Top Items:
Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism — You're about to listen to one of the most bone-chilling pieces of audio you will ever hear. At least, it was to me when I first heard it. — It's a phone call that could have gotten me killed.
protein wisdom, The Moderate Voice, The Jawa Report, FilmLadd Blogs, Right Wing News,, Michelle Malkin, All American Blogger, NoOneOfAnyImport, RedState, Wintery Knight, Conservative Commune, The Camp Of The Saints, The Diary of Daedalus, The PJ Tatler, Full Frontal Nerdery, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion,, WyBlog, Popehat, The Coalition Of The Swilling, Cold Fury, Allergic to Bull, Midwest Conservative Journal, Nice Deb, An Ex-Con's View, Pundit & Pundette, Rhymes With Right, National Review, The Lonely Conservative, Datechguy's Blog, 'Cause I Said So, Pirate's Cove, Politicaljunkie Mom, The Radio Patriot, The Political Commentator, The American Catholic,, The Other McCain, That Mr. G Guy's Blog, LEE STRANAHAN dot COM, Bob Owens, Theo Spark, hogewash, Moe Lane, The New Editor, Truth Before Dishonor, Blazing Cat Fur and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
Washington Examiner:
How to kill the First Amendment — Fox News' Roger Ailes said this recently during an address at his alma mater, Ohio University: “I have one wish for OU, that it continues to be a place for open debate where people from different points of view with various opinions can meet and discuss these things openly.
The Daley Gator, Sister Toldjah, Lady Liberty 1885, BackyardConservative and The Camp Of The Saints
Matthew Vadum / Front Page Magazine:
Brett Kimberlin and the Hall of Fame of Leftist Terrorists
Brett Kimberlin and the Hall of Fame of Leftist Terrorists
Arms are the Mark …, Bookworm Room, Darth Chipmunk, askmarion, Daria DiGiovanni, The Mental Recession and The Jawa Report
Obama stumbles out of the gate — Nothing inspires Democrats like the Barack Obama swagger — the supreme self-confidence on stage, the self-certainty in private. — So nothing inspires more angst than when that same Obama stumbles, as he has leaving the gate in 2012.
Discussion:, The Moderate Voice, Mediaite, The PJ Tatler,, Hot Air and Stop The ACLU
Obama Leaps Into Direct Attacks
American Prospect, ABCNEWS, White House Dossier, The Caucus and The Hill
James Taranto / Wall Street Journal:
The Ultimate Dark Horse
The Ultimate Dark Horse
Mother Jones, Washington Monthly, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Real Clear Politics
Zeke Miller / BuzzFeed:
Not Arrogant Any More — Confidence gives way to resignation.
Not Arrogant Any More — Confidence gives way to resignation.
Hot Air, 2012 Decoded, GayPatriot, Wall Street Journal and CNN
Neil Munro / The Daily Caller:
Obama national co-chair works in private equity, like Romney
Obama national co-chair works in private equity, like Romney
Politicker, Politico,, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Fire Andrea Mitchell! and The PJ Tatler
Noonan: Mitt Romney's Moment — The GOP nominee explains why he thinks America is at an ‘inflection point.’ — It's been a good week for Mitt Romney. The polls are up, he's just off a two-day swing through Connecticut and New York, where he hauled in big donors and hard money …
ABCNEWS, Crooks and Liars, Politico, Wonkette, The Daily Caller, The Raw Story, Hotline On Call,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Post, Guardian, CNN and Yahoo! News
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Egos and Immorality — In the wake of a devastating financial crisis, President Obama has enacted some modest and obviously needed regulation; he has proposed closing a few outrageous tax loopholes; and he has suggested that Mitt Romney's history of buying and selling companies …
Booman Tribune and Daily Kos
Filings add to questions on Warren's ethnic claims — US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren has said she was unaware that Harvard Law School had been promoting her purported Native American heritage until she read about it in a newspaper several weeks ago. — But for at least six straight …
A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama — Barry was quite the accomplished marijuana enthusiast back in high school and college. Excerpts from David Maraniss' Barack Obama: The Story dealing with the elaborate drug culture surrounding the president when he attended Punahou School …
Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Wonkette, No More Mister Nice Blog and
Jamie Klatell / Ballot Box:
Unions angry with Dems over lack of help in Wisconsin recall — Top union officials are lashing out at Washington Democrats, claiming they haven't done enough to help them unseat Gov. Scott Walker (R) in Wisconsin's recall election. — President Obama has been silent on the race since …
Center for Media and Democracy, Hot Air,, Wisconsin Reporter and FiveThirtyEight
Sean Sullivan / Hotline On Call:
Led by Walker, Republicans Winning Wisconsin Ad Spending Battle
Led by Walker, Republicans Winning Wisconsin Ad Spending Battle
ThinkProgress and Balloon Juice
Albany Times Union Editor Says Police Targeted His Wife's Spa — ALBANY — In early spring, the police raided a spa near the Capitol, alleging that a masseuse was actually a prostitute. — It appeared to be a minor arrest, except that the spa's owner is the wife of the investigations editor at the local newspaper, The Times Union.
