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Taliban suspends peace talks with U.S. as Panetta concludes Karzai visit — View Photo Gallery — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says despite recent high-profile tragedies, U.S.-Afghan relations remains solid. View photos from the aftermath of an incident where an American service member …
Business Insider, Weasel Zippers and The BLT
In U.S., Half Say U.S. Should Speed Up Afghanistan Withdrawal — About one in four changed to this view because of recent events — PRINCETON, NJ — Fifty percent of Americans say the United States should speed up withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan, while 24% prefer sticking …
Afghan protesters demand U.S. soldier be tried in Afghanistan — Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Afghans took to the streets Thursday to demand a U.S. soldier accused of killing 16 civilians be prosecuted in Afghanistan as word spread that the American military moved him out of the country.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
U.N. to Investigate Voter I.D. Laws — This is really the last straw. It is time to get out of the United Nations: “UN rights council delves into US voter I.D. laws.” … That isn't treason, but it is disloyal; disgracefully so. … This is hilarious, in a black comedy sort of way:
National Review and Israel Matzav
UN rights council delves into US voter I.D. laws
Right Wing News, Don Surber, The Lonely Conservative, The Gateway Pundit and Instapundit
Sandra Fluke's Boyfriend, Adam “Cutie Pants” Mutterperl, And His Radical Socialist Family — Behold! Sandra Fluke's boyfriend, Adam Mutterperl! — Recently, it was reported that Sandra Fluke is connected to none other than 1%'er, William (Bill) Mutterperl, through her boyfriend.
The Jawa Report, The Gateway Pundit, The Mahablog, Lawyers, Guns & Money, TBogg and Riehl World View
Scarce Oil? U.S. Has 60 Times More Than Obama Claims — When he was running for the Oval Office four years ago amid $4-a-gallon gasoline prices, then-Sen. Barack Obama dismissed the idea of expanded oil production as a way to relieve the pain at the pump.
Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening Arpaio — PHOENIX - A man described as a President Barack Obama fanatic pleads guilty to threatening to kill Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. — Adam Eugene Cox appeared in a Tennessee courtroom on Wednesday. — He was arrested last year for a death threat that began on the Internet.
Weasel Zippers
Santorum to Puerto Rico: Speak English if you want statehood — (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum told Puerto Ricans on Wednesday they would have to make English their primary language if they want to pursue U.S. statehood, a statement at odds with the U.S. Constitution.
Face It, He Hates You... Obama in 1990: We're Going to Reshape ‘Mean-Spirited’ and Selfish America — Barack Obama 1990 Interview: Harvard student tackles racism at it's core — Via Ironic Surrealism: — From his 1990 interview: … Hat Tip Ed
Ironic Surrealism
Mitt Romney's dog-on-the-car-roof story still proves to be his critics' best friend — It happened more than a quarter century ago, at the start of a Romney family summer vacation. But the tale of Seamus, the Irish setter who got sick while riding 12 hours on the roof of Mitt Romney's faux …
Prairie Weather
Exclusive: secret Bashar al-Assad emails lift lid on life of leader's inner circle — • Messages show Bashar al-Assad took advice from Iran — • Leader made light of promised reforms — • Wife spent thousands on jewellery and furniture — Bashar al-Assad took advice …
On Goldman Executive Greg Smith's Brave Departure — Wall Street is buzzing this morning about a resignation - a historic one. Greg Smith, the executive director and head of Goldman Sachs's United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, not only decided to quit Goldman …
Goldman Sachs Mobilizes Rapid Smear Campaign Against Whistleblower
Ezra Klein, Deal Journal, Taylor Marsh, Firedoglake, The Jungle and New York Times
Why Ron Paul May Cut a Deal With Mitt Romney — Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Ron Paul shake hands before the start of the first 2012 Republican presidential debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, June 13, 2011. — For Ron Paul, victory is finally in sight.
New York Times, Hot Air, Booman Tribune, Hit & Run, Campaign 2012 and Politico, more at Mediagazer »
Obama's Top Campaign Bundlers Among State Dinner Guests — More than three dozen of President Obama's top re-election campaign financiers are guests at tonight's White House state dinner in honor of British Prime Minister David Cameron. — They include Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein …
Weasel Zippers, Washington Wire, Campaign 2012, Taylor Marsh, Fox News,, Associated Press and Michelle Malkin
Gay Marriage Opponents Begin Collecting Signatures In Maryland — ANNAPOLIS, Md. (CBSDC/AP) — Opponents of a measure that gives gay couples the right to marry in Maryland have officially begun their effort to overturn the law. — Maryland Marriage Alliance officials announced Wednesday …
Joe. My. God.
Four Questions for Bill Maher — JAKE TAPPER: Bill, thanks for doing this. I just wanted to make sure that — as I cover this debate about appropriate language and such, I'm not — excluding any points you think should be made. — BILL MAHER: I don't really know all the “points,” but as I said on my show
Republicans' delegate soup — Mitt Romney has repeatedly argued that no rival can catch up to him in the delegate race, making him the inevitable Republican nominee. — But in the convoluted delegate soup that candidates must navigate, another potential outcome has emerged …
Washington Post and Prairie Weather
The Villain — The left hates him. The right hates him even more. But Ben Bernanke saved the economy—and has navigated masterfully through the most trying of times. — THE U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE was founded 99 years ago, as a bulwark to the banking system and an antidote to its frequent runs and panics.
Modeled Behavior, Mother Jones, The Big Picture and FT Alphaville
Company Puts Obama's, Pelosi's Faces On ‘BastardBlaster’ Shooting Targets — Barack Obama , Nancy Pelosi , Sarah Palin , Video , Obama Shooting Target , Palin Shooting Target , Pelosi Shooting Target , Yipe Media , Yipe Media Shooting Targets , Politics News
The Moderate Voice and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
House Republican leaders set to break US budget deal — * Republican aides say cuts may not be enough for conservatives — * Spending bill impasse, September shutdown battle feared — Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives are ready to break a hard-fought budget deal …
The Moderate Voice, Daily Kos, The Impolitic, A plain blog about politics, Balloon Juice, ThinkProgress and Hullabaloo
Here we go again — Via Pat Garofalo, Reuters reports:
The Maddow Blog, Washington Examiner and US Politics