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Romney wins in NH, cements front-runner position — CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night, adding to a first-place finish in last week's Iowa caucuses and establishing himself as the man to beat for the Republican presidential nomination.
Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and Ricochet Conversations Feed

Colbert in South Carolina — Stephen Colbert wanted to sponsor the South Carolina Republican primary. He wanted his name on the ballot and he wanted a referendum about whether corporations are people or only people are people. He was rebuffed in his efforts but our team at PPP decided …
2012 Decoded,, Taegan Goddard's …, American Prospect, Mediaite, Hot Air, Guardian, Sky Dancing, Catholic Bandita and Gothamist

NBC News: Romney wins N.H. primary, Paul second — Elise Amendola / AP — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney waves to supporters at the Romney for President New Hampshire primary night victory party at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, N.H., Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012.
Little Green Footballs, Donklephant and driftglass

Whose side are you on, Jon Huntsman? — BEFORE it was clear whether Rick Perry would stay in the race or drop out, Erick Erickson, a conservative talking head for CNN and managing editor of, said, “If Rick Perry leaves the Republican race, there will not be a candidate in the field …
The Atlantic Online

Majority of Conservatives See Romney as “Acceptable” — Only Romney now seen as acceptable by majority of Republicans — PRINCETON, NJ — Mitt Romney is the now the only candidate that a majority of conservative and moderate/liberal Republicans nationwide see as an “acceptable” GOP nominee for president.
The Other McCain, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice, News, Washington Post, The Monkey Cage, The PJ Tatler, The Caucus, American Spectator, Hot Air, Patterico's Pontifications, Nice Deb, Indecision Forever, Ricochet Conversations Feed, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, The Reaction, American Prospect, Ballot Box, Catholic Bandita, The Lonely Conservative and National Review

Romney Wins New Hampshire Primary, Fox News Projects — Mitt Romney has won the New Hampshire primary, Fox News projects, notching back-to-back victories in the first two contests of the presidential nominating season. — Fox News also projects that Ron Paul will finish second and Jon Huntsman will finish third.
The Daily Caller, Hit & Run, Scared Monkeys, The Spectacle Blog and Daily Kos

Attack Film Depicts Romney as ‘Ruthless’ Rich — Mitt Romney is depicted as a financier “more ruthless than Wall Street” and a son of privilege responsible for laying off thousands of workers in a 28-minute film set to be released tomorrow in South Carolina bankrolled by supporters of Newt Gingrich.
Taegan Goddard's …, News Desk, Naked Politics and Guardian

New Hampshire Primary Overview and Forecast — Tuesday's primary in New Hampshire is not likely to be as dramatic as the Iowa caucuses, with one candidate, Mitt Romney, holding a clear lead in all of the polls. — Still, the state is known for defying pollsters' and pundits' expectations.
Discussion:, The Politico, Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars and Swampland

How to Keep Score in New Hampshire: Will Romney's Win Really Be a Victory?
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, CNN, News Desk and Saint Petersblog

Huntsman says third-place finish in NH means he'll stay in race

ABC News Projects Mitt Romney Will Win New Hampshire Primary
CNN and Don Surber

Breaking: Court to Decide if Gingrich, Huntsman, Santorum, Perry Will Be on Virginia's Primary Ballot
Outside the Beltway, RedState, The Right Sphere and Hot Air

TRENDING: Paul defends Romney ‘fire’ comment, history at Bain
The Politico, ABCNEWS and Los Angeles Times

Romney well ahead of Republicans, trails Obama: Poll
US Politics and Prairie Weather

Record turnout likely in New Hampshire GOP race
The Moderate Voice, The Reaction, The Politico, Crooks and Liars, The BRAD BLOG, Wizbang, The Daily What, ABCNEWS, Washington Post, Sky Dancing and Hit & Run

Newt Gingrich hits Mitt Romney on abortion in South Carolina ad
Balloon Juice, The Politico and The Huffington Post

