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THE VETTING: BEN SMITH RELEASES SELECTIVELY EDITED OBAMA RACE VIDEO — Earlier today, Buzzfeed's Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.”
The Gateway Pundit,, Ed Driscoll, The PJ Tatler, Rumproast, The Daily Caller, TalkLeft, Hot Air, his vorpal sword, Nice Deb, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Spectacle Blog, Balloon Juice, Don Surber, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Mediaite, Little Green Footballs, Wake up America, Atlas Shrugs, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, Patterico's Pontifications, The Lonely Conservative and American Spectator, more at Mediagazer »

At Harvard, Obama Dived Into Diversity Fight — In this video, not previously available online but licensed by BuzzFeed from a Boston television station, the future president speaks at a 1991 campus protest organized to demand tenure for minority and female law professors. — Source:

The Story Behind the Obama Law School Speech Video — The web is abuzz today about video of a speech Barack Obama gave in 1990 (some reports have incorrectly identified the speech as occurring in 1991) at Harvard Law School defending the actions of Professor Derrick Bell.
Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story, Little Green Footballs, and Balloon Juice

1991 Obama video aired in 2008 — The “racially themed” video of President Barack Obama as a 29-year-old Harvard law student that's gone viral on the Web was broadcast as part of a PBS documentary on the future president nearly four years ago. — On the eve of the groundbreaking 2008 presidential election …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, ABCNEWS, Pat Dollard and Mediaite

A Few Fun Facts About Professor Derrick Bell Jr. — Today's has announced a video to be released, showing Harvard law student Barack Obama defending Professor Derrick Bell Jr. in a protest. According to, the original video has been heavily edited and more will be shown on Hannity tonight.
protein wisdom, Doug Ross, BREITBART.COM, The Gateway Pundit and Ed Driscoll

Rush Limbaugh: Over 40 Advertisers Flee, Host Says 'Everything's Cool' — Talk show host Rush Limbaugh sought to reassure listeners Wednesday after the tally of local and national companies that have pulled their advertisements from his time slot topped 40, insisting that the show …
Mediaite, Addicting Info, Sky Dancing, Tucson Citizen and Colorlines

Clearing Up Misinformation on Our Sponsors — RUSH: I want to ask if you will indulge me for just a brief few minutes for some inside baseball stuff before we move on to our review of the issues of the day, politics and so forth, Super Tuesday, the results, and where we are.
The Last Tradition, Don Surber,, The Hill, The Right Scoop and Hot Air

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Verbal Victim Feels Derided, Dismissed — Less than a week after calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” on the air, Rush Limbaugh ran his mouth again on Tuesday, calling investigative journalist Tracie McMillan a “babe”, an “authorette” and, more broadly, one of “these single white women.”
The Huffington Post, US Politics, Daily Kos, The Maddow Blog, TIME Ideas, ThinkProgress, Mixed Media, Balloon Juice and Rod Dreher, more at Mediagazer »

The ‘Respectable’ Punditocracy Joins The Rush Party — The counterattack from the defenders of porcine junkie sex-tourist Rush Limbaugh seems to be occurring on two fronts at once. The first is that Sandra Fluke deserved everything he said about her, hardy-har-har.
Mediaite, Salon and The Huffington Post

Bill Maher Defends Rush Limbaugh — Last night on Twitter, Bill Maher defended Rush Limbaugh and attacked liberals for not accepting Limbaugh's apology after he spent three days relentlessly attacking law student Sandra Fluke. — Notably, Limbaugh only apologized for “two words,” after attacking Fluke dozens of times.
Hot Air, The Daily Dish, Indecision Forever, Examiner, Boing Boing and Daily Kos

$1B of TSA Nude Body Scanners Made Worthless By Blog — How Anyone Can Get Anything Past The Scanners — This video is here to demonstrate that the TSA's insistence that the nude body scanner program is effective and necessary is nothing but a fraud, just like their claims that the program is safe …
Brilliant at Breakfast, US Politics, Addicting Info, Boing Boing, The Daily Caller, Crooks and Liars, Mashable and Moonbattery

Viral Video About Body Scanners — A video is making its way around the interwebs this morning from some guy claiming he figured out a way to beat our body scanners (imaging technology). — I watched the video and it is a crude attempt to allegedly show how to circumvent TSA screening procedures.
Guardian, Hot Air and Campaign 2012

