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Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs — TODAY is my last day at Goldman Sachs. After almost 12 years at the firm — first as a summer intern while at Stanford, then in New York for 10 years, and now in London — I believe I have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture, its people and its identity.
The Huffington Post, American Prospect, DealBook, Daniel W. Drezner,, ABCNEWS, Guardian,, Mashable!, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Big Picture, Marginal Revolution, The Awl, News Desk, Booman Tribune, Balloon Juice,, Gawker, FT Alphaville, Ezra Klein, US Politics, Jared Bernstein, ThinkProgress and The BLT

Santorum Wins Alabama and Mississippi Primaries — BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Rick Santorum captured twin victories in the Alabama and Mississippi primaries on Tuesday, overcoming the financial advantages of Mitt Romney and the regional allegiances of Newt Gingrich to amplify his argument …
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, ThinkProgress, Associated Press, Washington Examiner, Ballot Box, The New Republic, Media Decoder, Feministing, Politico, Marbury, Outside the Beltway, Los Angeles Times, Shakesville, The Other McCain, Don Surber, ABCNEWS, Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, The Last Tradition, The Moderate Voice, Scared Monkeys, The Page, The Hill, Ricochet Conversations Feed, American Power, The Agonist, The Mahablog, CNN and Business Insider

Santorum-Gingrich Ticket Floated By Gingrich Adviser … 2012 Election , Mitt Romney , Newt Gingrich 2012 , Rick Santorum , Elections 2012 , Newt Gingrich , Ron Paul , Video , Election 2012 Blog , Ron Paul 2012 , Mitt Romney 2012 , Rick Santorum 2012 , Santorum , Politics News
ABCNEWS, Power Line, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, GOP 12, National Review and The Moderate Voice

Mitt Romney Said He Was Going to Win Alabama
Slate, The Maddow Blog, BuzzFeed, Taylor Marsh and Daily Kos

First Thoughts: The race goes on
The Moderate Voice, Christian Science Monitor, 2012 Decoded and Politico

The South's turn: Romney, Santorum, Gingrich vie
National Review, CANNONFIRE, The Gateway Pundit and The Lonely Conservative

Born-again Christians dominate GOP vote in AL, MS
The American Conservative, New York Times, No More Mister Nice Blog, Daily Kos and TalkLeft

Santorum wins Ala., Miss.; Romney takes Hawaii
Hit & Run, The Moderate Voice, Towleroad News #gay and Dean's World

Republicans Losing on Birth Control as 77% in Poll Spurn Debate — Americans overwhelmingly regard the debate over President Barack Obama's policy on employer-provided contraceptive coverage as a matter of women's health, not religious freedom, rejecting Republicans' rationale for opposing the rule.
Politico, Reuters, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Raw Story, Ballot Box and ThinkProgress

David Axelrod bails on Bill Maher — David Axelrod will not be appearing as a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” despite reports last week that he was scheduled to do the show in the next few weeks. — “He's not scheduled to go on at this time,” said Ben LaBolt, the press secretary for President Obama's reelection campaign.

Axelrod Cancels on Bill Maher - For Now — Senior Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod has canceled an appearance on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher that was originally scheduled for later this month. — “He's not scheduled to go on at this time,” says Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt …

‘Game Change’ authors: Hillary Clinton in '16 — “Game Change” co-authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann both predicted Wednesday that there was a high probability that Hillary Clinton would run for president in 2016. — “What are the odds this morning that Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016? …
Taylor Marsh

Don't Tread on Us — Hillary Clinton has fought for women's rights around the world.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Law Will Allow Employers to Fire Women for Using Whore Pills [Pill Baby Pill] — A proposed new law in Arizona would give employers the power to request that women being prescribed birth control pills provide proof that they're using it for non-sexual reasons.
Crooks and Liars and Balloon Juice

Senate judiciary committee endorses controversial contraceptive bill — The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 Monday to endorse a controversial bill that would allow Arizona employers the right to deny health insurance coverage for contraceptives based on religious objections.
Addicting Info, Outside the Beltway, Feministing and Firedoglake

