Top Items:
Four Questions for Bill Maher — JAKE TAPPER: Bill, thanks for doing this. I just wanted to make sure that — as I cover this debate about appropriate language and such, I'm not — excluding any points you think should be made. — BILL MAHER: I don't really know all the “points,” but as I said on my show
Hot Air, Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Mediaite, The Daily Caller and Taylor Marsh
Media Matters astroturfed the Limbaugh secondary boycott
Cold Fury and The Daily Caller
Bill Maher: Rush Limbaugh attacked a ‘civilian’
Mediaite and Weasel Zippers
Mitt Romney's Terrible Fox News Interview — Why does he save his worst performances for the right-leaning network? — When Mitt Romney sits down with a Fox News anchor, things can get hairy. — That fact was on full display Wednesday when the candidate went on Megyn Kelly's show …
Booman Tribune, Guardian, Jezebel, Taylor Marsh and Erick's blog
Romney Leads GOP Contest, Trails in Matchup with Obama
Discussion:, Washington Post, Frontloading HQ, American Prospect and Guardian
Mitt Romney's plans for Planned Parenthood
The Moderate Voice, The Agonist, Taylor Marsh and Ballot Box
Pew: 20 percent of Mitt voters pick Obama over Santorum
CNN, Daily Kos and Outside the Beltway
Sen. Lugar: Marion County Election Board declares senator and wife ineligible to vote in home precinct — UPDATE: The Election Board has voted 2-1 along party lines to find Sen. Richard Lugar, a Republican, and his wife ineligible to vote in their former home precinct.
ABCNEWS, Ballot Box, Outside the Beltway, Hotline On Call and USA Today
Obama knocks Rutherford B. Hayes — President Obama took aim Thursday at one of his Republican predecessors: Rutherford B. Hayes. — Speaking about the need to develop new sources of American energy in Largo, Md., Obama used our 19th president as a failure of forward-thinking leadership.
Indecision Forever, Outside the Beltway and Washington Free Beacon
TPM2012 — Obama Mangles U.S., World History In Energy Speech — President Obama got a laugh out of a Maryland audience on Thursday when he mocked the Republican Party in a speech, comparing their skepticism of alternative energy to the “Flat Earth Society” in Christopher Columbus …
Mediaite, The Daily Caller and Jammie Wearing Fools
RutherfordGate: Historian Responds to President Obama's Hayes Slur — Rutherford B. Hayes: Very much pro-phone. — It's not unusual for President Obama to criticize his Republican predecessors from time to time, but this morning, he targeted his scorn not at George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan, but ... Rutherford B. Hayes.
Weasel Zippers
CBO: Health law could cause as many as 20M to lose coverage — As many as 20 million Americans could lose their employer-provided coverage because of President Obama's healthcare reform law, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in a new report Thursday.
CNN, ThinkProgress, Fox News, Michelle Malkin, Washington Free Beacon, Campaign 2012 and White Blog
Sandra Fluke's Boyfriend, Adam “Cutie Pants” Mutterperl, And His Radical Socialist Family — Behold! Sandra Fluke's boyfriend, Adam Mutterperl! — Recently, it was reported that Sandra Fluke is connected to none other than 1%'er, William (Bill) Mutterperl, through her boyfriend.
Lawyers, Guns & Money, Wonkette, TBogg, Balloon Juice and The Jawa Report
PA GOP Governor Defends Ultrasounds Bill: Tells Concerned Women ‘You Just Have To Close Your Eyes’ — More than 10 state legislatures are considering or have passed bills forcing women to receive an ultrasound before having an abortion. And Pennsylvania lawmakers are considering …
WGAL-TV, Mediaite, Shakesville and Daily Kos
Exclusive: U.S., Britain to agree emergency oil stocks release — (Reuters) - Britain has decided to cooperate with the United States in a bilateral agreement to release strategic oil stocks, two British sources said, in an effort to prevent high fuel prices derailing economic growth in a U.S. election year.