Gingrich spokesman: Alabama and Mississippi are must-wins — Newt Gingrich is canceling planned events in Kansas and instead pivoting his campaign to focus on racking up delegates in the Deep South, with campaign spokesman R.C. Hammond acknowledging Wednesday that the former Speaker needs wins …
Politico, Washington Post, The Other McCain, CNN, The Hill and Ballot Box

Romney campaign says losing nomination would take ‘act of God’
CBS News, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos and The Daily Beast

Ohio boosts Portman as VP choice
FiveThirtyEight, The New Republic, Hot Air, Guardian and Washington Post

Mitt Romney fights back with math
Washington Times, The Caucus, CNN, Politico, The Jane Dough and Wonkette

TPM2012 — Bachmann: ‘Health Care Dictator’ Could Decide How Many Babies You Can Have — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is warning that the Obama administration's contraception insurance mandate could put America on a slippery slope — to a totalitarian one-child policy.
Wonkette, Hullabaloo and Dependable Renegade

Mediaite, ThinkProgress and The Raw Story

Bachmann warns healthcare reform law could be used to limit family birth rates

The Party of Hate — Millions of Americans voted for Barack Obama in the hope that he would be a trailblazer who would conduct the presidency in a new way. Well, he has: Obama has been the most divisive president in our modern history, unabashedly stirring up hate against not only his political enemies …

Channel 4 booting anchorwoman Sue Simmons after 32 years — After more than three decades, WNBC/Channel 4 is tossing anchorwoman Sue Simmons overboard. — Last week, the station gave her the bad news that her contract would not be renewed — and come June, she's history.
Gothamist, New York Times, Colorlines and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »

Conspiracy, Again — As Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio beclowns himself and his wayward admirers, it is worth bearing in mind that the manufactured controversy surrounding President Barack Obama's birth certificate has its origins in anonymous e-mails sent by Hillary Clinton partisans during the 2008 Democratic primary.
The Right Sphere

Clay clerk accuses U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns of trying to buy him out of race — GREEN COVE SPRINGS — Clay Clerk of Courts James Jett told a group of Republicans today the FBI is looking into Rep. Cliff Stearns for what Jett said is a plot to buy him out of this fall's congressional primary.
Politico, The Hill, ThinkProgress, ABCNEWS and Hotline On Call

Maine Miscellany —It looks like Maine voters will reverse their 2009 decision and legalize gay marriage in the state this fall. 54% think that gay marriage should be legal to only 41% who think it should be illegal. And when we asked about the issue using the exact language voters …
Poliglot and Truth Wins Out

Antonio Villaraigosa backs gay marriage plank
ThinkProgress, The Daily Caller, CNN, Gay Star News, ABCNEWS, The Informer, The Raw Story and Towleroad News #gay

Subject for Debate: Are Women People? — I've always assumed that women are fully autonomous human citizens—who vote, even!—but now I'm not so certain — From left: Catholic Bishop William Lori, the Rev. Matthew Harrison, Dr. Ben Mitchell, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and Craig Mitchell …

Missing Kucinich — America has reached the point where its politics are conformist and polarized at the same time. That's maybe not such a paradox: when there's little substantive disagreement between the party of Obamacare and the party of Romneycare, the party of foreign intervention …
New York Magazine, Donklephant, Slate, Don Surber and Unqualified Offerings

First on CNN: Levin says Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Network — (CNN) - Sen. Carl Levin, the powerful chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday he would like the Armed Forces Network to drop the controversial Rush Limbaugh program from its service that provides radio …
Sister Toldjah and The Raw Story

Liz Cheney: Desist! — Oh, Barack. — You want to analyze the cost and consequences of war before you go to war? — Such a snob. Such a green eyeshade rejection of the red-hot Bush doctrine. — What's wrong with bomb first and think later? That worked fine in Iraq. Or not.
Discussion: and The Moderate Voice

A Remarkable Man Has Stepped Into the Clearing; Captain Carroll LeFon USN (Ret.) 1960-2012 — As the sun's rays broke over the top of the eastern hills this morning, the military blogging community was coming to grips with the loss of a truly remarkable man.
Outside the Beltway, The PJ Tatler and RedState

Won't Be Long Now, Folks! — And the odds that we'll get to somebody dropping the ni-CLANG word on President Obama took a really big step forward today, along with bonus misogyny to boot. They say a picture's worth a thousands words, and judging from the latest Mike Lester political cartoon from the Rome …
Zandar Versus The Stupid