Top Items:
Breitbart's Obama Video Is a Total Dud — That movie stunk. —'s explosive, blockbuster video that would expose Barack Obama as a radical commie who wasn't vetted by the media was almost entirely hype. —'s Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor …
THE VETTING: BEN SMITH RELEASES SELECTIVELY EDITED OBAMA RACE VIDEO — Earlier today, Buzzfeed's Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.”
The Moderate Voice, Power Line, alicublog, The POH Diaries, The PJ Tatler, Atlas Shrugs, New York Magazine, Ed Driscoll, Green Mountain Daily, Campaign 2012,, Business Insider, The Daily Caller, Rumproast, The Gateway Pundit, Mediaite, The Spectacle Blog, TalkLeft, Hot Air, his vorpal sword, The Raw Story, Nice Deb, No More Mister Nice Blog, Sadly, No!, Don Surber, Little Green Footballs, Balloon Juice, Lawyers, Guns & Money, American Spectator, Washington Monthly, Weasel Zippers, Patterico's Pontifications, Outside the Beltway, The Lonely Conservative, Wake up America and Talking Points Memo
The Story Behind the Obama Law School Speech Video — The web is abuzz today about video of a speech Barack Obama gave in 1990 (some reports have incorrectly identified the speech as occurring in 1991) at Harvard Law School defending the actions of Professor Derrick Bell.
Telegraph, Angry Black Lady Chronicles, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story, The Last Tradition, The Right Scoop, Balloon Juice, Pat Dollard, The BRAD BLOG, Little Green Footballs, Wonkette, Washington Post, New York Times, The PJ Tatler, Hullabaloo, BuzzFeed and National Review, more at Mediagazer »
1991 Obama video aired in 2008
Indecision Forever, Shakesville, Addicting Info and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
A Few Fun Facts About Professor Derrick Bell Jr.
Hot Air, National Review, Doug Ross, ABCNEWS, The Gateway Pundit, protein wisdom, BREITBART.COM, Ed Driscoll, Atlas Shrugs and
Obama adviser slams Romney for Limbaugh while planning to go on Maher — CHICAGO — While slamming Mitt Romney for not standing up to the “strident voices” on his side, a top Obama advisor is planning to spend some quality time with one on his own, The Daily has learned.
Hit & Run, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, National Review and The Lonely Conservative
Armed Forces Chairman Levin wants Limbaugh dropped from military radio
Jammie Wearing Fools and Weasel Zippers
Rep. Bachmann calls outrage over Limbaugh ‘overkill’
Rush Limbaugh: Over 40 Advertisers Flee, Host Says 'Everything's Cool'
Investor's Business Daily, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Addicting Info, Mediaite, Tucson Citizen, Firedoglake and Colorlines
Conversations / Live Q&A — Chatological Humor: Why 'fair comment …
Southern Beale, Balloon Juice, The Mahablog and No More Mister Nice Blog
First on CNN: Levin says Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Network
Politico, The Moderate Voice, Sister Toldjah and The Raw Story
New poll shows Rick Santorum leading in Alabama GOP primary — A new poll released on the eve of Rick Santorum's first campaign visit to Alabama shows the former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania leading in the state Republican Party presidential primary. — The statewide poll conducted …
Los Angeles Times, GOP 12,, Outside the Beltway and Topeka Capital-Journal
How Would Santorum Do Without Gingrich? — One of the reasons to be skeptical that Rick Santorum could win the Republican nomination is that we now have a pretty good idea of how the vote will play out from state to state — and the coalition that he is building seems short of a majority.
Swampland, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Politico and The Other McCain
First on CNN: Santorum super PAC hits Alabama and Mississippi airwaves
GOP 12
Gingrich's future hangs on successful Southern state strategy
Boston Globe, Hot Air, Washington Post, 2012 Decoded and GOP 12
Joe the Plumber blows a gasket on CNN — Samuel Wurzelbacher, who on Thursday morning accused CNN of being like TMZ and trying to trap him with “gotcha questions,” explained to POLITICO immediately following the tense interview that he is “sick of the gossip and drama.”
