Top Items:
Rick Perry Goes Birther: After Meeting With Trump, 'I Don't Know' If Obama's Birth Certificate Is Real — In April, in an effort to appease a vocal group of conspiracy theorists who believe President Obama was not born in the United States, Obama released his “long-form” birth certificate from Hawaii.
The Moderate Voice, Runnin' Scared, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Gawker
Four Nations, Four Lessons — AS the economy languishes, politicians and pundits are debating what to do next. When we look around the world, it's hard to find positive role models. But as we search for answers, it is useful to keep in mind those fates that we would like to avoid.
Modeled Behavior, EconLog and Greg Mankiw's Blog
Cain would autograph life amendment — Herman Cain tried to clean up the running confusion over his position on abortion last night, but in the meantime opened questions about his grasp of the Constitution. — In an interview with David Brody last night, Cain said he'd sign …
Hot Air
Herman Cain Exclusive: Tells Brody File He Will Support Constitutional Amendments on Life and Marriage
Discussion:, Race 4 2012, Little Green Footballs, Don Surber and Joe. My. God.
Rick Perry challenges opponents' abortion stances at Iowa Faith & Freedom dinner
Hot Air and Caffeinated Thoughts
Mysterious leaflets in Iowa take aim at Cain's abortion comments
The Other McCain, Hot Air, National Review and Ballot Box
OccupyDayton Protester: ‘F*ck The Military, F*ck Your Flag, And F*ck The Police’ — A citizen journalist was taking pictures of the destruction the “Occupy Dayton” protest caused to public property when he was approached by a group of demonstrators. A protester became very hostile …
Power Line and Big Government
Michele Bachmann: U.S. got “kicked out” of Iraq — PLAY CBS NEWS VIDEO — Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on Sunday joined the chorus of GOP contenders lambasting President Obama for his decision to withdraw nearly all troops from Iraq by the end of the year.
Discussion: and The Spectacle Blog
Graham: Obama's Iraq, Afghan policies ‘being run out of Chicago’
ABCNEWS, The Politico and Washington Post
Clinton warns Iran not to ‘miscalculate’ U.S. post-withdrawal commitment to Iraq
Europe is now leveraging for a catastrophe — It is time to prepare for the unthinkable: there is now a significant probability the euro will not survive in its current form. This is not because I am predicting the failure by European leaders to agree a deal. In fact, I believe they will.
Paul Krugman
Goldman Sachs Sends Its Regrets to This Awkward Dinner Invitation — Bank Withdraws From Fund-Raiser After ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Gets Place at Table — Earlier this month, hundreds of New Yorkers received an unusual dinner invitation from the Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union.
The Raw Story, Corrente, ThinkProgress and Occupy Los Angeles
Did The Post story do right by the Koch brothers? — The Koch brothers, Charles and David, are the betes noire for liberals, much like George Soros is the bugbear for conservatives. — The Kochs own a multinational conglomerate — regarded as the second-largest privately held company in the world …
The Volokh Conspiracy, Hot Air and blogs
The Red State in Your Future — Voters around the country are concluding it's better to be red than dead—applying a whole meaning to an old phrase. If you do not currently live in a red state, there's a good chance you will be in the near future. Either you will flee to a red state …
Wake up America, Maggie's Farm and
About 130 arrested at Occupy Chicago protest — (Reuters) - About 130 protesters were arrested at an Occupy Chicago demonstration early on Sunday after they set up tents and refused to leave a public park after closing time, police said. — The protests, which have spread across …
Tunisia voters go to polls in historic free election — Voting has begun in Tunisia in the first free election of the Arab Spring, nine months after the fall of former President Zinedine el Abidine Ben Ali. — Voters will elect a 217-seat assembly that will draft a new constitution and appoint an interim government.
Don Surber, Pat Dollard, The Gateway Pundit and Gawker
McConnell: Layoffs a ‘local’ problem — In an interesting policy-political joust Sunday with CNN “State of the Union” host Candy Crowley, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stuck by his assertion that stopping federal funding to stave off local police, teacher and firefighter layoffs …
They want $lice of the occu-pie — Even in Zuccotti Park, greed is good. — Occupy Wall Street's Finance Committee has nearly $500,000 in the bank, and donations continue to pour in — but its reluctance to share the wealth with other protestErs is fraying tempers.
Pajamas Media, UrbanGrounds and The Strata-Sphere
Afghanistan would side with Pakistan in war with US, says Hamid Karzai — President says Afghans ‘will never betray their brother’ in TV interview aired days after Kabul visit by Hillary Clinton — The Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, has said he would side with Pakistan in the event of war …
Hot Air, Connecting.the.Dots, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Outside the Beltway and