Top Items:
THE VETTING: BEN SMITH RELEASES SELECTIVELY EDITED OBAMA RACE VIDEO — Earlier today, Buzzfeed's Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.”
Little Green Footballs, The Daily Caller, his vorpal sword, No More Mister Nice Blog, Don Surber, The PJ Tatler, Nice Deb, Ed Driscoll, Wake up America, Mediaite, The Spectacle Blog, Rumproast, The Gateway Pundit, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Outside the Beltway, Atlas Shrugs, Weasel Zippers, The Lonely Conservative and American Spectator
At Harvard, Obama Dived Into Diversity Fight — In this video, not previously available online but licensed by BuzzFeed from a Boston television station, the future president speaks at a 1991 campus protest organized to demand tenure for minority and female law professors. — Source:
Rush Limbaugh: Over 40 Advertisers Flee, Host Says 'Everything's Cool' — Talk show host Rush Limbaugh sought to reassure listeners Wednesday after the tally of local and national companies that have pulled their advertisements from his time slot topped 40, insisting that the show …
Addicting Info, Tucson Citizen, Mediaite and Colorlines
Clearing Up Misinformation on Our Sponsors — RUSH: I want to ask if you will indulge me for just a brief few minutes for some inside baseball stuff before we move on to our review of the issues of the day, politics and so forth, Super Tuesday, the results, and where we are.
The Hill, Don Surber,, Hot Air and Campaign 2012
Bill Maher Defends Rush Limbaugh — Last night on Twitter, Bill Maher defended Rush Limbaugh and attacked liberals for not accepting Limbaugh's apology after he spent three days relentlessly attacking law student Sandra Fluke. — Notably, Limbaugh only apologized for “two words,” after attacking Fluke dozens of times.
Politico, The Daily Dish, Indecision Forever, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, Firedoglake and Examiner
The insincere push to crush Rush — The people who want to drive Rush Limbaugh off the air aren't assuaged or persuaded by his apology over the weekend. They say he wasn't sincere: He only apologized for calling a Georgetown University law student a “slut” and a “prostitute” because of pressure from advertisers.
No More Mister Nice Blog, The Moderate Voice and Balloon Juice
EXCLUSIVE: DEMS INCITE DEATH THREATS AGAINST LIMBAUGH — Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is being targeted by multiple death threats after President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party ignored his apology for controversial remarks and continued to single him out for rebuke.
Mitt Romney's Zombie Problem — The GOP front-runner's grabbing more of the delegates—but he's being pursued by living-dead competitors he can't vanquish. — Mitt Romney faces the fundamental problem confronted by all zombie hunters: How do you kill that which is dead already?
Republican Split Decision
National Review, RedState, New York Post,, GOP 12, Reuters, Politico and Campaign 2012
Obama campaign says long GOP primary hurts president's fundraising
News Analysis: No Super Tuesday Knockout Punch
Mail Online, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Sabato's Crystal Ball, Washington Post, Bloomberg, The Caucus, Salon, White House Dossier, CNN, Power Line, Freedom Writing, The Other McCain, The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, Ballot Box, Wall Street Journal, ABCNEWS, The Impolitic, National Review, Don Surber, The Lonely Conservative, Connecting.the.Dots, Daily Kos, American Spectator, Fox News, The Moderate Voice, Shakesville, The Page and Sky Dancing
Mitt's Glass Half Empty
FiveThirtyEight, Reuters, The Enterprise Blog and TalkLeft
No Clear Path To Victory For Romney
New York Times, Wake up America and Politico
It Ain't Over — Out here, in the dark quiet of the winter suburban night, it's startling to hear the harsh sounds piercing through the cold air from the direction of Washington, D.C. It takes a while to recognize the sound as the gnashing of thousands of D.C. GOP power brokers' teeth.