Sense of Events, MarketBeat, FT Alphaville and Campaign 2012
Scarce Oil? U.S. Has 60 Times More Than Obama Claims
Rush Limbaugh, The Gateway Pundit, Cold Fury, Politico, and Doug Ross
U.N. to Investigate Voter I.D. Laws — This is really the last straw. It is time to get out of the United Nations: “UN rights council delves into US voter I.D. laws.” … That isn't treason, but it is disloyal; disgracefully so. … This is hilarious, in a black comedy sort of way:
National Review and Israel Matzav
Obama hits GOP on fuel rhetoric — President Barack Obama took the bully pulpit on Thursday as he assailed Republicans for suggesting they can cut gas prices even as he can't, and for dismissing the development of alternative sources of energy. — Obama didn't mention the GOP presidential contenders …
Washington Post, Ezra Klein and The Huffington Post
Obama compares Republicans to ‘flat earth society’ for stance on green energy
Little Green Footballs
Face It, He Hates You... Obama in 1990: We're Going to Reshape ‘Mean-Spirited’ and Selfish America — Barack Obama 1990 Interview: Harvard student tackles racism at it's core — Via Ironic Surrealism: — From his 1990 interview: … Hat Tip Ed
Washington Monthly
Mitt Romney's dog-on-the-car-roof story still proves to be his critics' best friend — It happened more than a quarter century ago, at the start of a Romney family summer vacation. But the tale of Seamus, the Irish setter who got sick while riding 12 hours on the roof of Mitt Romney's faux …
Wilson Perkins Allen …, Washington Times, Online NewsHour,, Prairie Weather and BuzzFeed
Taliban suspends peace talks with U.S. as Panetta concludes Karzai visit — View Photo Gallery — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says despite recent high-profile tragedies, U.S.-Afghan relations remains solid. View photos from the aftermath of an incident where an American service member …
The Agonist, News Desk, Weasel Zippers, Business Insider, emptywheel and
In U.S., Half Say U.S. Should Speed Up Afghanistan Withdrawal
CNN, The Hill, Politico and Outside the Beltway
Obama's Money and the Enthusiasm Gap — The president's fund-raising troubles are evidence of disappointed Democrats. — Last July, President Obama's campaign announced that it had raised an average of $29 million in each of the previous three months for itself and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Don Surber
Violence Against Women Act Divides Senate — WASHINGTON — With emotions still raw from the fight over President Obama's contraception mandate, Senate Democrats are beginning a push to renew the Violence Against Women Act, the once broadly bipartisan 1994 legislation that now faces fierce opposition from conservatives.
Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, Wonkette, Jezebel, blogs, The Caucus, The Mahablog and The BLT
N.C. Democrats disown ‘racist’ state candidates — Bivins Hollar likes to post videos from his bedroom. About weight loss. About Pokemon cards. About selling chewing gum at a flea market. — But it's the video where he casually talks about “shooting” and starving black South Africans …
Weasel Zippers, The Raw Story, Poynter and Jammie Wearing Fools
Goldman Roiled by Op-Ed Loses $2.2B for Shareholders — Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) saw $2.15 billion of its market value wiped out after an employee assailed Chief Executive Officer Lloyd C. Blankfein's management and the firm's treatment of clients, sparking debate across Wall Street.
ABCNEWS, Firedoglake, Politico, The Week, News Desk, Ezra Klein, AlterNet, Crooks and Liars, Truthdig, The Huffington Post and American Prospect
Kristin Chenoweth Defends GCB from Newt Gingrich Attacks: 'Don't Talk About My Show!' — Kristin Chenoweth defends ‘GCB’ from Newt Gingrich blasts. — Tony winner Kristin Chenoweth's new TV series GCB may be all about “characters and fun,” according to the Broadway vet …
ThinkProgress and Mediaite