Top Items:

Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line — SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Newt Gingrich signaled Wednesday that he believes his criticism of Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital is a mistake — and that he's created an impression that he was echoing Democratic rhetoric. — Gingrich conceded the problem …
The Moderate Voice, The Politico, The Hill, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Mediaite, Washington Post, YID With LID, The Caucus, The Gateway Pundit, New York Times, The Page, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Guardian, Hullabaloo, Weasel Zippers, Sky Dancing, Wonkette, Outside the Beltway, Hot Air, Daily Kos, GOP 12, Indecision Forever, Swampland, Campaign 2012, Fox News Insider, RedState and The Impolitic

Haven't We Lived Through This Primary Before? — I'm thinking of a Republican primary. It starts with a candidate (John McCain/Mitt Romney) who ran once before, came in second place, and won over the party's elite class without winning over its base. Other candidates, understandably unwilling …
Booman Tribune, The Other McCain, No More Mister Nice Blog and The Mahablog

Romney likens work at Bain Capital to Obama's auto industry bailout
Rush Limbaugh, Hot Air, The Strata-Sphere, Big Government, CNN, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Politico

Gingrich Touts War Against Christianity, Gay Adoption In South Carolina
Washington Post, The Raw Story, Little Green Footballs and AKSARBENT

Shaken by Attacks on Romney's Past Work, Campaign Tries to Douse Flames
New York Times, CNN, The Politico, The Caucus, Hot Air, National Review, Campaign Stops, Daily Kos and*

TPM2012 — CNN Apparently Waives Its Own Debate Rules To Let Rick Perry In
The Right Sphere, The Hill, Applesauce, The Politico, Guardian, Wonkette, National Review and The PJ Tatler

Santorum Casts Himself as the Romney Alternative
Taylor Marsh

A bigger problem than Bain?
CNN, The Politico, New York Times and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

VIDEO: NH poll workers shown handing out ballots in dead peoples' names — MANCHESTER, N.H. — Video footage provided exclusively to The Daily Caller shows election workers in New Hampshire giving out ballots in the names of dead voters at multiple voting precincts during the state's primary election on Tuesday.

James O'Keefe's Group Appears To Commit Voter Fraud In Order To Gin Up Hysteria Over Non-Existent Fraud Problem — James O'Keefe's latest video features surrogates appearing to commit voter fraud in yesterday's New Hampshire primary election, all in an attempt to highlight voter fraud …
Indecision Forever and US Politics

Would-be dead man voter stopped at polls — MANCHESTER, N.H. — A mystery man trying to vote in the New Hampshire primary using a dead man's name got caught by an eagle-eyed voting supervisor in Manchester, then disappeared before police could corral him. — “We take a lot of pride in this primary …
Little Green Footballs and Blue Hampshire

Romney: Questions about Wall Street and inequality are driven by ‘envy’ — Mitt Romney had a remarkable exchange on NBC this morning that may not be as attention-grabbing about his “fire people” gaffe — but may actually be just as revealing and significant. And I hope it gets some attention.
Wonkette, Washington Monthly, The Political Carnival, Balloon Juice, Riehl World View, The Loyal Opposition and Daily Kos

If Newt Is Perot . . . . . . then Romney should avoid being Bush.
American Spectator, The Huffington Post and Rush Limbaugh

Romney: Any Concern For Income Inequality Is ‘About Envy’
News Desk and Conservative Hideout 2.0

NH turnout dropped 16% among actual Republicans — Over at Townhall, Guy Benson has defended the strength of Mitt Romney's victory in New Hampshire, and I don't think there's any disputing that it was a solid win. But I think there's one important point worth clarifying.