New York Magazine, Poynter and Capital Tonight, more at Mediagazer »
Brendan J. Lyons / Albany Times Union:
Police raid draws internal review
Police raid draws internal review
Wow!... Obama Campaign Holds Protest Outside Romney Stop in Philly (Video) — When all else fails, stalk your opponent. — Mitt Romney visited an inner city school in Philadelphia today to discuss his education agenda. The Obama Campaign met him at the school and protested his visit outside.
Good Journalism: CNN's Baldwin Puts Perkins' Anti-gay Views in Context — Thursday afternoon, CNN's Brooke Baldwin gave an almost textbook example of how to tell a complete story when dealing with an anti-gay activist. Joining Baldwin was Tony Perkins, there to speak about his 3PM press …
Firedoglake, The New Civil Rights Movement and Towleroad News #gay
Frances Martel / Mediaite:
CNN's Brooke Baldwin Takes Tony Perkins To The Woodshed: ‘Why Do Homosexuals Bother You So Much?’
CNN's Brooke Baldwin Takes Tony Perkins To The Woodshed: ‘Why Do Homosexuals Bother You So Much?’
American Power and The Raw Story
Investor's Business Daily:
Scooter Obama Outs Navy SEAL Team 6 Leader For Movie — National Security: New documents obtained by a watchdog group show our commander in chief gave the name of a Navy Seal Team 6 commander to the makers of a movie about Osama bin Laden. Valerie Plame, call your office.
The Mental Recession
Paul Schwartzman / Washington Post:
Marion Barry commits new gaffe while apologizing to Asians — D.C. Council member Marion Barry yesterday stepped up his campaign to mend relations with Asians, apologizing again for disparaging remarks he made about Koreans and Filipinos, and pledging to work to improve ties between them and African Americans.
BuzzFeed and Ed Driscoll
To Get Growth, Shrink the State — The best stimulus is a smaller government. — Confusion reigns supreme. The International Monetary Fund told the U.K. this week that it should cut taxes and boost spending while also praising the fiscal consolidation of 2010, which saw a mere 1% cut from public spending.
Hit & Run
A Case Study in Right-Wing Media Malpractice from — In breathlessly reporting that President Obama once dressed in colonial garb, the site does nothing to advance the public interest or conservative governance. — Conservatives including Rep. Paul Ryan, Gov. Mitch Daniels …
Washington Monthly, A plain blog about politics, askmarion and
Federal Judge Rules DOMA, Tax Code Force Unconstitutional Treatment For Same-Sex Couples — On Thursday evening, a federal judge in California held that the Defense of Marriage Act and a provision of tax law unconstitutionally limit same-sex couples and domestic partners from participating …
ThinkProgress and Human Rights Campaign
Ian Swanson / The Hill:
Democrats disagree over who should pay higher tax rates — Rep. Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) doubling down on a $1 million threshold for extending the Bush-era tax rates has re-launched the thorny Democratic debate over who should pay higher taxes. — Despite Pelosi's full-throated endorsement …
Busted!... Obama Headlined a DEMOCRAT SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA Event in 1996 **FLIER** — Can we call him a socialist now??? — Barack Obama headlined a Democrat Socialists of America town hall meeting in Chicago in 1996. — Buzzfeed reported: — And don't forget about this...
JPMorgan Gave Risk Oversight To Museum Head Who Sat On AIG Board — The three directors who oversee risk at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) include a museum head who sat on American International Group Inc.'s governance committee in 2008, the grandson of a billionaire and the chief executive officer …
New York Magazine and The Awl
Alicia M. Cohn / The Hill:
If Michelle Obama could choose: 'I'd be Beyonce' — If First lady Michelle Obama could be anyone else, she would be Beyonce. — “It looks like musicians just have the most fun,” Obama told People magazine in an interview that hit newsstands on Friday. — Obama and the music superstar praised each …