Top Items:

I've spent the past 2 days trying to convince my 16 y/o she is not a “slut” **Updated x 3 — I can hardly type, can hardly put this into words! I have been writing and rewriting this because if I don't break down in tears, I get so angry that I can't think straight!

Limbaugh Advertisers Flee Show Amid Storm — Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh's public apology over the weekend to a law school student whom he had called a “slut” and a “prostitute,” critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers.

Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at Sandra Fluke: ‘Banging It Five Times a Day’ — Rush Limbaugh may have “apologized” (disclaimer: not a real apology) for his caveman comments about Sandra Fluke, but the right wing blogosphere continues to spew torrents of venom at her.
The Mahablog, The Huffington Post, Towleroad News #gay, Balloon Juice and The Raw Story

Cardinal tweaks Limbaugh, urges fight against birth control policy to stay civil — Dolan to Catholics: Be firm but not ‘pugnacious’ — Timothy Cardinal Dolan leads morning mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral on — Timothy Cardinal Dolan chided Rush Limbaugh on Sunday …
CNN, ThinkProgress and Joe. My. God.

Is This Why Carbonite Dumped Rush But Not Ed Schultz?
Datechguy's Blog and The PJ Tatler

Welcome to total political war
protein wisdom and Cold Fury

Slutgate: Contact Carbonite — Drop Ed Schultz UPDATE: 7 Companies to Boycott

Ron Paul unimpressed with Limbaugh apology
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Balloon Juice and

A 7th advertiser pulls out of Limbaugh's show
Daily Kos, Villainous Company, The Week, The Other McCain, Sky Dancing, The Mahablog, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and ABCNEWS

THE VETTING, PART I: BARACK'S LOVE SONG TO ALINSKY — Prior to his passing, Andrew Breitbart said that the mission of the Breitbart empire was to exemplify the free and fearless press that our Constitution protects—but which, increasingly, the mainstream media denies us. — “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”
protein wisdom, Politico, Power Line, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, TBogg, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Caller, The PJ Tatler, The Last Tradition, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Other McCain, Cold Fury, Belmont Club, The Lonely Conservative, M.JOSEPH SHEPPARD'S …, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Mock, Paper, Scissors, The Jawa Report, Conservatives4Palin, his vorpal sword, Jammie Wearing Fools and PJ Media

Everything Is Different Now - the Breitbartocalypse Is Upon Us — Before his death, Andrew Breitbart had been promising a true BOMBSHELL revelation about Barack Obama, a STUNNER that would finally put an end to Obama's reign of terror. Some whispered darkly that this may have been the reason …
Pat Dollard

State-by-State Analysis: Romney Could Win Majority of Super Tuesday Delegates — Although the Super Tuesday states are a mix of favorable and unfavorable terrain for Mitt Romney, his situation has improved enough that he could be on track to win an outright majority of the delegates on the night.
Hit & Run,, PJ Media, Lawyers, Guns & Money and

Split decision for Super Tuesday — The news is good for Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich and bad for Rick Santorum in PPP's final polls of the three biggest Super Tuesday states. — In Ohio Romney leads with 37% to 36% for Santorum, 15% for Gingrich, and 11% for Ron Paul.
Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Politico, Balloon Juice, Guardian, Daily Kos, CNN, Marist Poll and

Romney Has Momentum In Ohio GOP Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; But Presidential Primary Too Close To Call — The Ohio Republican presidential primary remains too close to call, but former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has the momentum, and 34 percent of likely Republican primary voters …
GOP 12, New York Post, Metro, The Caucus,, American Research Group, Tucson Citizen, NY Daily News, The Week, Hot Air, Business Insider and Washington Post

Romney, The Inevitable? (The Note)
Real Clear Politics, Reuters and USA Today

Polls show Romney gaining nationally, pulling ahead in Ohio
Shakesville and Rasmussen Reports

NBC/WSJ poll: Primary season takes ‘corrosive’ toll on GOP and its candidates — As another round of voting takes place this week in the Republican presidential race - with 11 states holding Super Tuesday contests - a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that the combative …

Romney Advances as Obama Gains — Mitt Romney has regained the lead in the Republican presidential contest thanks to new support from conservatives, while evidence emerges that the bitter nomination fight has damaged the GOP candidates' standing among the wider public, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.
American Prospect, CNN, Hot Air and Daily Kos

White House to Congress Dems: Expect no money — President Barack Obama has a bleak message for House and Senate Democrats this year when it comes to campaign cash: You're on your own. — Democratic congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi …
Don Surber, Weasel Zippers,, Hotline On Call, Taegan Goddard's … and Right Wing News

Romney: If Obama is reelected, Iran will get a nuclear weapon — SNELLVILLE, GA - Just hours after President Obama described to a group of pro-Israel activists the steps he has taken and will take to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, Mitt Romney made a dire prediction …
Guardian and The Raw Story

Likud politicians mock Obama AIPAC speech
Weasel Zippers and Israel Matzav

States of Depression — The economic news is looking better lately. But after previous false starts — remember “green shoots”? — it would be foolish to assume that all is well. And in any case, it's still a very slow economic recovery by historical standards.
ThinkProgress, American Prospect, Suburban Guerrilla, Business Insider, Daily Kos, US Politics, Paul Krugman and Economist's View

Observers Detail Flaws in Russian Election — MOSCOW — European election observers issued a harsh critique of the Russian presidential election on Monday, saying that Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin's victory was preordained and unfair, because of overwhelming bias in the television media …
The New Republic, Guardian and Prairie Weather

THE ‘BIG’ CHANGE — Dear Readers: — Today, as Andrew dreamed and planned, we launch what he called “Breitbart 2.0.” — Many of you wondered what he was working on so hard during the last year of his life. Here it is. — This was Andrew's design. And it is Big, like everything else about him.
L.A. NOW, Pat Dollard, Babalú Blog, Ed Driscoll and The Daily Caller