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5:10 PM ET, March 6, 2012


 Top Items: 
Faiz Shakir / ThinkProgress:
Netflix Becomes 30th Advertiser To Drop Limbaugh  —  Moments ago, Netflix emailed a statement to the tech website Boing Boing indicating that the company will ensure that its ads never appear on Rush Limbaugh's radio show again: … According to a ThinkProgress count, Netflix is now the 30th company …
Josh Israel / ThinkProgress:
Six More Advertisers Ditch Rush  —  The number of advertisers fleeing Rush Limbaugh continues to climb.  —  In an email release today, GEICO said, “In 2004 when Rush Limbaugh's program also carried remarks that were inappropriate, we ceased all advertising on his show.  We don't advertise there to this day.
Meghashyam Mali / The Hill:
Axelrod: Romney gave ‘cowardly answer’ on Limbaugh controversy  —  Top Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod on Monday blasted Mitt Romney, accusing him of failing to appropriately criticize radio host Rush Limbaugh for his attacks on a college student who testified before Congress.
Judd Legum / ThinkProgress:
BREAKING: Capital One Drops Ads From Rush Limbaugh  —  Capital One has recently aired advertisements on the Rush Limbaugh radio show.  Today, ThinkProgress asked a representative of the company whether it is “taking steps to ensure that your ads will not run on Rush Limbaugh in the future.”
Stations, advertisers drop Limbaugh
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
A Guide to Super Tuesday Possibilities  —  With only 10 states voting on Super Tuesday, it would be easy to dismiss it as a little wimpy compared to past years.  —  But nearly 20 percent of the delegates to the Republican convention will be chosen on Tuesday night — and the outcome …
Josh Putnam / Frontloading HQ:
Santorum Can't Get to 1144  —  ...and neither can Gingrich.  —  FHQ has been saying since our Very Rough Estimate of the delegate counts a couple of weeks ago that Romney is the only candidate who has a chance to get there.  But, of course, I have not yet shown my work.
Brent Budowsky / Pundits Blog:
Super Wednesday: GOP establishment lays down the law to the right
Discussion: CNN and The Other McCain
James Hohmann / Politico:
Super Tuesday: Ron Paul's parallel campaign
Discussion: CNN
Michael Falcone / ABCNEWS:
Super Tuesday Preview: Math Trumps Momentum (The Note)
First Thoughts: Super Tuesday
Discussion: Washington Monthly and News Desk
Alexander Burns / Politico:
Obama: Want a war?  Say so  —  President Obama fired back at his Republican challengers who have accused him of being soft on Iran, saying at a White House press conference that the standoff over the Iranian nuclear program is “not a game.”  —  Suggesting that the criticism being lobbed …
Discussion: ABCNEWS
Mitt Romney / Washington Post:
How I would check Iran's nuclear ambition  —  Beginning Nov. 4, 1979 , dozens of U.S. diplomats were held hostage by Iranian Islamic revolutionaries for 444 days while America's feckless president, Jimmy Carter, fretted in the White House.  Running for the presidency against Carter the next year …
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
President Obama wishes Romney ‘good luck’ on Super Tuesday  —  President Obama offered his likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney a caustic “good luck” the night of Super Tuesday.  —  Asked at a news conference if he'd like to respond to Romney's comments calling Obama the …
Discussion: Politico
Jennifer Epstein / Politico:
Obama blasts GOP for ‘casual’ talk on Iran
Mary Bruce / ABCNEWS:
President Obama Unveils Housing Initiative at Super Tuesday News Conference
Discussion: Politico
Jana Winter / Fox News:
EXCLUSIVE: Infamous international hacking group LulzSec brought down by own leader  —  Hector Xavier Monsegur is “Sabu,” the unemployed, 28-year-old father of two who allegedly commanded the loosely organized international hacker team LulzSec.  —  Hector Xavier Monsegur is “Sabu,” …
Israel's Channel 2: U.S. Officials Believe Netanyahu Has Already Decided to Strike Iran  —  Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday.  Photo: Israel PM Office.  —  Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a “senior American official” …
Anne Penketh / Pundits Blog:
Obama's flashing red light to Netanyahu on Iran
Discussion: Politico
New York Times:
World Powers Agree to Resume Nuclear Talks With Iran
Julia O'Malley / The News Tribune:
If Murkowski calls herself moderate, her votes should be too  —  Back from Washington, D.C., for the start of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, Sen. Lisa Murkowski learned the hard way not to get between women and birth control.  She said she now regrets her support for a measure …
Leaked: Bin Laden not buried at sea, body moved on CIA plane to US  —  Osama bin Laden (Reuters / Stringer) … The body of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was not buried at sea, according to leaked emails of intelligence firm Stratfor, as revealed by WikiLeaks.
