Top Items:

Colombian Escort Speaks About Secret Service Scandal — CARTAGENA, Colombia — A Secret Service agent preparing for President Obama's arrival at an international summit meeting and a single mother from Colombia who makes a living as a high-priced escort faced off in a room at the Hotel Caribe …
USA Today, CBS News, Mediaite, The PJ Tatler, Pat Dollard, Guardian, The Daily Caller, Politico, Hot Air, PJ Media, Outside the Beltway, New York Magazine, and Yahoo! News

NUGENT REVEALS DATE OF HIS SECRET SERVICE INTERVIEW IN EPIC GLENN BECK INTERVIEW: 'WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A LITTLE BBQ' — Rock star and gun enthusiast Ted Nugent appeared on Glenn Beck's radio show this morning. The outspoken musician discussed the heat he's been taking over controversial comments …
CNN, Wake up America, The Raw Story, Wonkette, Gawker and ABCNEWS

Congressional Oversight Leaders Say Secret Service Agents Brought Prostitutes into Contact …
Washington Post, New York Times and New York Magazine

Three Secret Service agents leave due to prostitution scandal

Ted Nugent to meet with Secret Service
USA Today, Weasel Zippers, The Week, Livewire and New York Magazine

Jim Webb: Health-care law represents a leadership failure for Obama — President Obama's new health-care law will be his greatest liability as he attempts to once again win the critical swing state of Virginia, Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) warned Wednesday. — “I'll be real frank here,” Webb said at a breakfast organized by Bloomberg News.
The Gateway Pundit, Booman Tribune and Conservatives4Palin

Obama camp tries to diversify — President Barack Obama's team is looking to hire more African-Americans, a search that has stirred a debate among black Democrats about Obama's record on diversity and its implications for his reelection. — Stefanie Brown, director of the campaign's African …
Weasel Zippers and Campaign 2012

Bam Bites Dog — The political perils of personal attacks. — One time Barack Obama went to an Indian restaurant and ordered the lassi. Was he ever disappointed when the waiter brought him a yogurt drink! — We'll be here all week. But seriously, folks, we have a man-bites-dog story for you today.

Dogs Against Romney: On Obama, Dog Meat, and Mitt
Mediaite and Weasel Zippers

Why Seamus Matters — The now famous story of how Mitt Romney strapped …
Weasel Zippers, RADAMISTO, The Daily Caller and National Review

Dogs Against Romney Defends Obama Over Dog Consumption Revelations
Hot Air, ABCNEWS, The Week, Little Green Footballs and The Huffington Post

The most amazing Supreme Court chart. Maybe ever. — While browsing around the Pew polling site this morning — and, yes, we do a fair amount of that — we came across a chart on the Supreme Court that reminded us, for the billionth time, that assuming the average person follows …

The smartest choice Ann Romney made — There is no shame in marrying up — Mitt and Ann, serving a pancake breakfast. — As a thirtysomething, city-dwelling, hypereducated, independent-thinking woman, I suppose I should recoil at the idea of one day getting married …
Hullabaloo and TBogg

Democrats to introduce WORK Act to give all mothers the same choice Ann Romney had
The Confluence, ECHIDNE of the snakes, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post and Mother Jones

Phony Mommy Wars
Washington Monthly, The Daily Dish, Weekly Standard, The Moderate Voice, The PJ Tatler and Daily Kos

Vatican orders crackdown on American nuns — WASHINGTON — The Vatican has launched a crackdown on the umbrella group that represents most of America's 55,000 Catholic nuns, saying that the group was not speaking out strongly enough against gay marriage, abortion and women's ordination.
New York Times, Little Green Footballs and Towleroad News #gay

Romney: Obama is ‘in over his head’ on the economy — Mitt Romney said President Barack Obama is “in over his head and swimming in the wrong direction” when it comes to the nation's economy and that his policies are “putting in peril” America's future. — Speaking in Charlotte, N.C. …
Politico, Yahoo! News, Reuters and CNN

MEDIA MATTERS' ERIC BOEHLERT DOWNPLAYED GENOCIDAL ANTI-SEMITISM — Two weeks ago, Media Matters for America (MMFA) quasi-parted ways with anti-Semitic Senior Foreign Policy Fellow MJ Rosenberg, who was fond of labeling pro-Israel Jews “Israel firsters.” This PR maneuver was designed …
Israel Matzav, The PJ Tatler and The Jawa Report

