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The Gingrich Tragedy — Of all the major Republicans, the one who comes closest to my worldview is Newt Gingrich. Despite his erratically shifting views and odd phases, he continually returns to this core political refrain: He talks about using government in energetic but limited ways to increase growth, dynamism and social mobility.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, FrumForum, Ben Smith's Blog, Opinionator, Slate, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather and Wall Street Journal
Gingrich Is Inspiring—and Disturbing — The first potential president about whom there is too much information. — I had a friend once who amused herself thinking up bumper stickers for states. The one she made up for California was brilliant. “California: It's All True.”
The Caucus, GOP 12, JustOneMinute, The Spectacle Blog, Vodkapundit, 2012 Decoded, Betsy's Page and Connecting.the.Dots
Rand Paul: Republicans would take a giant step backward by choosing Gingrich — As a U.S. senator elected from and by the tea party, I am often asked about the tea party, the conservative movement and the presidential race. — While conservatives and limited-government activists did …
The Hill, Riehl World View, The Iowa Republican, Booman Tribune, Iowa Caucuses, and The Spectacle Blog
Michele Bachmann Becomes Fifth GOP Candidate To Reject Donald Trump Debate — ABC News' Michael Falcone reports: — DES MOINES — Another one bites the dust. — Michele Bachmann has officially said “no” to the Donald Trump-moderated Newsmax debate scheduled for later this month.
First Thoughts: Newt's moment of truth — Can Gingrich survive the scrutiny, negative attacks to come? In one week, there will be two debates, in which Gingrich be the target. They'll test his mettle and discipline. ... The risk for Romney in using Paul Ryan to go after Gingrich …
CNN, The Daily Dish, Talking Points Memo and Radio Iowa
Ron Paul on steady upward trajectory, third-party talk will escalate
The Real G.O.P. Dark Horse: None of the Above — Two of my favorite analysts, Rhodes Cook and Josh Putnam, have a good debate going about just how plausible it is that a Republican who is not currently running for president could enter the race later and potentially win it (probably necessitating a brokered convention).
Europe's disastrous summit — I thought disasters were all meant to happen over the weekend? Somehow, in Brussels, EU leaders have contrived to pull defeat out of the jaws of victory on Thursday night, leaving Friday for finger-pointing and recriminations and wondering whether anybody …
Business Insider, Daniel W. Drezner, Paul Krugman, Financial Times, Economix and Wall Street Journal
The terrible consequences of a eurozone collapse
The Big Picture, Global Guerrillas and The Atlantic Online
Record High Anti-Incumbent Sentiment Toward Congress — But voters are more inclined to say their own representative deserves re-election — PRINCETON, NJ — About three-quarters of registered voters (76%) say most members of Congress do not deserve re-election, the highest such percentage Gallup …
Hotline On Call, The Politico and
As President, Perry Says He Would Not Forcibly Discharge Gay Soldiers After Reinstating DADT — GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry enshrined his prejudice against gay soldiers in a divisive, anti-gay ad: “You don't need to be in the pews every Sunday to know that there's something wrong …
The Caucus and Ballot Box
Mitt's granite fortress under siege — MANCHESTER, N.H. - Mitt Romney, whose team has been working New Hampshire for nearly five years, has a coordinator in most of the state's 234 towns. Newt Gingrich, who opened an office here less than a month ago, has a state director who's never worked on a campaign before.
CNN and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Romney super PAC prepping Gingrich attack
The Politico, ABCNEWS, Washington Monthly and The Page
All the G.O.P.'s Gekkos — Almost a quarter of a century has passed since the release of the movie “Wall Street,” and the film seems more relevant than ever. The self-righteous screeds of financial tycoons denouncing President Obama all read like variations on Gordon Gekko's famous …
Prairie Weather
GOP seeks to cut unemployment benefits — GOP leaders hope to build momentum for an end-of-year tax package with sweeping reforms to federal unemployment benefits. — The Republican proposal is expected to reduce the total number of weeks unemployed workers are eligible for aid …
Veto threat makes Boehner's job easier — For House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), there's nothing like a presidential veto threat to make his job easier. — The Speaker earned positive reviews for the revised payroll tax cut package he presented to the House Republican conference Thursday …
The Politico, Taylor Marsh, The New Republic and The Hill
A Liberal's Lament on Kagan and Health Care — Should Elena Kagan recuse herself in the ACA case? — Elena Kagan was appointed by Obama from within his administration shortly after health care reform passed. Should she hear the case before the Supreme Court?
Google Currents is hot off the press — We strive to give you beautiful and simple ways to experience all the content the web has to offer, such as sharing photos on Google+, watching YouTube videos and discovering books, movies and music from Android Market.
Hit & Run, iWatch News, Epicenter, TechCrunch, Mashable!, Poynter, GigaOM, VentureBeat and Engadget, more at Techmeme »
Obama Endorses Decision to Limit Morning-After Pill — WASHINGTON — President Obama, who took office pledging to put science ahead of politics, averted a skirmish with conservatives in the nation's culture wars on Thursday by endorsing his health secretary's decision to block over-the-counter sales …
No More Mister Nice Blog, Althouse and Balloon Juice
‘Furious’ twisting — For the sake of argument, let's assume that everything Attorney General Eric Holder told the House Judiciary Committee yesterday was true. — That the answer to several questions about who ordered Fast and Furious — the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' …
Power Line, New York Times and The Politico
Obama's campaign for class resentment — In the first month of his presidency, Barack Obama averred that if in three years he hadn't alleviated the nation's economic pain, he'd be a “one-term proposition.” — When three-quarters of Americans think the country is on the “wrong track” …
The Huffington Post, The Heritage Foundation, Dinocrat and AFL-CIO NOW BLOG
Obama celebrates Hanukkah at White House — WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is marking Hanukkah as a story of “faith over doubt.” — Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden convened a Hanukkah celebration at the White House Thursday in an early celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights.
The Gateway Pundit, Scared Monkeys, Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative
Newt Gingrich the Galactic Historian — The writer was Historian of the U. S. House of Representatives from 1983 to 1995. He was fired from that job as one of the first acts of Speaker Newt Gingrich when he took power. Speaker Gingrich hired his own historian, a fellow Georgian and member …
The Atlantic Online, Making Light and News Desk
NASA Mars Rover Finds Mineral Vein Deposited by Water — This color view of a mineral vein called “Homestake” comes from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/ASU › Full image and caption
The Atlantic Online
Farm dust bill approved in House — The House on Thursday approved legislation Republicans said was aimed at ensuring the EPA cannot regulate so-called “farm dust.” — The House on Thursday afternoon approved legislation Republicans said was aimed at ensuring that the Environmental Protection Agency …