Top Items:
Penn State Students Clash With Police in Unrest After Announcement — STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — After top Penn State officials announced that they had fired Joe Paterno on Wednesday night, thousands of students stormed the downtown area to display their anger and frustration, chanting the former coach's name …
The Atlantic Online, The Daily Dish, American Times, his vorpal sword, Via Meadia, Gawker, Runnin' Scared, Rod Dreher, Gothamist, CBS Chicago, Althouse, Feministing, Feministe, RNS Blog, Truthdig and Balloon Juice
John Scalzi / Whatever:
Omelas State University — These things should be simple: — 1. When, as an adult, you come come across another adult raping a small child, you should a) do everything in your power to rescue that child from the rapist, b) call the police the moment it is practicable.
Michael Hurley /
Jerry Sandusky Rumored to Have Been ‘Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors,’ Says Mark Madden
Jerry Sandusky Rumored to Have Been ‘Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors,’ Says Mark Madden
Discussion:, NBC Philadelphia, Hot Air and The Other McCain
Daniel Strauss / The Hill:
Pa. senators no longer support Joe Paterno for Medal of Freedom
Pa. senators no longer support Joe Paterno for Medal of Freedom
The Politico
Alicia M. Cohn / Ballot Box:
Perry: 'If we're electing the debater in chief, don't elect me' — Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry, looking to bounce back from a recent debate gaffe, doubled down in his own defense Thursday by admitting debating is not his strength. — “If we're electing the debater in chief …
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Video: Perry implodes; Update: Campaign is over, says top fundraiser — Via Business Insider. A few choice quotes. Larry Sabato: … Rich Lowry: … Mona Charen: … He's down to 4.9 percent now on InTrade; before the debate he was at 9.3 percent.
Rick Perry 2012 Campaign …, The Other McCain, Sister Toldjah, Pirate's Cove, American Prospect, Mediaite, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Pundit & Pundette, thump and whip, Maggie's Farm, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, Outside the Beltway, The Page, Weasel Zippers, The Moderate Voice, The Lonely Conservative and Taylor Marsh
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Most Brutal Debate Video and Tweets Ever
Most Brutal Debate Video and Tweets Ever
Say Anything
Mike Paluska / CBS Atlanta 46:
Investigator: Herman Cain innocent of sexual advances — Private investigator TJ Ward said presidential hopeful Herman Cain was not lying at a news conference on Tuesday in Phoenix. — Cain denied making any sexual actions towards Sharon Bialek and vowed to take a polygraph test if necessary to prove his innocence.
Anti-Cain hoax exposed — Yesterday I saw a lengthy thread at Memeorandum about a “HermanCainPAC” website which had a large cover story calling Karen Kraushaar an “ugly bitch.” Here's the screenshot: — The website looked real, with a donate page and so on.
Ann Coulter, Daily Kos and American Spectator
A.Killough / CNN:
First on CNN: Kraushaar won't do news conference without other accusers
First on CNN: Kraushaar won't do news conference without other accusers
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Reggie Love, Obama ‘body man,’ to leave White House by year's end — Reggie Love, a key member of the Obama entourage, is planning to leave the White House by the end of the year, people close to the administration said. — Love, 30, is a popular, gregarious figure in the White House.
The Caucus, ABCNEWS, The Page, National Review and Gawker
Daniel Strauss / The Hill:
Obama's Middle East envoy to step down — The Obama administration's Middle East envoy, Dennis Ross, is stepping down, the White House announced Thursday. — Ross had originally agreed to serve in the role for two years but because of the Arab Spring, Ross extended his time in the position for almost a year.
The Politico and CNN
Mark Landler / New York Times:
Obama's Influential Mideast Envoy to Resign — WASHINGTON — Dennis B. Ross, a seasoned diplomat who has been one of President Obama's most influential advisers on Iran, the Middle East peace process and the political upheaval in the Arab world, will leave the White House in December, a senior administration official said on Thursday.
Ben Smith's Blog and The PJ Tatler
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
In the Perry camp, sad — A prominent Perry supporter emails: — Original Message— From: — Sent: Wed 11/9/2011 9:21 PM — To: Ben Smith — Subject: i'm sad — stuck a fork in himself — can't decide which is worse Dean scream or Perry oops — bourbon for me, i think
New York Magazine, American Prospect, Iowa Caucuses, The Raw Story and US Politics
Brad Johnson / ThinkProgress:
BREAKING: State Department Puts Brakes On Keystone XL Pipeline — The Department of State is planning to put the brakes on the controversial Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Reuters reports. After seeming to be a foregone conclusion, approval by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton …
CBC News and The Huffington Post
Andrew Restuccia / The Hill:
Obama officials to delay Keystone pipeline, likely until after election
Obama officials to delay Keystone pipeline, likely until after election
The Politico
JoAnne Allen / Reuters:
State Dept eyes rerouting Keystone XL pipeline
State Dept eyes rerouting Keystone XL pipeline
Daily Kos, US Politics and Michigan Messenger
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Cain's fundraising surges past $9 million — Herman Cain has raised more than $9 million since Oct. 1, his campaign announced Thursday, more than doubling his cash haul for 2012. — More than $2 million of that total was donated within the last 10 days, as Cain battled mounting allegations …
James Fallows / The Atlantic Online:
Ford. Quayle. Stockdale. Now, Poor Rick Perry — In the long annals of presidential-campaign debating, there had until this evening been three famous-disaster moments: — 1) 1976, Gerald Ford and Poland. This one wasn't quite fair. Ford was trying to make a reasonable point …
Washington Post and
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
The ‘oops’ heard 'round the world
The ‘oops’ heard 'round the world
The Atlantic Online, ThinkProgress, The Politico and The Maddow Blog
Alexander Burns / The Politico:
Newt Gingrich gets a super PAC — Jonathan and I mentioned in our story this morning that a new, pro-Newt Gingrich super PAC - Solutions 2012 - launched around the time of the GOP presidential debate last night. Charlie Smith, a former College Republicans chairman, is heading it up and made the case …
Justin Sink / Ballot Box:
Group launches super PAC to aid Gingrich
Group launches super PAC to aid Gingrich
Ben Smith's Blog and Taylor Marsh
Quinnipiac University:
Obama, Romney Tied In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Cain, Romney Duel For Gop Lead In All Three States — One year before the presidential election, President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are running neck and neck in Florida …
Washington Post, WEWS-TV, Don Surber, Hot Air, The Politico, Big Government, Naked Politics, GOP 12, The Strata-Sphere, Riptide 2.0 and Taegan Goddard's …
The Politico:
WE NEED SOLAR! — If you own solar panels you are producing your own electricity by harnessing the power of the sun. If you sell that electricity back to your local power company you are engaging in a transaction no different from what your local fast food restaurant does.
Matt Krupnick / Mercury News:
Police arrest UC Berkeley students, professor over Occupy camp — BERKELEY — Moving quickly to quell a protest on the site where the Free Speech Movement was born, UC Berkeley police in riot gear on Wednesday tore down tents and arrested at least seven people who had established an Occupy Cal camp.
Wonkette, Corrente, The Atlantic Online, Sister Toldjah and The Right Scoop
Brendan Sasso / The Hill:
Senate votes down measure that would have overturned net-neutrality rules — The Senate rejected a bid to repeal the Federal Communications Commission's net-neutrality rules on Thursday. — The measure passed the House in April, but failed in the Senate on a vote of 52 to 46.
The Politico