TV Host and Icon of New Year's Eve — Dick Clark, the perpetually youthful-looking television host whose long-running daytime song-and-dance fest, “American Bandstand,” did as much as anyone or anything to advance the influence of teenagers and rock ‘n’ roll on American culture, died Wednesday in Santa Monica, Calif. He was 82.
Gawker and Media Decoder, more at Mediagazer »

What's with Obama? His Falklands gaffe angers Brits, puzzles others — OK, picture this: President George W. Bush, he of the cast-iron Texas tongue, at a news conference concluding an international summit. — He's asked about a dispute involving Argentina and Great Britain …

The $5 Trillion Man: Debt Has Increased Under Obama by $5,027,761,476,484.56
CNN, The Jawa Report, The Gateway Pundit, Wake up America and Conservatives4Palin

Mel Gibson Rage Rant in Costa Rica: ‘Filthy C—sucker Whore’ (Audio) — Mel Gibson shouted terrifying epithets at his houseguests during a rampage at his home in Costa Rica in December, according to a recording obtained by TheWrap. — Houseguest and screenwriter Joe Eszterhas provided the recording …

Secret poll: State senators favor Liljenquist in U.S. Senate race — SALT LAKE CITY — A secret poll of state senators found them favoring one of their former colleagues in the race for U.S. Senate. — Republican Dan Liljenquist came out on top in an informal poll conducted by the Office of the Legislative Auditor General.

Whistleblower Alleges Top U.S. Official Got Blowjob On Roof Of Baghdad Embassy — State Department gadfly Peter Van Buren drops a bombshell on his blog. He claims there's a sex tape. — A Foreign Service Officer who once posed for Playboy, according to State Departement official and blogger Peter Van Buren.

Rule No. 1: It is Poor Judgement to Talk About Fight Club
emptywheel and

U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers — An American soldier says he released the photos to the Los Angeles Times to draw attention to the safety risk of a breakdown in leadership and discipline. The Army has started a criminal investigation.
New York Times, Yahoo! News, Boing Boing, ABCNEWS, Mediaite, JOSHUAPUNDIT,, CBS News, Hot Air, NO QUARTER, Fox News, News Desk, Guardian, World Now, Poynter, Firedoglake, Washington Post, Truthdig, The Daily Caller, Politico, Campaign 2012, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, emptywheel, Atlas Shrugs, Taylor Marsh, TalkLeft, Wonkette, New York Magazine, Jammie Wearing Fools, National Review, The Daily Dish, Shakesville, CNN, Jihad Watch and The Jawa Report, more at Mediagazer »

Catholic League Promises To “Mobilize” Religious Groups Against Jon Stewart — A bit about a “vagina manger” offends. “We will not stop with a boycott,” the League's president writes. — A segment of The Daily Show skewering the media fervor over the “war on women” that recommended that women use …
Mediaite, TBogg, The Raw Story and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Gulf seafood deformities alarm scientists — Eyeless shrimp and fish with lesions are becoming common, with BP oil pollution believed to be the likely cause. — New Orleans, LA - “The fishermen have never seen anything like this,” Dr Jim Cowan told Al Jazeera.

Letter details allegations of sexual harassment at N.C. Democratic Party — A former staffer accused the Democratic Party's executive director of showing him a picture of a penis, caressing his leg and discussing his sexual exploits, according to a new document obtained by The News & Observer.

Studies Question the Pairing of Food Deserts and Obesity — It has become an article of faith among some policy makers and advocates, including Michelle Obama, that poor urban neighborhoods are food deserts, bereft of fresh fruits and vegetables. — But two new studies have found something unexpected.
Rush Limbaugh, Power Line, Ezra Klein, Hit & Run and Opinionator

Ken Lester named new judge in Zimmerman murder case — The 15-year judge has experience in high-profile cases. — SANFORD - The new judge in the George Zimmerman murder case will be Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr., who's been on the bench 15 years. — The case passed to him today, but not before things got a bit complicated.

Phyllis Schlafly: Let's Destroy The Word Feminism Just Like We Did Liberal! — My gratitude to the stalwarts at Right Wing Watch for watching nearly two hours of Phyllis Schlafly's seminar earlier this month at The Citadel. She had some interesting things to say about feminism.