Top Items:
Mark Halperin / The Page:
Romney Talks — In a 36-minute Wednesday Manhattan interview with Mark Halperin, Romney pushes back on President Obama's Bain attack, predicts he can drive unemployment down to six percent by the end of his first term and says he wants Washington to sit still during the lame-duck session.
Politico, ABCNEWS,, Swampland, Business Insider, CNN, New York Magazine, Washington Post, The Maddow Blog, Daily Kos, GOP 12 and The Raw Story
Steven Rattner / New York Times:
Op-Ed Contributor: Creating Jobs Wasn't Romney's Job — PRESIDENT OBAMA started his general election campaign by taking aim at Mitt Romney's job creation record at Bain, setting off a lively debate over the fairness of the attacks. — I am among those who have been drawn into the argument …
Discussion:, Yahoo! News, CNN, Hit & Run, Firedoglake, National Review, GOP 12, Washington Post and p m carpenter's commentary

The Complete Romney Interview Transcript — Halperin: So Governor, the economy is the big issue in this campaign. I want to talk about a range of things, as much as we can fit in in the time, but, obviously, jobs is the biggest issue. You've started to tell people what you believe in …
Ballot Box, Washington Monthly, No More Mister Nice Blog and The Daily Caller
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Romney vows to lower jobless rate in first term to 6 percent
Romney vows to lower jobless rate in first term to 6 percent
Hot Air, CNN, and Mediaite
Mark Murray /
Obama leads big with Latinos
Obama leads big with Latinos
GOP 12, ThinkProgress, Outside the Beltway, Ballot Box, The Reaction and Colorlines
The Romney Interview Transcript - Bain Capital
The Romney Interview Transcript - Bain Capital
New York Magazine, Daily Kos, Weasel Zippers and Washington Post
Damla Ergun / ABCNEWS:
Most Call High School Off-Limits in Evaluating Candidate Character
Most Call High School Off-Limits in Evaluating Candidate Character
New York Magazine and Washington Free Beacon
Cameron Joseph / Ballot Box:
Democrats balk at Obama campaign's sustained attack on Bain Capital
Democrats balk at Obama campaign's sustained attack on Bain Capital
Politico, Wonkette, Corrente, Weasel Zippers, New York Magazine, Hot Air,, Associated Press, CNN, and No More Mister Nice Blog

FAKE EXPLICIT IMAGE OF S.E. CUPP REPORTEDLY APPEARS IN HUSTLER (GRAPHIC) — The Blaze has been alerted to a fake explicit image apparently published in Hustler magazine depicting GBTV host and conservative commentator S.E. Cupp engaged in a sex act with what appears to be a penis in her mouth.

Will S.E. Cupp Sue Hustler? — S.E. Cupp, a conservative commentator who works for GBTV, is in a bit of a pickle. She appears in Hustler, but not in the way you might think. The Blaze, a sister company to GBTV that is owned by Mercury Inc. which is owned by Glenn Beck …
The Daily Caller, and Mediaite
Phil Elmore / Twitchy:
Weaponized misogyny: Hustler punishes S.E. Cupp for pro-life views with explicit fake image
Weaponized misogyny: Hustler punishes S.E. Cupp for pro-life views with explicit fake image
Discussion:, The Daily Caller and Mediaite
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Free speech moment: Standing with Stacy McCain, Patterico, Liberty Chick, and Aaron Walker — I know what it's like to find out that you've been targeted for violence — real violence, as in being targeted for death by an extremist who has picked out his target based on nothing more than writing about politics.

‘He Has No F-king Soul’ — Today there is a massive Memeorandum aggregation about convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, including one on an article by my filmmaker buddy Ladd Ehlinger Jr.: — What Did Barbara Streisand Know ... And When Did She Know It?
The PJ Tatler, The Lonely Conservative and LEE STRANAHAN dot COM
Ta-Nehisi Coates / The Atlantic Online:
White Resentment, Obama, and Appalachia — Steve Kornacki tries to do the math on Obama's unpopularity throughout Appalachia: … I think that “Chalking this up up only to race” is a strawman, and its one that I often see writers invoke when talking about white resentment and Obama.
Washington Monthly, Outside the Beltway, The Confluence, Balloon Juice, ABCNEWS and

