Top Items:

Mitt Romney: middle income Americans are focus, not very poor — After winning the Florida primary, GOP presidential nominee hopeful Mitt Romney explains to CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien that he is focused on a particular portion of the American population in his campaign.
Erick's blog, Michelle Malkin, American Spectator, The Reid Report, RedState, National Review, No More Mister Nice Blog, Liberal Values, The Enterprise Blog, Opinionator, Business Insider, PERRspectives, New York Times, The Atlantic Online, Informed Comment, Riehl World View, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Stinque, Little Green Footballs, Booman Tribune, Washington Monthly, The PJ Tatler and Taylor Marsh

Romney, citing safety net, says he's ‘not concerned about the very poor’ — In an interview with CNN Wednesday morning that should have been a Florida victory lap, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney made a fumble that could give rivals an attack ad sound bite.

What is Wrong With This Guy? — Congratulations to Mitt Romney for his big win last night. It was a win that, Romney supporters hoped, would help bury concerns about his ability to seal the deal to do what it takes. But I'm not so sure. If you're a straight-laced grown-up with money to burn …
Ross Douthat, Business Insider, RedState, Pundit & Pundette and Political Insider

Mitt Romney: 'I'm not concerned about the very poor' — Mitt Romney said Wednesday he's “not concerned about the very poor.” — Romney told CNN's Soledad O'Brien during a morning interview after his Florida primary win that his focus is on the middle class — and not on the “very poor.”
CNN and The Huffington Post

Why Romney Is ‘Not Concerned’ About the Poor — For Pete's sake — you're running for office! — Mitt Romney has been implying, for a while, that he doesn't really care about the poor. Last night, he took the unfortunate step of actually saying so:
Discussion:, The Daily Dish, GOP 12 and Saint Petersblog

Romney glitter-bombed in Minnesota, calls it ‘confetti’ — An activist sprinkled Mitt Romney with glitter as the GOP presidential candidate walked on stage at a grassroots rally on Wednesday. — Other glitter bomb incidents have been motivated by gay rights activists.

Now We Know Who's Giving to Super PACs
The Politico, New York Times and Tablet Magazine

Campaign Finance Reports Show ‘Super PAC’ Donors
Washington Monthly,, Guardian, Daily Kos, Pensito Review, The Daily Dish, Wall Street Journal, DealBook and The Caucus

Romney: 'I'm Not Concerned With The Very Poor'
Harry's Place and Feministing

The Morning Plum — * Romney: “I'm not concerned about the very poor” …
Discussion:, New York Times, Balloon Juice, RedState, The Maddow Blog and Eschaton

Mitt Romney: “I'm not concerned about the very poor.”
The Caucus, National Review, Erick's blog and Business Insider

‘Gasland’ Journalists Arrested At Hearing By Order Of House Republicans (UPDATES) … House GOP , Environment , Gop , Politics , Republicans , Video , Brad Miller , First Amendment , Josh Fox , Arrest , Documentary , Fracking , Gasland , Hearing , Journalist , Politics News
Firedoglake, Mediaite, Guardian, ANIMAL, FishbowlDC, The Raw Story, Suburban Guerrilla, Daily Kos and Lawyers, Guns & Money, more at Mediagazer »

Josh Fox led away in handcuffs from hearing — Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Josh Fox was led away in handcuffs from a House Science Committee hearing Wednesday morning after refusing to pack up his camera. — Fox was led out by Capitol Police shortly after 10 a.m., before the hearing could be gaveled into order.
ThinkProgress, Taylor Marsh and Grist

House Dem abandons Susan G. Komen after Planned Parenthood decision — Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) on Wednesday morning said she would no longer support the Susan G. Komen Foundation because of that organization's decision to no longer provide funding to Planned Parenthood.
ThinkProgress, Jezebel and Weasel Zippers

Susan G. Komen Loses Support After Planned Parenthood Decision … Video , Susan G. Komen , Susan G. Komen For The Cure , Komen , Komen For The Cure , Komen Planned Parenthood , Planned Parenthood Breast Exams , Planned Parenthood Susan g Komen , Susan g Koman Planned Parenthood , Susan g Komen Planned Parenthood , Politics News
ThinkProgress, Balloon Juice, TBogg, The Maddow Blog, Democracy in America, US Politics, Firedoglake, NPR and Mercury Rising