Mitt Romney fights back with math
Politico, CNN, Washington Times, The Jane Dough, Wonkette and ABCNEWS
Maine Miscellany —It looks like Maine voters will reverse their 2009 decision and legalize gay marriage in the state this fall. 54% think that gay marriage should be legal to only 41% who think it should be illegal. And when we asked about the issue using the exact language voters …
Truth Wins Out
Liberal darling Chellie Pingree won't run for Snowe's seat
Hotline On Call
Chellie Pingree Announces She Will Not Run For Retiring Senator Olympia Snowe's Seat
The Maddow Blog
Centrist Prom King: Angus is no Bernie
Firedoglake and Washington Post
$1B of TSA Nude Body Scanners Made Worthless By Blog — How Anyone Can Get Anything Past The Scanners — This video is here to demonstrate that the TSA's insistence that the nude body scanner program is effective and necessary is nothing but a fraud, just like their claims that the program is safe …
Crooks and Liars, Addicting Info, Mashable, Moonbattery, The Daily Caller and US Politics
Rep. Dennis Kucinich suffers primary defeat in Ohio — Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio), the two-time presidential candidate and icon of the antiwar left, suffered a bruising primary defeat Tuesday as a new Republican-drawn congressional map threatened to end the career of one of the most colorful figures in Congress.
‘Joe the Plumber’ wins Ohio Republican congressional primary bid
CNN, The PJ Tatler, Outside the Beltway, The Week, Politico and Washington Wire
Racial incident mars high school game — School district, students apologize — SAN ANTONIO - — A local school district is apologizing after an apparent incident of racism at a boys high school basketball game this past weekend. — When the final whistle blew Saturday …
Bachmann warns healthcare reform law could be used to limit family birth rates — Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) suggested Tuesday that President Obama's health care reform law could give the government a dangerous amount of power in individual's health care decisions, going as far as to say …
ThinkProgress and Mediaite
Channel 4 booting anchorwoman Sue Simmons after 32 years — After more than three decades, WNBC/Channel 4 is tossing anchorwoman Sue Simmons overboard. — Last week, the station gave her the bad news that her contract would not be renewed — and come June, she's history.
Gothamist, New York Times, Colorlines and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »
Obama loses Dem primary in 15 Oklahoma counties — OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — President Barack Obama collected the most votes in the Oklahoma Democratic primary, but lost in 15 counties. — With 98 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday, Obama won 57 percent of the vote.
Indecision Forever, ABCNEWS, Scared Monkeys, Wonkette, Wizbang, Weasel Zippers, Campaign 2012 and Clayton Cramer's Blog
Clay clerk accuses U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns of trying to buy him out of race — GREEN COVE SPRINGS — Clay Clerk of Courts James Jett told a group of Republicans today the FBI is looking into Rep. Cliff Stearns for what Jett said is a plot to buy him out of this fall's congressional primary.
Politico, ThinkProgress, ABCNEWS, The Hill and Hotline On Call
TPMDC — Senate Republicans Backing Off Contraception Wars — From one top GOP senator openly lamenting the fallout of the ongoing fight over contraception, to the author of the controversial legislation at the heart of that fight effectively conceding defeat in the upper chamber …
Firedoglake, Ezra Klein,, The Loyal Opposition and The Maddow Blog
Audit: Part of $11M grant for Detroit job seekers only aided 2 — Detroit — Part of an $11 million grant intended to provide business attire to 400 low-income job-seekers instead helped only two people, an audit of the city's Department of Human Services has found.
Michelle Malkin, Clayton Cramer's Blog and The PJ Tatler
A Remarkable Man Has Stepped Into the Clearing; Captain Carroll LeFon USN (Ret.) 1960-2012 — As the sun's rays broke over the top of the eastern hills this morning, the military blogging community was coming to grips with the loss of a truly remarkable man.
The PJ Tatler, Outside the Beltway, Questions and Observations and RedState
Apple next-generation iPad liveblog! — March 7, 2012. Hard to say if it's a day that'll live long in terms of historical significance, but you can bet it'll be an important milestone in the history of Apple's iPad family. The next iPad (iPad 3? iPad HD? iPad 2S?) is due to be unveiled …
TPM Idea Lab and Vodkapundit