Top Items:
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Reaching Critical Mass — In one of the funnier, or scarier, videos I have seen recently,'s Editor-In-Chief Joel Pollak acquits himself well in a heated discussion with Soledad O'Brien of CNN about critical race theory. A major point of contention revolved around the description of CRT:
National Review, Hot Air, Rush Limbaugh, Mediaite and Wake up America
Paul Waldman / American Prospect:
The Race-Baiting Continues — I've been holding off on writing something about the bizarre spectacle of the Derrick Bell “exposé” that has consumed the nuttier corners of the right in the last couple of days, simply because it's so weird and pathetic that I wasn't sure exactly how to talk about it beyond simple ridicule.
Mother Jones, Business Insider, Tucson Citizen, TIME Ideas, Hullabaloo and American Power
Did Professor Derrick Bell Visit the White House? — The conservative Heritage Foundation shows some pluck by searching for the late law school professor Derrick A. Bell in the White House visitor's logs, and finds that “Visitor logs show that Derrick A. Bell visited the White House twice since President Obama took office.
ThinkProgress, Little Green Footballs,, Weasel Zippers, Pat Dollard and Flopping Aces
Little Green Footballs: Caught Again: Deceptively Editing a Video — Yet another dishonest editing job from the heirs of Breitbart — b_sharp — WINGNUTS In yet another humiliating attempt to catch the Obama campaign in a hidden video conspiratorial outrageous outrage, the heirs of Andrew …
Crooks and Liars, Rumproast, Jezebel, The Impolitic and Gawker
Chris Cassidy / Boston Herald:
Ogletree: I was joking about Obama video clip — Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree told the Herald he was just kidding when he suggested that a decades-old clip of a young Barack Obama praising and embracing controversial Professor Derrick Bell was kept hidden from voters during the 2008 campaign.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Little Green Footballs and Jammie Wearing Fools
John Podhoretz / Commentary Magazine:
Derrick Bell in 1994: ‘Jewish Neoconservative Racists’
Derrick Bell in 1994: ‘Jewish Neoconservative Racists’
protein wisdom and The Other McCain
The real unemployment rate? It sure isn't 8.3% — Even if it were a legit number, the 8.3% February unemployment rate, released today by the Labor Department, would be simply terrible—and unacceptable. It would still extend the longest streak of 8%-plus unemployment since the Great Depression.
Business Insider, Hot Air, Firedoglake and Questions and Observations
U.S. Economy Gains Another 227,000 Jobs
Economix, The Caucus, Ezra Klein, ThinkProgress, ABCNEWS, Questions and Observations, Outside the Beltway, Economist's View, Guardian and National Review
Felix Salmon:
The employment recovery is real
The employment recovery is real
Calculated Risk, Brad DeLong, ThinkProgress,, Campaign 2012 and Gothamist
Ed Carson / Investor's Business Daily:
Jobs Recession Now 49 Months: Longest Since WWII
Jobs Recession Now 49 Months: Longest Since WWII
Connecting.the.Dots, The Gateway Pundit and Scared Monkeys
Steve Benen / The Maddow Blog:
Jobs picture continues to improve, economy adds 227K
Jobs picture continues to improve, economy adds 227K
Economix, The New Republic, Daily Kos and Washington Monthly
Rasmussen Reports:
Alabama GOP Primary: Gingrich 30%, Santorum 29%, Romney 28%, Paul 7% — Alabama Republicans are up to bat next, and right now it's a near three-way tie going into next Tuesday's primary. — The first Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary Voters …
Hot Air, Washington Wire, GOP 12, Wake up America, Campaign 2012, CNN, Outside the Beltway and Breaking News …
American Research Group:
Presidential Primary Preference:
Presidential Primary Preference:
Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Ballot Box, Hot Air, Swampland, Guardian, USA Today, and
Rob Richie / The Huffington Post:
Six Surprising Takes on The GOP Nomination Contest
Six Surprising Takes on The GOP Nomination Contest
Washington Post and Ballot Access News
Why Rush Limbaugh's Apology for Sandra Fluke ‘Slut’ Remarks Bombed — Commentators often talk their way out of trouble these days. But Limbaugh couldn't convince the media he was sincerely sorry for calling Sandra Fluke a ‘slut.’ Howard Kurtz explains why.