Komen breast cancer charity severs ties with Planned Parenthood
Associated Press, New York Times, The Atlantic Online, Colorlines, Campaign 2012, Wizbang and Crooked Timber

Komen Cuts Planned Parenthood Grants Months After Arrival Of New VP, Who Is Abortion Foe

Susan B. Komen's Act of Cowardice
Right Wing Watch, TBogg, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos,, Pharyngula, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Taylor Marsh and National Review

The GOP's ongoing turnout problem — There can be little doubt that Mitt Romney dominated in Florida's Republican presidential primary, but there were a few tidbits in the exit polls that stood out, including this one: — This has to be discouraging for the former governor and his campaign.
Prairie Weather

Romney Wins, but Turnout Lags
The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly, Dean's World,, Wonkette and

Florida fight rattles GOP leaders
Daily Kos and US Politics

Gallup state numbers predict huge Obama loss — Gallup released their annual state-by-state presidential approval numbers yesterday, and the results should have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue very worried. If President Obama carries only those states where he had a net positive approval rating in 2011 …
Los Angeles Times, The Right Scoop, Rush Limbaugh, Scared Monkeys, Shot in the Dark, Don Surber, Hyscience, Weasel Zippers, ABCNEWS and National Review

Obama's Enemies List — David and Charles Koch have been the targets of a campaign of vituperation and assault, choreographed from the very top. — How would you feel if aides to the president of the United States singled you out by name for attack, and if you were featured prominently …

Gay Activists Glitter Bomb Romney, He Calls It ‘Confetti’ To Celebrate Florida Victory — Mitt Romney was “glitter bombed” by an advocate protesting the former governor's flimsy record on equality for gay and lesbian Americans as he took the stage at a campaign event in Eagan, Minnesota this afternoon.
ABCNEWS, The Raw Story, Mediaite and Towleroad News #gay

Obama warns of fall Romney ‘smear’ machine
Weasel Zippers and The PJ Tatler

Panetta Sets End to Afghan Combat Role for U.S. in '13 — BRUSSELS — In a major milestone toward ending a decade of war in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said on Wednesday that American forces would step back from a combat role there as early as mid-2013 …
Washington Post, Business Insider,, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos, Danger Room and Reuters

Panetta: US combat in Afghanistan to end next year
The Politico, BBC, Weasel Zippers and

Secret NATO Taliban report revives Pakistan fears
Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch

Mitt Romney heads to Minnesota amid talk of Michele Bachmann endorsement — TAMPA, Fla. - Mitt Romney is carrying a full head of steam after winning the Florida primary, but the Republican presidential contender isn't headed first today for Nevada or Maine, the next two states to vote.
The Politico, Outside the Beltway, Washington Monthly, The Page, ABCNEWS and Joe. My. God.

Romney Wins Big in Florida Primary
The Huffington Post, The Politico, Outside the Beltway, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, ABCNEWS, Tablet Magazine, Media Decoder, FiveThirtyEight, Washington Times,, Firedoglake, The Daily Beast, Christian Science Monitor, CBS News, Associated Press, History Musings, Rumproast, The Caucus, The Page and Don Surber, more at Mediagazer »

Anthony Weiner used campaign money to hire private investigators to chase down his lie about crotch-shot tweet, financial statements reveal — Weiner hired T&M while in full spin mode over controversy that eventually led to his resignation — Infamous photo that Anthony Weiner tweeted.
Jammie Wearing Fools, The Hill, The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, Runnin' Scared and UrbanGrounds

‘Soul Train’ creator Don Cornelius dead in apparent suicide — “Soul Train” creator Don Cornelius was found dead at his Sherman Oaks on home Wednesday morning. — Law enforcement sources said police arrived at Cornelius' home around 4 a.m. He apparently died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound …
New York Times, Outside the Beltway, The Informer, Nation Now, Booman Tribune and THEROOT.COM