CNN, Mediaite,, Outside the Beltway, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Reuters
Wind farms in Pacific Northwest paid to not produce — Wind farms in the Pacific Northwest — built with government subsidies and maintained with tax credits for every megawatt produced — are now getting paid to shut down as the federal agency charged with managing the region's electricity grid …
Moonbattery, Hot Air, Wall Street Journal, and The Lonely Conservative
Obama lobbying Dems over Keystone XL pipeline — President Barack Obama is intervening in a Senate fight over the Keystone XL oil pipeline and personally lobbying Democrats to reject an amendment calling for its construction, according to several sources familiar with the talks.
Won't Be Long Now, Folks! — And the odds that we'll get to somebody dropping the ni-CLANG word on President Obama took a really big step forward today, along with bonus misogyny to boot. They say a picture's worth a thousands words, and judging from the latest Mike Lester political cartoon from the Rome …
Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Daily Dish and Zandar Versus The Stupid
U.S. Warns Apple, Publishers — Justice Department Threatens Lawsuits, Alleging Collusion Over E-Book Pricing — The Justice Department has warned Apple Inc. and five of the biggest U.S. publishers that it plans to sue them for allegedly colluding to raise the price of electronic books, according to people familiar with the matter.
Politico, Wired, New York Magazine, Mashable!, Law Blog, Campaign 2012, The PJ Tatler, The Big Picture and Engadget, more at Mediagazer »
The Influence Industry: Obama gives administration jobs to some big fundraisers — Big donors considering whether to work the phones raising money for President Obama's reelection campaign might consider the fate of his 2008 bundlers. Many of them, it turns out, won plum jobs in his administration.
Weasel Zippers, The Heritage Foundation,, and The Lonely Conservative
Rep. Jean Schmidt's Defeat Serves as Warning — Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt had tough primaries before, but it's obvious she didn't see this one coming. — Podiatrist Brad Wenstrup defeated Schmidt by 6 points in Tuesday's GOP primary, likely ending the controversial Congresswoman's career.
First Thoughts: Why isn't this GOP race over? — Why isn't this GOP race over?... Three answers: 1) Romney's getting penalized for the competition he's facing... 2) He's struggling in the South, which just happens to be the battleground for next week... 3) He hasn't fixed his message problem …
ABCNEWS, BuzzFeed, New York Magazine and The Hill
Dogging Mitt Romney — I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but Mitt Romney once drove to Canada with the family Irish setter on the roof of the car. — Seamus, the dog-on-the-roof, has become a kind of political icon. You cannot go anywhere without running into him.
Brilliant at Breakfast, News Desk, Business Insider, the daily howler and Daily Kos
Senior Syrian official defects to protest Assad's crackdown — BEIRUT (AP) - Syria's deputy oil minister announced his defection in an online video that emerged Thursday, making him the highest ranking official to abandon President Bashar Assad's regime since the country's uprising erupted a year ago.
ThinkProgress and
Secret Service agent: Clinton's staff rude, Hillary aloof — In a breach of tradition, a former U.S. Secret Service agent has self-published a book that savages the Clinton White House staff as arrogant and rude, suggests former first lady Hillary Clinton was aloof and charges …
The Jane Dough
The Party of Hate — Millions of Americans voted for Barack Obama in the hope that he would be a trailblazer who would conduct the presidency in a new way. Well, he has: Obama has been the most divisive president in our modern history, unabashedly stirring up hate against not only his political enemies …
Whiskey Fire
Rick Santorum Will Face More Ballot, Delegate Problems — Rick Santorum's ballot problems keep getting worse. — The candidate failed to appear on the ballot in Virginia on Super Tuesday, losing his chance to win 46 delegates. He also may have lost his chance at more than a quarter …
Taegan Goddard's …
Subject for Debate: Are Women People? — I've always assumed that women are fully autonomous human citizens—who vote, even!—but now I'm not so certain — From left: Catholic Bishop William Lori, the Rev. Matthew Harrison, Dr. Ben Mitchell, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and Craig Mitchell …
The Democratic Daily, The Moderate Voice and Hullabaloo
Op-Ed Contributor: Reforms for the New Upper Class — THERE'S been a lot of commentary from all sides about my recently published book, “Coming Apart,” which deals with the divergence between the professional and working classes in white America over the last half century.
The New Republic and Marginal Revolution