Top Items:

When Did Liberals Become So Unreasonable? — If every Democratic president disappoints, maybe there's something wrong with our expectations. Tough love from a fellow traveler. — “The disappointment and disillusionment with President Clinton are widespread.” —Bob Herbert, New York Times, 1993
Booman Tribune, TalkLeft, The Mahablog, The Daily Dish, Ben Smith's Blog and News Desk

The Hillary Moment — President Obama can't win by running a constructive campaign, and he won't be able to govern if he does win a second term. — When Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson accepted the reality that they could not effectively govern the nation if they sought re-election to the White House …
The Moderate Voice, No More Mister Nice Blog, The American Prospect, The Daily Dish, BizzyBlog, Althouse, Don Surber, Taylor Marsh, Outside the Beltway, The PJ Tatler, The Huffington Post, YID With LID, Sky Dancing,, The Mahablog,, Balloon Juice, Israel Matzav, Wizbang, Pat Dollard, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Lonely Conservative, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Jammie Wearing Fools

The ‘Dump Obama’ movement has begun; Guess who'd replace him? — Faced with peanut-sized Jimmy Carter poll numbers, disturbing big-donor reluctance, unacceptable unemployment and depressing economic forecasts, President Obama heads back on the road tomorrow to do what he always does when in trouble:
Ballot Box, Indecision Forever, The New Republic, Daily Kos, Swampland and Wake up America

Democratic Pollsters: Obama Should Abandon Run for Second Term
Los Angeles Times, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and The Gateway Pundit

Romney, Gingrich Now Top Choices for GOP Nomination — Gingrich's support on the rise this month — PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans are most likely to name Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich as their first choice for their party's 2012 presidential nomination, with Herman Cain close behind.

First Thoughts: Worst. Congress. Ever? — Worst. Congress. Ever?... The Super Committee's failure is the latest evidence to back up that assertion... The blame game begins over the Super Committee... Then again, gridlock could end up succeeding to produce as much as $6 trillion …
Washington Wire, USA Today, Washington Post, NO QUARTER and UrbanGrounds

Left blogs cheer supercommittee's collapse
CNN, Washington Post, Wake up America, The Impolitic and Crooks and Liars

Gingrich: Super committee failure ‘good for America’
The Hill, The Caucus and Swampland

Rising from the pack, Gingrich invites scrutiny
Firedoglake, Ben Smith's Blog, Harry's Place, Daily Kos and

When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality? — Some of my Republican friends ask if I've gone crazy. I say: Look in the mirror. — It's a very strange experience to have your friends think you've gone crazy. Some will tell you so. Others will indulgently humor you. Still others will avoid you.

Deficit Deal Fell Apart After Seeming Agreement — WASHINGTON — The one sliver of real hope came a week ago, in the darkened Capitol on the Sunday night after Veterans Day. — Called away from dinner tables, the Jets-Patriots game on television and, in one case, a soccer team party …

Boehner blames Obama for failure of supercommittee to reach a deal
USA Today, Wonkette and Prairie Weather

Lawmakers make last-ditch effort to reach supercommittee deal
The Politico

Poll: ‘Occupy’ movement fails to capture Americans' interest — A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows that the “Occupy” movement has failed to capture the attention of a majority of Americans, indicating either ambivalence toward it or lack of interest. — The poll finds that 56% of Americans surveyed …
Outside the Beltway, PolitickerNY, Weasel Zippers and The Politico

Artist Behind Iconic ‘HOPE’ Poster Makes New One For Occupy Wall Street
The Political Carnival, Towleroad News #gay and The Sideshow

Occupy our consciences — Everyone on the left side …
Campaign 2012, New York Times, National Review and TomDispatch, more at Mediagazer »

Herman Cain and the Holy Land Experience — ORLANDO, Fla. — By the time Herman Cain took the stage, Jesus had already been crucified, resurrected and returned to Earth to collect the faithful once that day. — Cain made a campaign stop Friday at The Holy Land Experience …

Alleged Jerry Sandusky victim leaves school because of bullying, counselor says — Victim One, the first known alleged victim of abuse by former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, had to leave his school in the middle of his senior year because of bullying, his counselor said Sunday.
The Moderate Voice, Balloon Juice, Outside the Beltway and Jammie Wearing Fools

Louis Freeh to lead Penn State probe
Associated Press, USA Today and TalkLeft

Newt Gingrich was a lobbyist, plain and simple — Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) arrives for a meeting in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill March 31, 2011 in Washington, DC. Gingrich met with about 20 freshman Republican members of Congress and discussed ways …

Romney Admits He Destroyed Government Records To Keep Them From Political Opponents — Last week, a Boston Globe investigation uncovered that former Gov. Mitt Romney's administration destroyed emails, purchased hard drives, and otherwise obliterated all digital records of his time as governor of Massachusetts.
Washington Wire, Washington Monthly, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, On Liberty and WBUR

Mika Brzezinski's Anti-Newt Rant Drives Her To Emotional Brink — Shades of “Special Comment”! In a rant worthy of Keith Olbermann at the height of his Miss Precious Perfect histrionics, Mika Brezinski began today's Morning Joe by tearing into Newt Gingrich for his recent suggestion …
Michelle Malkin, Big Journalism, The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

Boring Cruel Romantics — There's a word I keep hearing lately: “technocrat.” Sometimes it's used as a term of scorn — the creators of the euro, we're told, were technocrats who failed to take human and cultural factors into account. Sometimes it's a term of praise …
Firedoglake, Felix Salmon, Hullabaloo, Prairie Weather and AMERICAN FUTURE

Where in the world is Obama? — The president was in Hawaii while the supercommittee hit stall speed. What is new about this? Very little. — Throughout his term, President Obama has avoided leading on the issue of fiscal responsibility. He walked away from his own commission …
Washington Wire, Washington Monthly, Betsy's Page,, ABCNEWS, New York Times and The Lonely Conservative

America's new poor — PLAY CBS NEWS VIDEO … In Forsyth County's rolling subdivisions near Atlanta, Easy Street seems to run forever. What recession? The average household here earns $88,000 - the highest in Georgia, 13th highest in America. — But for more families here, prosperity is a pretense.
Crooks and Liars and The Impolitic

Ron Paul is surging, an Iowa and New Hampshire front-runner and powerful third-party possibility — There are now multiple polls that show Ron Paul has gained support and has a legitimate chance to come in first or second in Iowa and New Hampshire. I would now call Ron Paul one of three front-runners …

What Killed JFK — The hate that ended his presidency is eerily familiar. — Thanksgiving week is a milestone for Barack Obama, but not one that many are likely to commemorate. The president who seemed poised to inherit John F. Kennedy's mantle—in the eyes of Kennedy's last surviving child …
Discussion: blogs

Mitt Romney To Launch Television Ad In New Hampshire, His First Of Campaign — ABC News' Michael Falcone, Emily Friedman and Amy Walter report: — Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is going on the air with a television ad in New Hampshire on Tuesday that will take direct aim at President Obama …

Bloomberg's Plan for World Domination — With an army of reporters and wonky information services, the media company is expanding from Wall Street to Washington, Where it hopes to control—even more. — Bloomberg was everywhere, like Bloomberg likes to be.
PolitickerNY, Taegan Goddard's …, Poynter and Business Insider, more at Mediagazer »

Happy Halal Thanksgiving — Did you know that the turkey you're going to enjoy on Thanksgiving Day this Thursday is probably halal? If it's a Butterball turkey, then it certainly is — whether you like it or not. — In my book Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance …
Little Green Footballs, Atlas Shrugs, TBogg, WorldNetDaily and Sadly, No!