After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica Stops the Presses — A set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica on the shelves of the New York Public Library. — After 244 years, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is going out of print. — Those coolly authoritative, gold-lettered reference books …

Romney slams back at Obama on gas prices (UPDATED) — Reid Epstein reports: … UPDATE: Romney didn't spell out what he was referring to in his comments. But Reid points to this story as the likely source.
ThinkProgress and The Maddow Blog

Obama's approval rating up to 50 percent: Reuters/Ipsos poll — (Reuters) - For the first time since early July, more Americans approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing than disapprove, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll that shows his approval rating now at 50 percent.

REJECTED! What the NY Times WON'T Run: Counter-Jihad Facts What the NY Times Will Run: Anti-Catholic Smear Ads — Did you see the virulently anti-Catholic ad that ran in the New York Times last week? That ad inspired AFDI/SIOA, in cooperation with SION (Stop Islamization of Nations) …
National Review, Israel Matzav,, Vox Popoli and Jihad Watch

How much do voters know? — Voters are appalled at President Barack Obama's handling of gas prices, even though virtually every policy expert in both parties says there's little a president can do to affect the day-to-day price of fuel in a global market. — Americans are disgusted …
Campaign 2012, blogs, Politico and Don Surber

House Republican Leaders Plan To Renege On Debt Ceiling Deal — Last week, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) signaled during an interview with Fox Business that he was open to reneging on the budget deal the GOP crafted with Democrats last year during the debacle over raising the nation's debt ceiling.

Pundits gasp as economy dents Obama's poll numbers — You can almost hear the note of surprise in their voices when you read the Washington Post and New York Times reporters' stories on their papers' latest political polls. — Surprise! Just when they thought that Barack Obama was pulling ahead …

Thursday is ‘Poolmageddon’ for trial lawyers — President Obama's Department of Justice — led by Attorney General Eric Holder — has found a new way to make the Americans with Disabilities Act pay off for Democratic trial lawyer campaign donors. — Since the ADA first became law in 1990 …
Hot Air, Campaign 2012 and PointOfLaw Forum

Romney Leads GOP Contest, Trails in Matchup with Obama — Gas Prices Offset Good News about Jobs — OVERVIEW — Mitt Romney has retaken a significant lead nationally in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, even as he has fallen further behind Barack Obama in a general election matchup.
ThinkProgress and Taegan Goddard's …

CEO of Texas Planned Parenthood Arrested for Indecent Exposure — Thank Papers for Not Running the Pro-Abortion Doonesbury Comic — The following newspapers have chosen not to publish a week-long comic strip from Doonesbury that promotes abortion, compares ultrasounds to rapes …
WAVE-TV, Weasel Zippers, UrbanGrounds and The Jawa Report

Mitt Romney speaks in Kirkwood about jobs, energy and deficit — Kirkwood, MO (KSDK) - The republican race for the White House is moving to Missouri. — Mitt Romney stopped in Kirkwood, hoping to drum up support ahead of the state's caucuses this week. — Since Missouri's primary wasn't binding …
ThinkProgress, Crooks and Liars, BuzzFeed, Jezebel, The Maddow Blog, Daily Kos, Addicting Info, Mother Jones, Wonkette and Little Green Footballs

Dante's Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’ — It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante's Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
Via Meadia and The Volokh Conspiracy

Schneiderman Settles Suit Against Banks for Use of MERS for Paltry $25 Million — NY AG lets banks off with puny fine on MERS doc fraud (photo by wayneandwax) — One of the big claims by defenders of the foreclosure fraud settlement is that it's just a down payment on future actions.
Wall Street Journal

Terminal Sickness — How a thirty-year-old policy of deregulation is slowly killing America's airline system—and taking down Cincinnati, Memphis, and St. Louis with it. — Facebook Twitter Digg Reddit StumbleUpon Delicious — “It was certainly one of the hardest choices that I've ever made,” explained Fernando Aguirre.