Qasim Rashid / The Huffington Post:
The Islamic Solution to Stop Domestic Violence … Islam , Scripture Commentary , Domestic Abuse , Domestic Violence , Gender And Religion , Quran , Scripture Study , Women , Women In Islam , Religion News  —  Critics incorrectly allege that Islam command's husband's to beat their wives, often citing the Quran verse 4:34.
Discussion: The PJ Tatler and Jihad Watch
Robert / Jihad Watch:
Huffington Post enables beating of women: publishes whitewash of Qur'an's justification for domestic abuse
Discussion: Atlas Shrugs and The Jawa Report
Annie Lowrey / Economix:
The Economic Impact of the Pill  —  The recent controversy over contraception and health insurance has focused on who should pay for the pill.  But there is a wealth of economic evidence about the value of the pill - to taxpayers, as my colleague Motoko Rich writes, as well as to women in general.
MoJo Articles:
Santorum: Single Moms Are “Breeding More Criminals”  —  EXCLUSIVE: The GOP candidate claimed in 1994 that single mothers were destroying the “fabric of the country.”  His solution?  “Kicking them in the butt.”  —  During his first US Senate campaign, Rick Santorum warned voters …
Matt Negrin / ABCNEWS:
‘I Understand You Have a Panel,’ Gingrich Tells a Panel-Less AIPAC  —  Newt Gingrich apparently has been so busy campaigning all around Georgia that he hasn't had time to sleep, or even write a speech for the AIPAC crowd.  —  Moments before he was set to video-stream live …
Ashley Parker / The Caucus:
2012 Presidential Race Is 'the Worst I've Ever Seen,' Barbara Bush Says  —  Barbara Bush, the former first lady, is back on the campaign trail — this time for Mitt Romney — and once again, she's not biting her famously sharp tongue.  —  Speaking at a conference about first ladies …
Sheila Marikar / ABCNEWS:
Exclusive: Kirk Cameron Responds to Critics, ‘Hate Speech’  —  Credit: Chris Maddaloni/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images.  —  Kirk Cameron is fighting back against the “hate speech” he feels he's endured since calling homosexuality “unnatural,” “detrimental,” and “ultimately destructive …
Discussion: Gay Star News and Mediaite
Tamar Lewin / New York Times:
Black Students Face More Discipline, Data Suggests  —  Black students, especially boys, face much harsher discipline in public schools than other students, according to new data from the Department of Education.  —  Although black students made up only 18 percent of those enrolled in the schools sampled …
Ben Shapiro / BREITBART.COM:
OBAMA ALLY WON'T RELEASE ALINSKY TAPE  —  Sources inform today that Pam Dickler, director of the 1998 production of The Love Song of Saul Alinsky in Chicago that included a panel discussion featuring then-State Sen. Barack Obama, has a video tape of the play.  —  And she won't release it.
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 More Items: 
Anna Palmerand Dave Levinthal / Politico:
POLITICO Influence: TWU downsizes
Cameron Joseph / Ballot Box:
DSCC chair doesn't rule out backing Independent candidate in Maine
John Fund / National Review:
Infinite Affirmative Action?
Discussion: RedState
RealClearPolitics Video Log:
Romney: “I'm Not Going To Say Outrageous Things About The President”
Discussion: protein wisdom, Mediaite and Hot Air
Rachel Quigley / Daily Mail:
‘He is a pathologically immature sex predator’: Therapist slams IT teacher, 41, who left …
 Earlier Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
Reagan Was A Sure Loser Too
Discussion: Bloomberg and Campaign 2012
Gary Langer / ABCNEWS:
Romney Rebounds Among Conservatives, But GOP Contenders All Stay Underwater
Ed Anderson / New Orleans Times-Picayune:
Sen. Mary Landrieu says she will seek a fourth term in 2014
Discussion: The Hayride and Ballot Box
Bruce Bartlett / Economix:
Fanning the Flames of Class Warfare
Dylan Byers / Politico:
NBC's Chuck Todd on the geographic bias
The United States Department of Justice:
Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at Northwestern University School of Law
Detroit Free Press:
Filmgoer takes stand on costly snacks, sues AMC Livonia theater