Top Items:

Obama to Offer ‘Accomodation’ on Contraception Rule — With the White House under fire for its new rule requiring employers including religious organizations to offer health insurance that fully covers birth control coverage, ABC News has learned that later today the White House …
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The catch in Obama's contraceptives compromise — The White House has given reporters the rundown on the “accommodations” that President Obama will announce on the health reform law's requirements for hospitals run by faith-based groups to cover the costs of employees' contraceptives. Here's how it works.

Both Catholic Health Assn and Planned Parenthood Say They're Pleased With Contraception Rule Announcement — Senior administration officials are pleased with the initial response to President Obama's pending announcement on an “accommodation” for religious organizations regarding …

FACT SHEET: Women's Preventive Services and Religious Institutions — Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, most health insurance plans will cover women's preventive services, including contraception, without charging a co-pay or deductible beginning in August, 2012.

Birth control may now be wedge issue against GOP — At his press conference this morning announcing the new shift in contraception policy, Obama said: “I understand that some folks in Washington may want to treat this as another political wedge issue. But it shouldn't be.”
Discussion:,, Daily Kos and US Politics

Obama Punks the GOP on Contraception — Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and President Obama — After two solid weeks of Republicans rapidly escalating attacks on contraception access under the banner of “religous freedom,” Obama finally announced what the White House …
Discussion:, Angry Black Lady Chronicles and AlterNet

Bishops, Republicans Get Served
New York Times, Ramona's Voices, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Campaign 2012

Statement by Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America …
Slate, Los Angeles Times,, Jill Stanek, Daily Kos, Sky Dancing, The PJ Tatler and Lawyers, Guns & Money

GOP Ups The Ante, Introduces Legislation To Allow Any Employer To Deny Any Preventive Health Service
Daily Kos

Obama Offers ‘Accommodation’ on Birth Control Rule
The Lede, Truthdig, The New Republic, The Page and Gothamist

Bishops Studying Initial White House Movement On Religious Liberty
Washington Post, Political Mojo and Guardian

MITT ROMNEY DELIVERS REMARKS AT CPAC — This year, here at CPAC, we've got a great crowd. It's been a great conference. For that I suppose we should acknowledge President Obama, the conservative movement's top recruiter. Turns out, he really is a great community organizer.
Los Angeles Times, The Spectacle Blog, Daily Kos, 2012 Decoded, Hit & Run and Big Government

Appealing to Activists, Romney Calls Himself ‘Severely Conservative’
The Reaction, GOP 12, No More Mister Nice Blog and

Santorum Gets Spirited Reception at CPAC
CNN, The Moderate Voice and The Hinterland Gazette

Occupy protesters, conservatives clash at CPAC conference

At CPAC, Mitt Romney throws red meat
Hot Air, CNN, The Hill and Conservatives4Palin

Romney to business leaders: ‘I love you’
Weekly Standard, GOP 12 and The Maddow Blog

How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy — Jaroslav Flegr is no kook. And yet, for years, he suspected his mind had been taken over by parasites that had invaded his brain. So the prolific biologist took his science-fiction hunch into the lab. What he's now discovering will startle you.
Boing Boing

REPORT: By A Nearly 2 To 1 Margin, Cable Networks Call On Men Over Women To Comment On Birth Control — TP interns Zachary Bernstein and Fatima Najiy conducted the research for this report. — President Obama's regulation mandating that health insurance plans offer free birth control is an issue that most directly affects women.
ECHIDNE of the snakes

Komen Exec Karen Handel Calls Planned Parenthood a ‘Gigantic Bully’ — In an interview with The Daily Beast, former Komen VP Karen Handel says Planned Parenthood broke a secret pact and launched an ‘Armageddon.’ She calls the organization ‘a gigantic bully, using Komen as its own personal punching bag.’
Jezebel, The Atlantic Online, TBogg and Daily Kos

West: Liberals think we're selfish robots — The U.S. safety net is the unfortunate result of liberals who believe people are selfish robots, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) argued Friday. — West delivered a forceful rebuke of both Democrats and government programs to help the needy …
Weasel Zippers

Kim Jong-Un Dead? That's The Rumor — In the past two hours, Twitter has exploded with unsubstantiated rumors that the new North Korean dictator died in Beijing today and that a coup is underway in North Korea. All rumor of course, and one that appears to have been started on China's twitter-like platform Weibo.
The Atlantic Online,, The Huffington Post, FP Passport and Hot Air

Unacceptable — former Vatican Ambassador, Prof. Robert George, others respond — The following letter was signed by former Vatican Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon, Princeton Prof. Robert George, Notre Dame Law Prof. Carter Snead, Catholic University of America President John Garvey, and EPPC Fellow Yuval Levin.
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog

Fox News Poll: Santorum surges nationally after three-state sweep — Rick Santorum has surged nationally in the race for the 2012 Republican nomination after his three-state sweep this week, while Mitt Romney has lost ground among GOP primary voters. In addition, most GOP voters …
Firedoglake, American Research Group, Politico and National Review

Paul Krugman vs. the World — The escalating battle of ideas between the Nobel Prize-winning economist and his illustrious peers — What has been getting the Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist so riled up lately? In the last few weeks, what began as a semi-civil battle …
National Review, Paul Krugman and TheMoneyIllusion

‘Occupy CPAC’ protesters paid $60 for the day [VIDEO] — Protesters at Friday's “Occupy CPAC” event, organized by AFL-CIO and the Occupy DC movement, told The Daily Caller that they were paid “sixty bucks a head” to protest outside the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
Hot Air, Don Surber, Michelle Malkin, The PJ Tatler, Big Government and The College Fix

Rep. Spencer Bachus faces insider-trading investigation — The Office of Congressional Ethics is investigating the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee over possible violations of insider-trading laws, according to individuals familiar with the case.

Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Say — WASHINGTON — Education was historically considered a great equalizer in American society, capable of lifting less advantaged children and improving their chances for success as adults. But a body of recently published scholarship suggests …
THEROOT.COM, The Huffington Post, ThinkProgress, Washington Post, Prairie Weather, Rod Dreher and Neptunus Lex

Santorum says ‘other types of emotions’ could preclude women in combat — For a candidate with virtually no staff and who tends to talk off the cuff, Rick Santorum has been nearly gaffe-free. However, this evening might have been his first, and it comes at a time when he is trying …
ThinkProgress, Jezebel, Crooks and Liars, ABCNEWS, Wonkette, Althouse, The Week, The Moderate Voice, Vox Popoli, Feministing, Shakesville, Politico, The Daily Dish, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and