Top Items:

U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers — An American soldier says he released the photos to the Los Angeles Times to draw attention to the safety risk of a breakdown in leadership and discipline. The Army has started a criminal investigation.

Phony Mommy Wars — Ann Romney is a good mom. — She's also a good pol. — And though her people skills are far superior to Mitt's, it turns out that Ann is just as capable as her husband of turning an advantage into a disadvantage. — After the liberal strategist Hilary Rosen …
Washington Monthly, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Dish, The PJ Tatler and Daily Kos

Ted Nugent Stands By Obama Remarks, Compares Himself To ‘Black Jew At A Nazi-Klan Rally’ (AUDIO) … FOLLOW: — Video, Ted Nugent, Ted Nugent Obama, Dana Loesch, Dana Loesch Ted Nugent, Nugent, Nugent Obama, Obama Nugent, Ted Nugent Dana Loesch, Ted Nugent Nancy Pelosi, Ted Nugent Obama Comments …

Santorum letter: Romney as nominee ‘truly frightens me’
The Gateway Pundit, Des Moines Register, New York Magazine and Los Angeles Times

The year of the ‘surrogate’ — Hilary Rosen. Bill Maher.
No More Mister Nice Blog and Gawker

Romney says ‘vast left-wing conspiracy’ in media is attacking him
CNN, Politico and Los Angeles Times

Hey, if we're going to talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago, let's talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago. — Can you name the author of this quote? … Give up? That's Barack Obama, writing about his childhood with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro …

Obama, Romney in dead heat, CBS News/New York Times poll finds — CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto. — Mitt Romney has closed the gap with President Obama among registered voters, a CBS News …
Firedoglake, ABCNEWS, CNN, Politico, Reuters, Ballot Box, GOP 12,, Pew Research Center … and The Moderate Voice

Romney and Obama Are in a Tight Contest, Poll Finds — Mitt Romney has solidified support within his party for the presidential nomination after Rick Santorum's exit from the race, but is locked in a tight race with President Obama as attention turns to the general election phase of the campaign …
Salon, Guardian, theGrio, Daily Kos, Hot Air, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and Jammie Wearing Fools

One for the Country — I had to catch a train in Washington last week. The paved street in the traffic circle around Union Station was in such poor condition that I felt as though I was on a roller coaster. I traveled on the Amtrak Acela, our sorry excuse for a fast train …
Washington Monthly, Outside the Beltway, Gawker and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Washington Monthly, The Impolitic, Hullabaloo, The Agonist, Brad DeLong, Lawyers, Guns & Money and The Mahablog

Rule No. 1: It is Poor Judgement to Talk About Fight Club — What counts as poor judgement or lack of discretion these days such that Federal employment is no longer suitable? It is a good question, because the State Department is proposing to fire me in part for my “poor judgement” …
Business Insider and emptywheel

Kelly wins GOP primary in contest for former Rep. Giffords's seat — Jesse Kelly won a special primary election in Arizona on Tuesday, securing the Republican nomination to replace former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). — Kelly, an Iraq War veteran and project manager …

Kelly to face Barber for Giffords' seat

BAR RAFAEL! (A Ninja Turtle???) LOL!!!!!!! Give me a break. How full of yourself can you get “BAR?” So pretentious! Anything for some press too! Sick.... I think Bar is the least beautiful of the VS Models. — It amazes me that some of you idiots still think that these pat downs are about security.
Don Surber and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

NBC: Prostitute's $50 fee for two agents triggered Secret Service scandal — U.S. Secret Service director Mark Sullivan has been briefing members of Congress about the allegations that the Secret Service and military personnel brought prostitutes back to their hotel in Colombia last week.

Secret Service agents in sex scandal may take lie detector tests
Hot Air

The List of Top Republican VP Candidates — Mitt Romney's search for a vice presidential running mate has only just begun, but speculation among top Republicans and Romney's close allies is well under way. Here is how the list of potential running mates looks today. — Top Tier
Taegan Goddard's …

IRS Might Have Stalinist Powers Under New Law — Liberty: The Republican House of Representatives may soon follow the Democratic Senate and give the IRS the power to confiscate your passport on mere suspicion of owing taxes. There's no place like home, comrade.
Questions and Observations

Democrats punt on Senate budget bill for 3rd year — Committee chairman to revisit Bowles-Simpson plan of 2010 — In a stunning backtrack that virtually guarantees Congress for the third year will be unable to produce a budget, Senate Democrats' top budget writer Tuesday canceled …
The Heritage Foundation, RedState, blogs, and UrbanGrounds

A Deal in the Works With Iran? — WASHINGTON — The nuclear talks with Iran have just begun, but already the smart money in Tehran is betting on a deal. That piece of intelligence comes from the Tehran stock index, which on the day after the talks opened posted its largest daily rise in months and closed at a record high.
The Moderate Voice, Swampland and Israel Matzav

Police: Man strips naked at Oregon airport in TSA protest — (CNN) — A 50-year-old man who said he felt that airport screeners were “harassing” him stripped naked at Portland International Airport, police in Oregon said. — Police charged John E. Brennan with disorderly conduct …
Gawker and The Latest Word

North Korea Says It Will Abandon Deal With U.S. — SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea said on Tuesday that it was abandoning an agreement it made in February with the United States, in which it promised to suspend uranium enrichment, nuclear tests and long-range missile tests.
Firedoglake, The PJ Tatler and National Review

Archbishop of Wales says gay marriage deserves welcome of church — The Archbishop of Wales has lent his support to gay marriage today, saying: “All life-long committed relationships deserved the welcome, pastoral care and support of the Church.” — In his presidential address to members …
ThinkProgress and

'Don't Say Gay' bill advances in the House — Tennessee's elementary and middle school teachers could face more pressure not to talk about homosexuality with their students next year after the so-called Don't Say Gay bill cleared a House education committee Tuesday.
ThinkProgress, Towleroad News #gay and Human Rights Campaign

Catholic Priest Receives Standing Ovation For Shunning Anti-Marriage Equality Petition Drive — At least six Catholic parishes in Washington state have ignored the Seattle Archbishop's call to gather signatures for a referendum repealing the state's recently-enacted marriage equality law …
Strange Bedfellows and Joe. My. God.