Top Items:
Romney Wins Primary in Puerto Rico — Mitt Romney won the Puerto Rico Republican presidential primary contest on Sunday, winning all of the island's 20 delegates at stake because be took more than half of the votes. — The campaign for Puerto Rico's support served as a fresh reminder …
The Moderate Voice and The Lonely Conservative
Romney will win Puerto Rico's GOP primary, CNN projects — San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN) — Mitt Romney will win Sunday's Republican presidential primary in Puerto Rico, CNN projects, based on vote results obtained from local party and election officials. — At 6:50 p.m. ET …
Scared Monkeys
Brown Teases Santorum About Using ‘Protection’ — Sen. Scott Brown joked at a St. Patrick's Day that Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum's secret service detail may be the first time he's ever “used protection.” — “I'm hopeful that all of you are actually following presidential politics.
Mitt Romney easily wins Puerto Rico — SHREVEPORT, La. — Mitt Romney handily beat Rick Santorum in Puerto Rico's presidential primary, the Associated Press reported on Sunday night. — Romney's victory was so convincing that he took all 20 of the island's delegates because he scored more than 50 percent of the vote.
Business Insider and CNN
Senator Scott Brown On Santorum's Security: “The First Time He's Actually Ever Used Protection”
Sen. McCain: Romney ‘improving dramatically’ as a GOP candidate
The Caucus, CNN, FiveThirtyEight and The Hill
The Collapse of Employment-Based Coverage — Reed Abelson at Economix points us to a startling study on the effects of the Great Recession on health insurance. You can see similar trends in the Census data, but for whatever reason this survey — carried out by a highly reputable group — is even stronger.
Mother Jones, Brad DeLong, The Confluence and The Mahablog
C-Span Founder to Step Down as Chief Executive — Brian Lamb, who created the revolutionary nonprofit cable television network C-Span in the late 1970s and has been its public face ever since, is handing it over to two lieutenants, Rob Kennedy and Susan Swain.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Politico
The Power of Plutocratic Pettiness — Via Rich Yeselson, Alec MacGillis has a fantastic piece in the New Republic (unfortunately paywalled) about how hedge fund managers' love for Obama has turned into blind, spitting hatred. His main argument is that it's all about feeling disrespected:
Modeled Behavior and Washington Monthly
THE VETTING - HOLDER 1995: WE MUST ‘BRAINWASH’ PEOPLE ON GUNS — has uncovered video from 1995 of then-U.S. Attorney Eric Holder announcing a public campaign to “really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.” — Holder was addressing the Woman's National Democratic Club.
The Jawa Report, TBogg and The Lonely Conservative
Israel shifts views on Iran — JERUSALEM - Despite saber-rattling from Jerusalem, Israeli officials now agree with the U.S. assessment that Tehran has not yet decided on the actual construction of a nuclear bomb, according to senior Israeli government and defense figures.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
SAN DIEGO TEA PARTY LEADER ARRESTED FOR KIDNAPPING, RAPE — Lemon Grove resident Michael John Kobulnicky, 50, a leader in the San Diego Tea Party and former regional director of the Southern California Conservative Party, is under arrest for allegedly kidnapping and raping a local woman on Fiesta Island.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Impolitic and Crooks and Liars
Sex Assault Suspect a Tea Party Leader
Conservative Hideout 2.0,, Jammie Wearing Fools, Joe. My. God. and The Raw Story
Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness — NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS — By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.) …
President Obama signs Executive Order allowing for control over all US resources
The Volokh Conspiracy
The Hunger Games: Post-Apocalypse Now For Young Adults — The revolution will be televised. So will the post-apocalyptical fight to feed ourselves on a ruined planet. — Those are two key themes of the wildly popular YA trilogy that begins with The Hunger Games, whose movie version comes out this week.
Balloon Juice
Progressivism and the authoritarian impulse — Performed rather perfectly by Stanley Fish, who — because he has spent an academic career immersed in the insular logic of the linguistic turn — is able to comfortably slide into a description of benevolent “liberal” tyranny that he counsels …
McCain: Stop contraception talk — Sen. John McCain said Sunday that the GOP needs to stop talking about contraception and that focusing on the issue is hurting voter perceptions of the party. — “I think we have to fix that,” the Arizona Republican said when asked by David Gregory on NBC's …
Michelle Malkin and Weasel Zippers