A tale of two speeches — After watching Mitt Romney's speech …
Boston Globe, FP Passport,*, Balloon Juice and Alas, a Blog

Five Myths About Romney's New Hampshire Win
The Enterprise Blog and Campaign 2012

Warren Buffett Ready to Take Republicans' Tax Challenge — Warren Buffett is ready to call Republicans' tax bluff. Last fall, Senator Mitch McConnell said that if Buffett was feeling “guilty” about paying too little in taxes, he should “send in a check.” The jab was in response …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Politico, ThinkProgress, Weasel Zippers, Reuters, Don Surber, The Hill, Lists, Taegan Goddard's …, Saint Petersblog and The Page

Justices Recognize ‘Ministerial Exception’ to Job Discrimination Laws — WASHINGTON — In what may be its most significant religious liberty decision in two decades, the Supreme Court on Wednesday for the first time recognized a “ministerial exception” to employment discrimination laws …
Hot Air, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Truthdig and ACS Blog

High Court Reverses Conviction in Killings
Washington Monthly, Political Mojo, Outside the Beltway, TBogg and Washington Post

El Che: The Crass Marketing of a Sadistic Racist … There's something about Che Guevara that convinces older European men that they will become cooler through association with his “brand.” We saw that again yesterday when Mercedes-Benz Chairman Dieter Zetsche launched a new car under a banner picture of Guevara.
The Volokh Conspiracy and Ricochet Conversations Feed

The Liquidity Trap may soon be over — About a decade ago, I wrote a paper on monetary policy in the 1990s (published in this book). I estimated the following simple formula for setting the federal funds rate: — Federal funds rate = 8.5 + 1.4 (Core inflation - Unemployment).
Modeled Behavior

Correction on the Mankiw Model
Paul Krugman, Free exchange and Modeled Behavior

Rising Share of Americans See Conflict Between Rich and Poor — The Occupy Wall Street movement no longer occupies Wall Street, but the issue of class conflict has captured a growing share of the national consciousness. A new Pew Research Center survey of 2,048 adults finds that about two-thirds …
Washington Post,, The Raw Story and New York Times

Mayor's plan to limit booze sales — Party pooper! — First, Mayor Bloomberg went after smoking in public places. Then trans-fats, salt and sugary drinks. — Now Bloomberg — known for sipping fine wine and downing a cold beer from time to time — wants to crack down on alcohol sales …

W.H. guests bail, Biden gets a seat — Dozens of journalists packed into the East Room at the White House today for the president's remarks on “in-sourcing,” at least 60 of them lining the press risers and walls. — But what many couldn't see in press coverage of the event …
Weasel Zippers and The Gateway Pundit

CNN PRIME TIME ANCHOR TO BREITBART: ‘YOU ARE NOTORIOUSLY EVIL’ — In the midst of an otherwise straight-forward appearance on CNN, Andrew Breitbart was bizarrely addressed by host Piers Morgan as being “notoriously evil about almost everybody.” After Breitbart responded that Morgan …
Discussion: and Mediaite

Bishop Romney Pressured Single Mother To Give Up Baby, Book Says — The Boston Globe's biography opens new windows into the candidate's time as a Mormon lay leader. Romney was a traditionalist. — Republican presidential candidate former Governor Mitt Romney, left …
The Political Carnival, Brad DeLong, Jezebel, Feministing and ThinkProgress

Axelrod Defends Jeremiah Wright, Says He Was Victim of Selective Editing — David Axelrod, chief political strategist for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign and former White House political adviser, defended Jeremiah Wright on Tuesday evening in a speech in Thousand Oaks, CA.
Doug Ross, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit and The PJ Tatler

Bush Beats Obama — Bush picked up more votes in 2004 in New Hampshire than Obama did last night. A measure of intensity. — U.S. President Barack Obama and former president George W. Bush during the inauguration ceremony in Washington on January 20, 2009. — (Reuters / KEVIN LAMARQUE)
CNN and Scared Monkeys

Child cruelty charge after baby found alone in Occupy camp — An infant's cries rang through the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square Wednesday morning, and when a group went to investigate they found only a baby girl alone in a tent, wearing a onesie and mittens.
Verum Serum and Big Government

DNC chair blames Tea Party for Tucson shooting — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., speaking in New Hampshire this morning, reminded her audience of the tragic Tucson shooting last year — and also insinuated that the Tea Party, which she said regards political opponents as “the enemy …
The Sundries Shack, Sister Toldjah, Hot Air, Wizbang, The Gateway Pundit, C-SPAN Recent Events and Michelle Malkin

Video Appears to Show Marines Urinating on Dead, Sparking Military Investigation — The U.S. Marine Corps is launching an investigation into a video that recently surfaced online showing what appears to be several Marines in uniform urinating on corpses. — The video, which started Wednesday …
The Jawa Report