Obama struggles in Kentucky, Arkansas
The Gateway Pundit, Washington Post, The Atlantic Wire,, Balloon Juice, Booman Tribune, ABCNEWS, Outside the Beltway, Ballot Box, Weasel Zippers,,, Jammie Wearing Fools, Taegan Goddard's …, The Lonely Conservative and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
Chris Cillizza / Washington Post:
Kentucky, Arkansas primaries: Is it racism?
Kentucky, Arkansas primaries: Is it racism?
The New Republic, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative
John Fund / National Review:
Obama's Primary Challengers
Obama's Primary Challengers
Daily Pundit and The Camp Of The Saints
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
“Pro-Choice” Americans at Record-Low 41% — Americans now tilt “pro-life” by nine-point margin, 50% to 41% — PRINCETON, NJ — The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as “pro-choice” is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009.
Los Angeles Times, Guardian, Daily Kos, Politico, The American Catholic, The Maddow Blog, Hot Air, Ezra Klein, Taking Note, Addicting Info, ThinkProgress, The Daily Caller, Washington Monthly, ABCNEWS, The Daily Dish, The Hayride, Weasel Zippers, American Prospect, UrbanGrounds, Mediaite, and Shakesville
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Americans' Views of Biden Remain Divided
Americans' Views of Biden Remain Divided
CNN, Politico, Ballot Box, 2012 Decoded and Washington Free Beacon
Adam Serwer / Mother Jones:
Many “Pro-Life” Americans Don't Want To Outlaw Abortion
Many “Pro-Life” Americans Don't Want To Outlaw Abortion
National Review and OSV Daily Take Blog
Washington Post:
After President Obama's announcement, opposition to same-sex marriage hits record low — Public opinion continues to shift in favor of same-sex marriage, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, which also finds initial signs that President Obama's support for the idea may have changed a few minds.
Matt Vasilogambros / The Atlantic Online:
Colin Powell to Romney on Foreign Policy: ‘Come on, Mitt, Think’
Colin Powell to Romney on Foreign Policy: ‘Come on, Mitt, Think’
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Mediaite
Michael A. Memoli / Los Angeles Times:
Colin Powell not ready to endorse Obama, questions Romney foreign policy
Colin Powell not ready to endorse Obama, questions Romney foreign policy

Actually, the Obama spending binge really did happen — Until Barack Obama took office in 2009, the United States had never spent more than 23.5% of GDP, with the exception of the World War II years of 1942-1946. Here's the Obama spending record: — 25.2% of GDP in 2009 — 24.1% of GDP in 2010
Donovan Slack / Politico:
Carney: Don't buy into GOP ‘B.S.’
Carney: Don't buy into GOP ‘B.S.’
Daily Kos and The Lonely Conservative

Alan Simpson flips out at Calif. seniors — The nice thing about being out of office? You can say whatever you please. — Which is exactly what former Sen. Alan Simpson did in a harsh letter he sent to the California Alliance for Retired Americans and which was obtained by POLITICO:
Firedoglake, Hit & Run, Wonkette, ABCNEWS, Hullabaloo and National Review

American Airlines Rejects Female Passenger Because Political Pro-Choice T-Shirt is “Inappropriate” — Yesterday I attended a meeting of pro-choice colleagues working to ensure women throughout this country get safe, compassionate abortion care. Today, I received an email from one of those colleagues …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, ThinkProgress, Mother Jones, Weasel Zippers,, Wonkette, Addicting Info, Hullabaloo and The Raw Story

Indelible Image of Boy's Pat on Obama's Head — WASHINGTON — For decades at the White House, photographs of the president at work and at play have hung throughout the West Wing, and each print soon gives way to a more recent shot. But one picture of President Obama remains after three years.
Orlando Sentinel:
Several George Zimmerman witnesses change their accounts — Evidence released last week in the second-degree-murder case against George Zimmerman shows four key witnesses made major changes in what they say they saw and heard the night he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.
Nancy Pelosi / Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Allow House to Vote Now on Permanent Extension of Middle Income Tax Cuts — Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today called on Speaker Boehner to bring a permanent extension of the middle income tax cuts to the House floor immediately and use …
Washington Wire
David Dayen / Firedoglake:
Pelosi Shifts the Goalposts - Now Draws Line on Bush Tax Cuts at $1 Million
Pelosi Shifts the Goalposts - Now Draws Line on Bush Tax Cuts at $1 Million
The People's View
Debbie Siegelbaum / Ballot Box:
FEC turns over confidential documents to House lawmakers — The Federal Election Commission has turned a trove of confidential documents over to House lawmakers following a call to increase agency transparency. — On Wednesday, Republicans on the House Administration Committee praised …
Dave Levinthal / Politico:
Congress wins fight for election docs

Man Arrested for OWI with Zebra, Parrot in Front Seat of Truck — The zebra and parrot at the Reiter's home in Cascade. (KCRG/The Gazette) — DUBUQUE, Iowa - It sounds like the beginning of a joke. A man, a zebra, a parrot walk into a bar. — A Cascade man was arrested outside …
CNN, Mediaite, The Daley Gator,, and The Lonely Conservative

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights — Ronald Reagan, Strom Thurmond, and other civil rights heroes. Not pictured: black people. — The civil rights movement, once a controversial left-wing fringe, has grown deeply embedded into the fabric of our national story.