US Politics
LIMBAUGH REJECTS COMPANY THAT SUSPENDED ADS FROM SHOW OVER FLUKE REMARKS — Rush Limbaugh has rejected an advertiser's apparent attempt to reunite with his show after the company initially dropped its ads from the program following his remarks about contraception advocate Sandra Fluke.
Don Surber,, Althouse, The PJ Tatler, CANNONFIRE and Wake up America
Dale Kasler / Sacramento Bee:
Limbaugh rebuffs attempt by Sleep Train to get him back
Limbaugh rebuffs attempt by Sleep Train to get him back
Instapundit, The Last Tradition and Media Matters for America
Former Navy SEAL booted from Gov. Christie town hall after heated exchange — FLORENCE TOWNSHIP — The most-heated town hall clash of the year started today with a shouting match, drove Gov. Chris Christie to call a vocal opponent to the proposed Rutgers Camden-Rowan merger an “idiot,” and ended with a stern talking-to by police.
Hot Air and The Raw Story
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Ignorance Is Strength — One way in which Americans have always been exceptional has been in our support for education. First we took the lead in universal primary education; then the “high school movement” made us the first nation to embrace widespread secondary education.
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
With Wishes Of ‘Good Luck’ from Paul Krugman...
Peter Whoriskey / Washington Post:
Government-subsidized green light bulb carries costly price tag — The U.S. government last year announced a $10 million award, dubbed the “L Prize,” for any manufacturer that could create a “green” but affordable light bulb. — Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the prize would spur industry …
Michelle Malkin, Pirate's Cove, The Gateway Pundit and Don Surber
Media Decoder:
New Republic Gets an Owner Steeped in New Media — The newest owner of The New Republic magazine is Chris Hughes, a new-media guru who co-founded Facebook and helped to run the online organizing machine for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. — Mr. Hughes's purchase of a majority stake …
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
Study shows health care bill may have cost Democrats the House — A top Democrat acknowledged Thursday that President Obama's health care bill hurt his party in 2010. And a new study suggests it cost the Democrats something pretty specific: their House majority.
Wake up America and Hot Air
Robert Pear / New York Times:
White House Works to Shape Debate Over Health Law
White House Works to Shape Debate Over Health Law
National Review, Weasel Zippers, Right Wing News, Prairie Weather, The PJ Tatler, Wall Street Journal and
Greta Van Susteren / Gretawire:
I refuse to go to the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner - no one should go — Another pig....and a media association has hired the pig, Louis C.K., to be their headliner for the big media dinner? Really? I am not going. I refuse to go. Everyone in the media should join me in this boycott.
Babalú Blog, NO QUARTER,, Wake up America, Mediaite, Hot Air and National Review
Romney: A film critic? — Jackson, Mississippi (CNN) - GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney offered a few suggestions Friday to the director of a new film about President Barack Obama. — “I'll tell ya, I've got a long list of people for that producer to talk to,” Romney told an audience at a farmers' market in Jackson, Mississippi.
Alicia M. Cohn / The Hill:
Director of Obama ad couldn't find negative to put in ‘documentary’
The Unchained Woman — What used to be a normal family life is now available only to the affluent. — Susanna Mancini, a 27-year-old lawyer, sent her boyfriend a photo of herself wearing a swimsuit and sunglasses. “Too bad you can't see my eyes,” she wrote him. “I am so proud of my tough yuppie stare!”
Althouse, Villainous Company, Mother Jones, Washington Monthly and Runnin' Scared
Dan Froomkin / The Huffington Post:
IRS May Make Political Groups Pay Dearly for Keeping Donors Secret — And Out Them … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Elections-2012, Tea Party, Video, 501c4, Crossroads GPS, Donors, Irs, Irs-Tea-Party, Non-Disclosure, Political Groups, Priorities Usa, Super Pac, Politics News
United Republic, Brennan Center for Justice and The Caucus