Top Items:

U.S. urges Americans to leave Syria “immediately” — Anger In The Arab World — BEIRUT - The U.S. Embassy in Damascus urged its citizens in Syria to depart “immediately,” and Turkey's foreign ministry urged Turkish pilgrims to opt for flights to return home from Saudi Arabia to avoid traveling through Syria.
Hot Air, Israel Matzav, Don Surber and The Daily Caller

Aircraft Carrier CVN-77 Parks Next Door To Syria Just As US Urges Americans To Leave Country “Immediately” — Yesterday we reported that the Arab League (with European and US support) are preparing to institute a no fly zone over Syria. Today, we get an escalation which confirms we may be on the edge.
Discussion: and Vox Popoli

‘Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone’ — “New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone.” — “Can't afford it,” explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening. “I've got people that I want to hire now, but I just can't afford it.

China's Super-Rich Buy a Better Life Abroad — Education for the kids, clean air, and rule of law are luring wealthy families to emigrate — Alamy(2); Bloomberg(1); iStockphoto(1) — Self-made millionaire Li Weijie runs his own ski and golf resort outside Beijing and considers himself a patriot …

Iran says arrests 12 CIA agents amid reports of compromised U.S. ring — Comment by top Iranian official comes as Intelligence Online says U.S. Congressman Mike Rogers arrives in Beirut to probe reported exposure of U.S. intel squad in Lebanon. — An Iranian official disclosed …
The Gateway Pundit and

Occupy flash mob fails to impress Walmart workers — The folks from Occupy Orange County might need to work on their delivery if they want to get their message across. — A two minute “flash mob” by members of Occupy's Santa Ana contingent left some Walmart employees feeling disrespected and confused.
The Gateway Pundit and L.A. NOW

Live Blog for #Occupy Movement: Protests, Events Planned for Black Friday And Thanksgiving — Damaged books rescued from NYPD dump. Oh! Alexandria! — With many encampments still setup around the country, it is to be expected that there will be stories of occupations having Thanksgiving at their camps.
The Gateway Pundit, Associated Press, City Room and OccupyWallSt News

Pa. revenue department overestimated tax collections from shale gas income — When it comes to money from shale drilling, state tax officials made a $50 million mistake this year. — The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue publicly overestimated by more than double what landowners around …

Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya — NOTE: WE DO NOT STORE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) BUT YOUR IP ADDRESS WILL BE LOGGED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF THIS FEATURE. PLEASE READ OUR LEGAL TERMS & POLICIES — Thousands of people, including women and children …
The Jawa Report,, Guardian and The Spectacle Blog

Egyptian Generals Apologize for Bloodshed but Reject Calls to Leave Power — A protester pointed to an incoming tear-gas canister during clashes with the riot police on Wednesday near Tahrir Square in Cairo. The violence has prompted growing international concern. More Photos »
News Desk, Washington Post, Prairie Weather, The Atlantic Online and Firedoglake

Dem strategist: Romney ad plays race card, echoes Rev. Wright — Democratic strategist Tad Devine, an adviser to the Al Gore and John Kerry presidential campaigns, accused Mitt Romney's campaign of invoking the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a recent ad.
ABCNEWS, Pundits Blog, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Weasel Zippers

Army records at odds with Occupy veteran's claims — Demonstrator insists military data is incomplete — The claims of a dedicated member of the Occupy Buffalo movement that he saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are not supported by Army records. — Christopher M. Simmance …
The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and Don Surber

Fatalism and the American Dream — Two of my colleagues have alluded to a recent Pew Research Center report on American exceptionalism, paying particular attention to the fact that Americans are more likely to say their culture is superior to others than are people in Germany, Spain, Britain or France.
Crooked Timber

Department of Justice Challenges Utah's Immigration Law … WASHINGTON - The Department of Justice today challenged Utah's immigration law, which comes after recent lawsuits in Arizona, Alabama and South Carolina. — In a complaint, filed in the District of Utah, the department states …
Weasel Zippers, Campaign 2012 and ImmigrationProf Blog

Debunking Obama's So-Called Leadership Failure — Various fiscal scolds have been scolding President Obama for failing to use his mind-control powers to force Republicans to accept a tax hike. Michael Bloomberg sadly attributes the failure of the supercommittee to agree on reducing the deficit to a failure of “leadership.”
The Daily Dish, The Democratic Daily, Washington Post and Washington Monthly

Go Big, Mr. Obama — President Obama has a clear choice …
Booman Tribune, Firedoglake, xpostfactoid and Hullabaloo

Newt Gingrich stands out on immigration at Republican debate — Now one of the leading GOP candidates, the former House speaker takes a softer stand on immigration — and in general — as he and his rivals field questions on national security and economic issues.
The Maddow Blog and In America

Gingrich Risks Conservative Outrage on Immigration
New York Times, The Atlantic Online, Outside the Beltway and Daily Kos