same graph that includes …
Firedoglake, The Atlantic Online and Washington Post

President Obama's strategy on jobs is working — even if Americans aren't — It's certainly not pretty, but darn if it doesn't appear to be working. — President Obama's newfound message discipline on jobs and his two-pronged attack on the GOP are providing the beleaguered president …
Don Surber

Spew Anti-Semitism at Occupy Rally — Get Fired — Remember Patricia McAllister, the LA school district employee we featured recently who said at the Occupy Los Angeles protest that “Zionist Jews should be run out of the country”? — Well, looks like Zionist Jews must be in charge of the LA schools too …

Transcript: ABC News' Jake Tapper's Exclusive Interview With President Obama — President Obama sits down with ABC News' senior White House correspondent Jake Tapper for an exclusive interview in Jamestown, N.C. (Courtesy the White House) — The following is a transcript …
Weasel Zippers