Perry pleads for second look in South Carolina
Saint Petersblog

Barack Hussein Gingrich — He's desperate, he's angry, and he's doing Romney a favor. — Humiliated in Iowa, a desperate and angry Newt Gingrich is taking the offensive against Mitt Romney, whom he accuses of “looting companies when he headed the Bain Capital investment firm,” …
Los Angeles Times, The PJ Tatler and The Enterprise Blog

Romney's GOP critics undermining his general election argument — Conservatives are furious with GOP candidates like Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry for attacking Mitt Romney's Bain tenure as capitalism run amok. Gingrich has claimed that Bain “looted” other companies, and Perry today slammed enterprises …
Crooks and Liars, ABCNEWS, Hot Air, The Hill, The Politico, Liberal Values and*

Special Editorial: From Bain to Main
Taylor Marsh, National Review and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Fighting on Democrats' turf
Slate, New York Magazine, Balloon Juice, Democratic Strategist, The Hill and The Politico

Doomsday Clock moves to five minutes to midnight — It is five minutes to midnight. Two years ago, it appeared that world leaders might address the truly global threats that we face. In many cases, that trend has not continued or been reversed. For that reason, the Bulletin …
FP Passport, Guardian, Nation Now, Political Mojo, The PJ Tatler, ABCNEWS and

Businessmen and Economics — A brief thought on something I'll try to expand on later. Leaving aside all the questions about what Mitt Romney did or didn't do at Bain — and about his self-aggrandizing double standard — there's an even broader question: why does anyone believe that success …
JustOneMinute, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Prairie Weather, Jared Bernstein and Eschaton

Obama picks immigration reform advocate to lead domestic policy — President Obama has picked a strong advocate of immigration reform to head the Domestic Policy Council. — The White House announced Tuesday that Cecilia Muñoz, a former senior vice president of the National Council of La Raza …
The Politico, Weasel Zippers, National Review and 24Ahead

Gov. Corbett declares war on food stamps — Republican Gov. Tom Corbett has announced a major assault on the food stamp program that feeds 1.8 million Pennsylvanians, including 439,245 in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania's Department of Public Welfare announced that on May 1 …
Discussion:, ThinkProgress, Mercury Rising, The Caucus and THEROOT.COM

Ron Paul Defends Romney, Lashes Out at His Critics — In an exclusive interview outside a Manchester polling place, Ron Paul lashed out at fellow Republicans for making unfair and ignorant attacks on Mitt Romney's business record. — “I think they're wrong.

Companies Face Fines for Not Using Unavailable Biofuel — WASHINGTON — When the companies that supply motor fuel close the books on 2011, they will pay about $6.8 million in penalties to the Treasury because they failed to mix a special type of biofuel into their gasoline and diesel as required by law.
The Enterprise Blog, Weasel Zippers, The Volokh Conspiracy, Doug Ross and The Jawa Report

A Slate resident feminist hears Gov. Christie talking about oral sex when he's obviously not. — What a joke! Christie — responding to hecklers who used the words “going down” in connection with jobs — said: “You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain't going to be jobs, sweetheart.”
TBogg, Crooks and Liars, The Jawa Report, Rumproast, Feministing, The Reaction, The Impolitic, Don Surber, The Lonely Conservative and CBS News

SOPA becoming election liability for backers — To the ranks of same-sex marriage, tax cuts and illegal immigration, add this to the list of polarizing political issues of Election 2012: the Stop Online Piracy Act. — The hot-button anti-piracy legislation that sparked a revolt online …

BREAKING: 10th Circuit Court Of Appeals Declares Oklahoma's Sharia Ban Unconstitutional — The 10th Circuit Court Of Appeals struck down Oklahoma's ban on Sharia law today, declaring that the Sooner State's move violated the United States Constitution. — In November 2010 …
Denver Post, Daily Kos, Applesauce and American Prospect